Sharpshooter (5e)/Martial Archetype

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Sharpshooter 5th ed. (2014) Marital Archetype
see Sharpshooter (disambiguation).

 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

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Sharpshooter is a martial archetype of the fighter class described in UA Fighter.


Steady Aim
Careful Eyes
Close-Quarters Shooting
Rapid Strike
Snap Shot

Unofficial Description: This archetype focuses on ranged combat

Unearthed Arcana

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AuthorUA Fighter +
Canontrue +
ClassFighter +
FeaturesSteady Aim +, Careful Eyes +, Close-Quarters Shooting +, Rapid Strike + and Snap Shot +
PublicationUA Fighter +
Subclasstrue +
SummaryThis archetype focuses on ranged combat +
Unearthed Arcanatrue +