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Talk:Overbearing Blow (3.5e Feat)

12 bytes added, 02:06, 27 March 2012
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{{Rating |rater=Tarkisflux |rating=like |reason=If you're going to go auto-attack something, you may as well make each roll count. Like this does. If you hit, they hurt. If you miss by a little, you still tire them out. If you miss by a lot you've actually wasted a roll, but this makes this much less common and helps those often useless iterative attacks contribute more without boosting your attack numbers. Which I rather appreciate.}}
{{RC FavorRating
|rater=Ganteka Future
|reason=A good feat. A nice game mechanic. While I would be nitpicking to hold it back because of formatting/spelling, the wording is awkward. With that, it should be a solid addition for a burley dude to have.
{{RC FavorRating
|rater=Sam Kay
|reason=A nice little feat for a fighter to take, though I agree that the wording is a little awkward. The mechanic makes sense (even in your foe is wearing full plate, if you wack them hard enough, they will get bruised), and it makes the sometimes pointless extra attacks at -5, 10, 15 etc more worthwhile.
{{RC FavorRating
|reason=I like it, but woah. Let's not forget that nonlethal damage is no laughing matter. When you take more damage than you have hit points, you're out of the battle, whether that damage was lethal or nonlethal — after all, knocking someone unconscious puts them only a coup de grace away from death. Despite being nonlethal, this feat increases the ability to damage armored opponents by an insane degree. It seems more like wizard-level to me.}}

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