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Dragon Paladin (3.5e Class)

951 bytes added, 05:27, 13 July 2017
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|status=Only need fluff and spells to doFinished
|balance=Very High
==Dragon Paladin==
INCOMINGThe Dragon Paladin is a VH variant of the [[SRD:Paladin|Paladin]] class, crossing it with the sorcerer to make a powerful arcane combatant. The method of creation of a Dragon Paladin typically require the bonding between a dragon and a potential sorcerer, the dragon awakening the sorcerer's hidden potential to become a much more combative fighter. Some dragon paladin just awaken naturally, finding strange bonds with dragonkind and an affinity for the energy and alignment of one of it dragon ancestor.
===Making a Dragon Paladin===
STUFF '''Abilities:''' A Dragon Paladin require a high [[Charisma]] for her spellcasting and abilities or a high [[Constitution]] for her breath weapon. Any other ability score depend on the Dragon paladin's fighting style.
'''AbilitiesRaces:''' CON AND CHA ALL DAYThe bulks of dragon paladins are human, elves and dragonborn. Otherwise the class can be found in population with large amount of sorcerers, doubly so if the population is close to a dragon.
'''Races:''' UNFINISHED '''Alignment:''' STUFFAny.
'''Starting Gold:''' As Paladin.
Control Shape,
Decipher Script,
Disable Device,
Escape Artist,
Gather Information,
Handle Animal,
Iaijutsu Focus,
Martial Lore,
Move Silently,
Open Lock,
Use Magic Device,
Use Psionic Device,
Use Rope
'''{{Anchor|Battlecaster}}:''' A dragon paladin receive both [[SRD:Combat Casting|Combat Casting]] and [[Ironclad Mage (3.5e Feat)|Ironclad Mage]] as bonus feats.
'''{{Anchor|Draconic Oath}}:''' A dragon paladin doe not swear to the Gods, rather in order to enter the class she must swear an oath to a powerful dragon. At the start of her career she must choose between acid, cold, electricity and fire as well an alignment other than TN. She must stay within one step of the chosen alignment or risk becoming a Fallen Dragon Paladin and use the chosen energy type for her class features.
Alternatively the Dragon paladin may choose an exotic energy type (such as force or light damage), she use this as her chosen energy however all of her Dragon paladin's abilities which rely on her chosen have it damage dice reduced by one step (by example her elemental smite only deal 1d4 per two class level).
If the Dragon Paladin's alignment cease being within 1 step of the chosen alignment she 'fall'. This has no real effect as the Dragon Paladin's power are inborn, however dragon associate with her previously chosen alignment will behave negatively toward her. She may 'atone' by changing alignment again or by making another pact with a dragon whose alignment matches her.
'''{{Anchor|Dragontouched}}:''' A dragon paladin gain the dragontouched subtype.
'''{{Anchor|Infinite Dragonbreath}}:''' A 19th level Dragon Paladin has a minimum of 10d6 in her Dragonbreath pool.
'''{{Anchor|Wyrmcall}}:''' A 20th level Dragon Paladin can call a single dragon with a CR equal or lower tahn than her own -2, with at least one matching alignment and whose elemental subtype match her chosen element. This dragon willingly assist for 1 hour or until dismissed. If the dragon is attacked or threatened it will retaliate as normal. Whenever she use this ability she burn a use of her Elemental Smite for the day.
===Alternate Class Feature===
'''Dragonslayer:''' You do not gain your Wyvern Mount at 5th level, rather you gain your Dragonslayer ability normally at 10th level at 5th level instead. AT At 10th level your Dragonslayer ability now apply to all dragons, including other dragontocuhed dragontouched creature, no matter their alignment.
'''Jousting Dragon Paladin:''' You gain [[SRD:Mounted Combat (Feat)|Mounted Combat]] as a bonus feat at 1st level, additionally you gain your wyvern mount at 3rd level instead of 5th and it benefits are based on your dragon paladin level -2. She does You do not gain the Battlecaster class feature at 1st level.

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