Publication:Monster Manual (1e)
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This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.
Alphabetical Table of Contents[edit]
- A
- Aerial Servant—Anhkheg—Ant, Giant—Ape—Axebeak
- B
- Baboon—Badger—Baluchitherium—Barracuda—Basilisk—Bear—Beaver, Giant—Beetle, Giant—Beholder—Black Pudding—Blink Dog—Board—Brain Mole—Brownie—Buffalo—Bugbear—Bulette—Bull
- C
- Camel, Wild—Carrion Crawler—Catoblepas—Cattle, Wild—Centaur—Centipede, Giant—Cerebral Parasite—Chimera—Cockatrice—Couatl—Crab, Giant—Crayfish, Giant—Crocodile
- D
- Demon—Devil—Dinosaur—Displacer Beast—Djinni—Dog—Dolphin—Doppleganger—Dragon—Dragonne—Dragon Turtle—Dryad—Dwarf
- E
- Eagle, Giant—Ear Seeker—Eel—Efreet—Elemental—Elephant—Elf—Ettin—Eye, Floating—Eye of the Deep
- F
- Flightless Bird—Frog, Giant—Fungi, Violet
- G
- Gar, Giant—Gargoyle—Gas Spore—Gelatinous Cube—Ghast—Ghost—Ghoul—Giant—Gnoll—Gnome—Goat, Giant—Goblin—Golem—Gorgon—Gray Ooze—Green Slime—Griffon—Groaning Spirit
- H
- Halfling—Harpy—Hell Hound—Herd Animal—Hippocampus—Hippogriff—Hippopotamus—Hobgoblin—Homunculus—Horse—Hydra—Hyena
- I
- Imp—Intellect Devourer—Invisible Stalker—Irish Deer—Ixitxachitl
- J
- Jackal—Jackalwere—Jaguar
- K
- Ki-rin—Kobold
- L
- Lamia—Lammasu—Lamprey—Larva—Leech, Giant—Leopard—Leprechaun—Leucrotta—Lich—Lion—Lizard—Lizard Man—Locathah—Lurker Above—Lycanthrope—Lynx, Giant
- M
- Mammoth—Manticore—Masher—Mastodon—Medusa—Men—Mermen—Mimic—Mind Flayer—Minotaur—Mold—Morkoth—Mule—Mummy
- N
- Naga—Neotyugh—Night Hag—Nightmare—Nixie—Nymph
- O
- Ochre Jelly—Octopus, Giant—Ogre—Ogre Mage—Orc—Otter, Giant—Otyugh—Owl, Giant—Owlbear
- P
- Pegasus—Peryton—Piercer—Pike, Giant—Pixie—Porcupine, Giant—Portuguese Man-O-War—Pseudo-Dragon—Purple Worm
- Q
- Quasit
- R
- Rakshasa—Ram, Giant—Rat, Giant—Ray—Remorhaz—Rhinoceros—Roc—Roper—Rot Grub—Rust Monster
- S
- Sahuagin—Salamander—Satyr—Scorpion, Giant—Sea Hag—Sear Horse, Giant—Sea Lion—Shadow—Shambling Mound—Shark—Shedu—Shrieker—Skeleton—Skunk, Giant—Slithering Tracker—Slug, Giant—Snake, Giant—Spectre—Sphyinx—Spider—Sprite—Squid, Giant—Stag—Stirge—Strangle Weed—Su-Monster—Sylph
- T
- Thought Eater—Tick, Giant—Tiger—Titan—Titanothere—Toad, Giant—Trapper—Treant—Triton—Troglodyte—Troll—Turtle, Giant
- U
- Umber Hunk—Unicorn
- V
- Vampire
- W
- Wasp, Giant—Water weird—Weasle, Giant—Whale—Wight—Will-O-Wisp—Wind Walker—Work—Wolvering—Wraith—Wyvern
- X
- Xorn
- Y
- Yeti
- Z
- Zombie
External links[edit]
- Dwellers of the Forbidden City at the TSR Archive
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Facts about "Monster Manual (1e)"
Abbreviation | MM + |
Author | Gary Gygax + |
ISBN | 0-935696-00-8 + |
Identifier | 1e + |
Item Code | 2009 + |
Media Type | Hardcover + |
Page Count | 110 + |
Publication Date | 1977 + |
Publisher | TSR + |
System | Dungeons and Dragons 1e + |
Title | Monster Manual + |