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System: Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 
Abbreviation: Sto 
Author: Richard Baker, Joseph D. Carriker Jr., Jennifer Clarke Wilkes 
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast 
Item Code: 17867 
Publication Date: 2005 
Format: Hardcover 
Page Count: 224 
ISBN-10: 0786936894
Product Blurb
Conquer the Maelstrom

Sometimes an adventure takes an aquatic turn. You might find yourself exploring an ancient city lost beneath the waves, navigating an underground river plagued by monsters, plotting a course to some stormwracked isle, or battling pirates on the high seas. Well, fear not, brave adventurer. Here is your guide to overcoming such perils!

This supplement examines marine environments, from flooded dungeons and subterranean seas to mystical islands and the gloomy deep. It provides rules for adapting to, navigating through, and surviving hazardous seaborne, underwater, and stormwracked conditions. This book also includes new character options (races, spells, psionic powers, feats, and prestige classes), magic items and monsters associated with seas and storms, adventure sites, and a narrative ship-to-ship combat system.

To use this supplement, a Dungeon Masters also needs the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual. A player needs only the Player's Handbook.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.

Stormwrack is a supplemental source-book for the 3.5 edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game.


The book has detailed information and descriptions on various types of both realistic and fantastical watery environments, including underwater, the open ocean, ships, coral reefs, grottos, swamps and such. Watery hazards such as waves, storms, exposure, rain and the like are deeply explored.

Several new sea-affiliated races, the darfellan, the aventi are introduced. Old races, such as the hadozee (a yazarian-like race from the Spelljammer setting) and kopru (originally from Isle of Dread) are given new details. Sea elves are given detailed rules on how to use them as player characters.

There are new prestige classes, new magic items, new spells, new monsters, and various other rules additions. Finally, a few pre-made adventures are included at the end, set in aquatic/coastal environments, for players to test the new content on.

Publication history[edit]

Stormwrack was written by Richard Baker, Joseph D. Carriker, Jennifer Clarke-Wilkes, and published in 2005.

It is one in a series of five source-books for the game which deal with particular environments, as to give adventures set in such environments more depth. Sandstorm and Frostburn dealt with desert/waste and arctic environments, Cityscape and Dungeonscape dealt with city/dungeon environments, while Stormwrack deals with ocean/sea/water/aquatic environments.


External links[edit]

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Facts about "Stormwrack"
AbbreviationSto +
AuthorRichard Baker +, Joseph D. Carriker Jr. + and Jennifer Clarke Wilkes +
ISBN0786936894 +
Item Code17867 +
Media TypeHardcover +
Page Count224 +
Publication Date2005 +
PublisherWizards of the Coast +
SystemDungeons and Dragons 3.5e +
TitleStormwrack +