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Blade Invoker (3.5e Prestige Class)

6 bytes removed, 07:12, 5 July 2015
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'''{{Anchor|Eldritch Fire Stance}} {{Su}}:''' A 3rd level blade invoker gain the ''eldritch fire stance'', in this stance her eldritch blast damage increase by 2d6 and the DC of her invocations increase by 1. If she initiate a maneuver while in the ''eldritch fire stance'' she immediately drop out of eldritch fire stance and unleash a wave of destruction in a 10 feet radius around her, dealing her eldritch blast damage (reflex half).
'''{{Anchor|Power Eldritch Blast}} {{Su}}:''' A 5th level blade invoker can greatly increase the power of her eldritch blast, as a part os of using her eldritch blast she may expend a readied maneuver, adding an additional d6 of 1d6 damage per level of the expended maneuver to the eldritch blast. A maneuver expended as part of power eldritch blast cannot be recovered for 1 minute.
'''''{{Anchor|Eldritch Recovery}}'' {{Sp}}:''' At 7th level a blade invoker learn a new invocation, eldritch recovery. When invoking eldritch recovery choose one maneuver you readied, you automatically refresh that maneuver 2 rounds after it expended (at the end of the 2nd round). Eldritch recovery last 24 hours, invoking it again allow you to choose another maneuver to be automatically refreshed but does overlap the previous instance of eldritch recovery. Eldritch recovery is a greater invocation.
'''{{Anchor|Eldritch Fury}}:''' At 10th level a blade invoker gain a powerful new ability, eldritch fury. As a full-attack action she may initiate a strike that take a standard action or less to initiate and fire two eldritch blast thate would take a standard action or less to fire.

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