→Class Features: An amusing typo discovered!
'''''{{Anchor|Heat Death}}'' {{Sp}}:''' At 15th level, a pyromaniac may boil someone from the inside, causing spontaneous combustion. As a full-round action the pyromaniac may force a [[Fortitude]] save DC 10 + 1/2 HD + [[Charisma]], or die as they burst into flames and turn completely to ash. Creatures which make their saving throw, and creatures with the [Fire] subtype do not die, but still take 5d6 fire damage from the conflageration. This ability may be used at will, but if the creature saves they are immune to this effect for 24 hours.
'''{{Anchor|Phoenix Flame}} {{Su}}:''' At 16th level, a pyromaniac may choose to self destruct dramatically and take the enemy down with him. As an immediate action he explodes, dealing 1d10 points of fire damage per HD in a 20 ft. radius burst with himself as center, [[Reflex]] save for half DC 10 + 1/2 HD + [[Charisma]]. This destroys the pyromaniac utterly and ignites the surrounding area in unquenchable flames that deal 2d6 fire damage for those standing in the area. However 1 minute after detonating, the pyromaniac re-appears at half health and otherwise unharmed, purged on any positive or negative status effects and with all their gear as it was on time of explosion. The pyromaniac may trigger this as a result of a blow or attack which would otherwise kill them. He may perform this 1/week.
'''''{{Anchor|Burning Haven}}'' {{Sp}}:''' At 17th level, a pyromaniac gains the ability to use ''[[SRD:Genesis|genesis]]'' as a spell-like ability which does not have a material or xp cost. However he may only perform it on the Elemental Plane of Fire, and the created demiplane is subject to limitations. It may only have properties either found on the Elemental Plane of Fire, the Material Plane, or the Astral Plane. Its temperature can never drop below 50 degrees naturally, always feeling unusually warm. It technically exists as part of the Elemental Plane of fire and will always have at least one active portal there, though it may be guarded or sealed. The caster also gains another portal as usual, typically to his home plane.