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Abominations have been present throughout history, some making themselves well known such as the Frankenstein monster, whilst many have tried to emulate their hideous appearance. It takes a truly twisted and deformed mind to create such a being, though it takes much more vision to become one as opposed to giving life to one. In the beginning stages of one's progression to become a true abomination against nature, the creature must first find their true inner hunger, the primal urge to feed until they cannot feed any longer, to sate their desire upon any being, living or deceased, moving or not. [[File:Abomination.jpg|thumb|right|500px|]] In their development, the creature will usually drape themselves in the skins and flesh of their defeated opponents once they have devoured and butchered all compatible parts of their prey, stitching twitching limbs onto their own body, replacing old, disused organs with those more superior, arms, legs, everything except the mind, which retains their never-ending hunger to improve themselves, to find faster and more efficient ways to feed. In the later stages, the changes are truly horrifying, disease and poisonous liquids ripple under bloated, discolored skin, reeking of the most foul scent to ever be excreted by any member of that race, to smell like the dead walking - only worse. The tragic ending of an abomination is usually due to multiple organ failure, coated with so much meat they simply cannot find the means to strip themselves of it and reach the necrotised layers below, often black and festering. However they can survive through staggering amounts of punishment, disease and poisons rarely affecting them directly, having to work through layers of already diseased flesh in order to reach the most vulnerable inner organs, using less harmful bacteria to combat further infection in a perverted sense of the word 'symbiotic'. The secret to success as an Abomination is to find a system to constant removal of carrion in direct contact with the vital organs
Most abominations are truly insane, butchering, feeding, and roaming as they search for another means to sate their hunger, no thought apart from that of their next mouthful of the living. However, there are those who retain a twisted sense of reality, able to understand and even control their appetite in order to harness the true potential of the abomination, hiding under a mask of unnatural youth they instead do not add and remove bits and pieces of their former bodies, instead replenishing large parts of their personage and making the seams between foreign flesh and their own disappear, as if they were originally one piece, body snatchers in their most deadly form, completely conscious of their actions.