Page history
27 January 2023
30 August 2020
24 February 2014
aaand the rest of it (minus the obtaining parts, which goes on a separate page)
potions, scrolls, staves
greater magic items
→Moderate Wondrous Item Abilities: add these
23 February 2014
24 September 2013
27 June 2013
→Scrolls: missed one
→Scrolls: removing ciphers reference and clarity bits
→Special Qualities: ToP block changes
→Basic Bonuses: formatting, and ToP block changes
28 October 2012
19 September 2012
19 August 2012
14 August 2012
→Basic Bonuses: ToP sidebar
→Special Qualities
→Basic Bonuses: new basic bonus, will put ToP stuff in a sidebar later
11 August 2012
→Special Qualities: ToNecro subtype links
→Special Qualities
→Special Qualities
→Special Qualities: add Mirror
→Special Qualities: add blinking/greater
→Special Qualities
10 August 2012
3 August 2012
12 July 2012
moved User:Surgo/Sandbox to Tome Magic Items (3.5e Variant Rule): This is now complete.
mFill in the author box, as this is now complete.
→Crafting Magic Items: crafting rules!
11 July 2012
→Scrolls: sidebar clarity and missed skill
Redo of the UMD rules.
→Staves and Wands: rules for staves and wands; needs some Tome of Prowess talk for changing the DC
→Scrolls: rules for scrolls
→Potions: rules for potions
→Wondrous Items
First form of magic arrows removed entirely. They are just Spell Arrows now.
Compact revision of the Tome magic item rules. First cut so people can see.