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''Invisible Nature {{Su}}:'' A geist is always invisible as per [[Persistent Invisibility (3.5e Spell)|''persistent invisibility'']], it may suppress or resume this ability as a free action.
''Ghostly Gears {{Su}}:'' Any gears or weapons a geist pick up and/or wield gain the ghost-touched enhancement for free for as long as the phantom geist carry it. Additionally ghost geist are capable of making non-magical non-masterwork clothes, armor and weapon out of ectoplasm as a standard action, these items only exist for as long as the ghost geist use or hold them and will vanish into the ether once discarded.
''Perfectly Silent {{Su}}:'' A geist make no sound as per the [[SRD:Silence|''silence'']] spell, it may resume or suppress this ability as a free action.