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User:Leziad/Bodyshifter (3.5e Class)

No change in size, 19:37, 21 July 2016
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''{{Anchor|Superstrong Legs}} (1):'' The bodyshifter gain a +20 bonus on [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]] checks, she add the distance she may use [[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] to the distance traveled with each jump.
'''{{Anchor|Masterwork Body}} {{Ex}}:''' A 1st level boydshifter bodyshifter receive [[Masterwork Body (3.5e Feat)|Masterwork Body]] as a bonus feat.
'''{{Anchor|Shapechanger}} {{Ex}}:''' A 1st level bodyshifter gain the [[SRD:Shapechanger Subtype|shapechanger]] subtype.
===List of Bodyshifts===
The Bodyshifter learn her bodyshift from the following list, all boydhsiftbodyhsift's augment are cumulative with each other unless specifically mentioned otherwise.
'''{{Anchor|Amorphous Form}}:''' The bodyshifter's shift the matter of her body, turning it into amorphous jelly instead of skin, flesh and bone. The transformation may or may not be readily apparent. You gain all immunities of [[SRD:Ooze Type|ooze]] except mind-affecting effect given that you are not mindless. Additionally in this form you can more readily change your shape, allowing you to count as four size category smaller for the purpose of squeezing through tight spaces.
If she invest three or more points she may also select from the list below:
:''Absorbing Cells:'' Any creature killed by the acid damage of Digestive Cell are absorbed into your form, healing you for a number of hit point equal to the creatures's HD x3. All of the creature's equipment drop on the ground, however you may decide upon absorption to automatically equip any number of them as a free action, assuming the appropriated boyd body slots are free. A creature killed by Absorbing Cells are completely absorbed into your body and thus leave no corpse behind. This augment require the Digestive Cell upgrade.
:''Gaseous Form:'' The bodyshifter gain the ability to use [[Greater Gaseous Form (3.5e Spell)|''greater gaseous form'']] at will (self only).
:''Mimic Morph:'' The bodyshifter gain the ability to replicate [[Mimic Morph (3.5e Spell)|''mimic morph'']] at will, this augment require objectmorph.

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