Publication:Monstrous Compendium – Outer Planes Appendix

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Monstrous Compendium – Outer Planes Appendix
Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix.png
System: Dungeons and Dragons 2e 
Abbreviation: MC8 
Series: Monstrous Compendium 
Publisher: TSR 
Item Code: 2118 
Publication Date: 1991 
Format: Loose leaf folder 
Page Count: 102 
ISBN-10: 1-56076-055-9 
Preceded by: Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix
Product Blurb
Through portals and rifts in the fabric of reality they have arrived - the denzens of the Outer Planes! Here are 96 pages of monstrous entities from planes of all-powerful mage, the brightest ambassadors of good and the foulest custodians of evil. Examine beings of light who wish to stem the tides of wickedness. But examine, too, the fiends - beasts of untimate evil located in an endless, bitter Blood War! Each page is 5-hole punched and the set includes 4 dividers with awe-inspiring, full-color art. Leave the comfortable confines of the Prime Material Plane - the creatures of the Outer Planes await!
This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.

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AbbreviationMC8 +
ISBN1-56076-055-9 +
Item Code2118 +
Media TypeLoose leaf folder +
Page Count102 +
Publication Date1991 +
PublisherTSR +
SystemDungeons and Dragons 2e +
TitleMonstrous Compendium – Outer Planes Appendix +