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Heavy Ball (3.5e Equipment)

139 bytes added, 02:19, 15 December 2015
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A strange weapon even by exotic standards, the heavy ball is just that, an unusually dense ball not unlike a basketball, with a surface and air pressure designed for maximum sting on impact. Those without proficiency can throw it as a nonlethal martial weapon with no special effects, but those with proficiency are capable of many fancy tricks as seen below.
Those trained with the heavy ball automatically have the ball rebound to them as a free action, allowing them to make multiple ranged attacks with the heavy ball in a full attack, as long as they hit their target, or if there is a solid surface anywhere within 5 ft of the target. They can also pull off the following tricks.
'''Knockback Shot:''' You can use the heavy ball to make bull rush attempts at range as a standard action. You do not move with your target.
'''Long Shot:''' You can double your range increment, but you must take a move action to steady yourself before attacking.
'''Reflect Shot:''' You can bounce the heavy ball around corners (though you may still suffer from concealment).
You can choose to deal either lethal or nonlethal damage with the heavy ball without penalty.

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