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"Biohazard" is a an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal creature.
'''Ability Scores:''' A biohazard creature receives a +4 bonus to [[constitutionConstitution]] and a +2 bonus on [[strengthStrength]] and [[intelligenceIntelligence]].
'''Size and Type:''' A biohazard creature's type change to [[SRD:Aberration Type|aberration]] (augmented form former type). Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, hit points or skill points. Size is unchanged.
'''Feat:''' A biohazard creature gain one [deformity] feat she meet the prerequisite as a bonus feat, she also ignore the alignment prerequisite and the willing deformity prerequisite of any [deformity] feats she take.
'''Special Attacks:''' A biohazard creature possess the following special attacks.
''Hazardous Attacks:'' A biohazard creature's touch is extremely toxic, any unarmed attacks or natural weapon attack made by a biohazard creature deal an additional 2d6 point of poison damage. Only creatures immune to both poison and radiation are immune to this damage. A biohazard creature can add this damage to any weapon she has weapon focus.
''Hazardous Aura:'' A biohazard creature always radiation an extremely nasty aura of toxicity, any creature starting it turn within 30 feet of a biohazard creature take 1d6 point of poison damage per two points of CR of the biohazard creature. Creatures adjacent to the biohazard creature instead take 1d10 per two points of CR and must make a [[fortitude]] save or become [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]] for as long as it stay adjacent to the biohazard and take 1d6 [[constitutionConstitution]] damages, a successful save negate the nausea and halves the [[constitutionConstitution]] damages. A biohazard creature is incapable of turning her own aura off, wearing a [[Light Pressure Suit (3.5e Equipment)|light pressure suit]] or a [[Heavy Pressure Suit (3.5e Equipment)|heavy pressure suit]] contain the aura, essentially negating it as long as the suit is airtight.
''Green Goo:'' Any creature slain by a biohazard creature's hazardous aura, toxic death throe or attack enhanced by their hazardous attacks immediately melt into a green goo. While the equipment is left untouched a body converted into green goo is much harder to resurrect. A biohazard creature always melt into green goo after being slain.
''Toxic Death Throes:'' When a biohazard creature is slain it explode as [[Superexplosion (3.5e Spell)|''superexplosion'']] (caster level equal to ECL) except it deal half poison damage and half force damage instead of fire damage and it is fortitude half instead of reflex half. Only creature immune to both poison and radiation are immune to the poison damage. All creatures within the radius of the death throes also become [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]] for 1 minute and [[SRD:Sickened|sickened]] for 1 hour unless they succeeded their fortitude save in which case they are simply [[SRD:Sickened|sickened]] for 1 minute.
'''Special Qualities:''' A biohazard creature possess the following special qualities.