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Dragon Paladin (3.5e Class)

450 bytes removed, 06:26, 16 September 2016
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|special2=[[#Dragonbreath|Dragonbreath]], [[#Dragon's Grace|Dragon's Grace]], [[#Dragon Magic|Dragon Magic]] (1st) {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 0 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} —
|special3=[[#Aura of Stubbornness|Aura of Stubbornness]], [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Draconic Resistance|Draconic Resistance]] {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 1 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} —
|special4=[[#Dragon Magic|Dragon Magic]] (2nd), [[#Dragonscale Armor|Dragonscale Armor]], [[#Wyrm Blessing|Wyrm Blessing]]{{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 2 {{!!}} 0 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} —
|special5=[[#Elemental Smite|Elemental Smite]] 2/Encounter, [[#Wyvern Mount|Wyvern Mount]] {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 2 {{!!}} 1 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} —
|special6=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Dragon Magic|Dragon Magic]] (3rd) {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 1 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} —
At 11th level she instead become immune to paralysis, sleep-effects and her chosen energy type.
'''{{Anchor|Dragonscale Armor}} {{Su}}:''' A 4th level Dragon Paladin is capable of summoning the scales of a dragon to form an incredibly protective armor. As a swift action she may summon her armor by focusing a lone dragonscale. Her armor grant an Armor Bonus to AC equal 2 + 1/2 Dragon Paladin levels. The armor count as heavy armor when beneficial and light armor for the purpose of determining restrictions on her movement speed, class features and other ability. This armor is worn like a second skin and thus has no armor penalty or max dexterity bonus.
The Dragonscale may enchanted as a suit of armor by enhancing the dragonscale, thus multiple dragonscale may have different enhancements placed upon them allowing the dragon paladin to switch between them. If you wear an armor or otherwise have access to armor bonus, you use whichever AC bonus is the highest but use both enhancement and material of the worn armor and the dragonscale armor.
'''{{Anchor|Wyrm Blessing}}:''' At 4th level and each 4 level thereafter the Dragon paladin receive an ability from the list below, she may not take the same Wyrm Blessing twice.
''Dragon's Eyes:'' You automatically succeed any [[SRD:Appraise Skill|Appraise]] check on mundane items and may use [[SRD:Indentify|''identify'']] as a spell-like ability 3/day.
''Dragon lairLair:'' Once you gain this you may mark an area no larger than 500 ft x 500 ft per class level as your lair. You may [[SRD:Scry|''scry'']] on your lair at will and it is always under the effect of the [[SRD:Alarm|''alarm'']] spell. You may change you lair with a 24 hour ritual and a gem worth 500 gp as material component. ''Dragonscale Armor {{Su}}:'' A 4th level Dragon Paladin is capable of summoning the scales of a dragon to form an incredibly protective armor. As a swift action she may summon her armor by focusing a lone dragonscale. Her armor grant an Armor Bonus to AC equal 2 + 1/2 Dragon Paladin levels. The armor count as heavy armor when beneficial and light armor for the purpose of determining restrictions on her movement speed, class features and other ability. This armor is worn like a second skin and thus has no armor penalty or max dexterity bonus.
''Improved Dragonbreath:'' The damage dealt by your dragonbreath increase by one dice category (from d8 to d10 usually) and you gain a bonus feat which affect your dragonbreath (such as a metabreath feat), you must meet the prerequisites of the feat as normal.

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