Publication:Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 032

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Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 032
Dungeon Magazine 032 0000.jpg
System: Dungeons and Dragons 2e 
Abbreviation: DM32 
Author: Barbara G. Young 
Publisher: TSR Inc. 
Publication Date: November 199 
Format: PDF 
Page Count: 71 
Price: $3.75

Table of Contents[edit]

  • Changeling: It's big. It's old. It's mean. But is it white? Not quite! Battle Jhannexydofalamarne, also known as Whitefire, an albino Red dragon. Sidetrek module for 4-8 PC's of levels 8-10.

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AbbreviationDM32 +
AuthorBarbara G. Young +
Media TypePDF +
Page Count71 +
Publication DateNovember 0199 JL +
PublisherTSR Inc. +
SystemDungeons and Dragons 2e +
TitleDungeon 032 +