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Talk:Simplified Races (3.5e Variant Rule)

539 bytes added, 11:38, 11 May 2012
:::::::That they're more used to "get an early feat for my build requirements" than "incorporate new encounter ability into strategy" is what I'm suggesting. It moves up your shtick acquisition by a couple of levels, which people seem to want. If you're looking for a particular build as soon as you can get it, the feat is going to look more appealing even though it's very likely less powerful. - [[User:Tarkisflux|TarkisFlux]] 16:44, October 10, 2010 (UTC)
::::::::I am kind of confused about the human's bonus feat. In the beginning of the page it says ''"Humans get only a single bonus feat at level one, rather than two."'' First off, regular SRD humans only get one bonus feat at level one, unless you consider the automatic level one feat that all races get to be a bonus feat, which then it makes slightly more sense (the automatic level one feat can be reassigned at the beginning of the day). Am I missing something? [[User:The Dire Reverend|The Dire Reverend]] 11:38, 11 May 2012 (UTC)
== Idea to combine with race rebuilding ==

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