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''{{Anchor|Featherflight Attack}} {{Ex}}:'' When you are about to make a [[#Death Attack|Death Attack]] you may as a free action make a single [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]], moving up to the full distance allowed by the check. After you deliver the [[#Death Attack|Death Attack]], whether it succeed or not you may make another [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]] checks, again moving up to the full distance allowed by the check. If you jump over your target and make an attack from above, your target is flat-footed against the attack and the DC of your Death Attack increase by 2.
''{{Anchor|Five-Point-Palm-Exploding-Heart Technique}} {{Ex}}:'' When you make your death attack using an unarmed attack, if the target fail it saving throw instead of dying or becoming paralyzed instantly. You may instead delay the effect of the death attack indefinitely, triggering the effect of the death attack as a free action usable outside of your turn. The death may be subtle, or gory at your choice. You may choose to have the target explode in a explosion of gore, replicating the effect of [[Superexplosion (3.5e Spell)|''superexplosion'']] with a caster level equal to the victim's CR (minimum 1). It deal slashing and piercing damage instead of fire damage, all creatures who fail their saving throw are also [[SRD:Nauseated|Nauseated]] for 1 round and then [[SRD:Sickened|Sickened]] for 1 minute.
''{{Anchor|Mindbender}} {{Su}}:'' When the crow assassin successfully use her death attack, she may force a [[will]] save instead of a [[fortitude]] save. If she does and the target fail it become [[SRD:Dominate Monster|''dominated'']] for 1 minute per class level. After the domination the assassin may have the target make a [[fortitude]] save against the death or paralysis effect as normal.
''{{Anchor|Wraith SlashAssault}} {{Su}}:'' When the crow assassin make her death attack she can project a specter of herself up to 60 ft., effectively making an incorporeal touch attack at that range against her target instead of a normal attack.
'''{{Anchor|Evade Detection}}:''' A 6th level crow assassin is always under the effect of [[SRD:Nondetection|''nondetection'']] with a caster level equal to the number of ranks you have in the [[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] skill.