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Fusion Dance (3.5e Invocation)

254 bytes added, 12:23, 14 August 2011
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All fused beings created with this spell begin wearing a standard uniform created by the spell, but customly colorized to each unique fusion pair. The uniform consists of a sleeveless vest of any color (typically darker colors) that stops at the mid rib area, with highly padded shoulder and neck lines of a yellow to orange or brown hue. It has wrist bands that matches the vest in color. They also wear a long sash worn as a belt tied off on the fused beings right hip, with the two ends hanging down on the outside of the fused beings right leg to just below knee level. The uniform also consists of a pair of very baggy pants that are white to off white in color that goes down to be tucked into a wrap at halfway down the calf, that matches the sash in color and covers a pair well made smooth black boots.The fused being has all of the memories of both base creatures, but is a completely unique being with his/her own personality, characterists and traits. The personality of a fused being is generally a magnified trait of one of the base creatures. Generally the magnified trait is randomly selected from the base creature which is the 'dominant personality' with the higher charisma score.
Should the fusion 'fail', the resulting fused being is far weaker than either of the base creatures. Such fused beings are either morbidly obese or deathly frail and skinny at the DM's discression per failure. Fused beings such as these start out with a number of hit points equal to 31/4 2 of the lesser of the two base creatures at the time of the fusion(minimum of 1 hp). The fused being has 1/2 of the lesser of any power points or ki pool points. For each of the six ability scores, the fused beings score is the average of the two base creatures divided by two. So for example if your strength is 24, and the other creatures is 18, than you have 24 + 18 = 42 / 2 = 21 (averageaveraged) and then / 2 = 10.5 and always rounded down to give the failed fused being a strength of 10. The same formula goes for all stats except intelligence which cannot go below 6. The fused being also has the lower hit dice or caster/manifester level of you and the other creature, this effectively means that the fused being uses the worst saving throws, attack bonuses and skill modifiers of either base creature adjusted by its new stats, and that it casts spells or manifests powers at the lower of the caster / manifester levels that you or the other creature possessed before becoming fused. The fused being still knows all of the psionic powers, or spells from any classes and still knows any spells prepared by either base creature. All feats, racial abilities and class features are still pooled. Failed fusions still take the normal half an hour to wear off as normal. There is no way short of dispel magic, limited wish, wish or miracle effects to unfuse the two beings prematurely. Failed fusions often appear to be mordbidly obese or elderly frail at DM discression.
If the Preform (dance) checks were successful, the fused being starts out with a number of hit points dice equal to your hit dice plus the other creatures hit dice and gains the maximum amount of hit points plus from these hit dice. For example if you have 10 levels of rogue, and the other creatures creature has 9 levels of fighter and 1 level of barbarian, than the fused being has 20 hit dice, all at d12 and gains the maximum 12 hit pointsfor each die. The fused being knows all of the psionic powers or spells from any classes, has the sum of your and the other creatures maximum power points or ki pool points, and knows or has prepared any spells you or the other creature possesses (if any). Likewise, all feats, racial abilities, and class features are pooled (if both creatures have the same ability, the fused being gains it only once, except in cases where having the ability a second time would normally upgrade it, such as Evasion and Uncanny Dodge. If each creature has Evasion, but neither has Improved Evasion, the fused being still gains Improved Evasion.). For each of the six ability scores, the fused beings score is the higher of yours and the other creatures plus half of the lower ability score. So for example if your strength is 24 and the other creatures is 18, the fused being has your 24 plus 9 for the other creatures strength, added together is 24 + 9 = 33, so the fused being has 33 strength. For odd numbers when dividing the lesser score in half, always round down. The fused being also has the higher hit dice or caster/manifester level of you and the other creature, this effectively means that the . The fused being uses the better saving throws, has base attack bonuses bonus and skill modifiers of either member base saves based on his hit dice and that it casts spells or manifests powers at the higher best available saves for each base creature. The fused being also has the sum of both creatures skill points in each skill. If the caster / manifester levels that you or base creatures are of the other creature possessed before becoming fusedsame race, and gain a racial bonus on a skill check, this bonus is only granted once.
When the power ends, or is dispelled, the fused being seperates and both base creatures are in adjacent squares to one another.If seperation occurs in a cramped space you appear in the space the fused being was occuping and the other creature is expelled through the astral plane, finally coming to rest materially in the nearest empty space and taking 1d6 damage for each 10 feet of solid material passed through.
Damage taken by the fused being is split evenly between you and the other creature when the power ends. In a like manner the fused beings remaining power points or ki pool points are split between you and the other creature (you can leave the fusion with more points than you entered with as long as you dont exceed the maximum power points for your level and ability score). Ability damage and negative levels are also split evenly between you and the other creature. (If an odd number of negative levels or ability scores must be split, you decide whether you or the other creature recieves the additional loss). Once unfused a creature cannot fuse again via this spell for at least half an hour.

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