→Major Psychosis
| 4 || style="text-align: left;" | Hopeless || style="text-align: left;" | The creature takes 1d4 [[Daunt (3.5e Creature Ability)|daunt]] levels from a certain event, effect, or creature (often the source of whatever caused the psychosis) whenever confronted with it. These daunt levels last until the triggering source is removed. Allies can reassure the creature as a full round action to reduce the daunt level to a minimum of 1. This applies whenever they are aware of the source of their hopelessness, or think they are aware.
| 5 || style="text-align: left;" | Irrational || style="text-align: left;" | The creature has a 20% chance of saying nonsense instead of their intended wording, something the afflicted creature seems unaware of. It doesn't affect vocal components. In addition there is a 20% chance that any request they receive which they would normally accept or reject, they instead rationalize the opposite request is trueincorrect. For example if requested to go heal an ally for tactical reasons they may end up deciding not to do so out of some irrational reason.
| 6 || style="text-align: left;" | Masochistic || style="text-align: left;" | The creature craves self-harm, taking a -4 morale penalty on all d20 rolls when at maximum health, and a -1 penalty when above 50% hp. They also take a -2 penalty to AC regardless of condition. They do not react to wounds, fighting just as if they were at full health even if barely standing. They must make saving throws to resist healing. However they are immune to pain effects, gaining 5 temp hp per spell level when afflicted by them instead of the normal effects. Some may engage in self harm.