Psychosis (3.5e Condition)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-19-17
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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As a reaction to stress, or often magical manipulation, creatures can fall prey to various mental afflictions. They range from harmless quirks to devastating behavioral changes and can be difficult to remove. The most common method of affliction is the inflict psychosis or insanity variant spells, but other magical or mundane means are possible. Mental psychosis effects can usually be removed via modify memory and similar spells and effects, but some afflictions may require special treatment to remove (such as the case with insanity).

Psychosis effects alter character behavior in general, but do not affect alignment, so how a creature handles their psychosis may vary.

Psychosis effects are broken up into minor and major effects, and a creature may suffer from more than one psychosis. Minor effects tend only to have behavioral changes or non-combat effects, while major effects carry mechanical penalties, some of which affect combat.

Minor Psychosis[edit]

Minor Psychosis
  d10    Condition Description
1 Aggressive The creature becomes abnormally aggressive, jumping at every opportunity for combat and behaving rough and crude. This doesn't change how they see others, so much as amplifies any pre-existing conditions.
2 Curse of Want The creature's life feels wanting, as if they need something but they do not know what it is. Creatures may indulge in typical sources of enjoyment and find themselves unsatisfied, or go wandering out for answers.
3 Foolhardy The creature seems to have no sense of self-preservation or danger. They will act bold and courageous to the extreme, which does make them immune to fear, but also causes them to rush at directly at a goal, regardless of the threat involved. Many come off as pompous and arrogant.
4 Impure Joy Choose one event, habit, or behavior the creature finds to be a negative. The creature will discover themselves abnormally overjoyed when faced with this event, which often proves disturbing, as it otherwise does not alter their memories of how they should be reacting.
5 Inappropriate Laughter The creature comes down with a case of the giggles, laughing unnaturally when things are amusing and laughing even in times they should be feeling negative emotions. In the case of the latter, they still feel negative emotions but cannot help but laugh.
6 Meticulous The creature comes down with a case of OCD about anything that is considered "theirs", and often about one subject in particular. In these cases, they find themselves upset when things are not going exactly to their plan or intent, and will seek out to correct them if possible.
7 Morose The creature becomes sullen and morose, seeming to never smile even in the most joyous of times. They become passive, never acting of their own impulses, but they can still follow the orders of others. This imparts no control over the creature, they continue to comply or deny as normal.
8 The Voices The creature begins to hear voices in their head of their friends, family, or even themselves, along with false memories of being spoken to. Whenever you are faced with indecision, the DM rolls a d2. The voice either says "Do it!" or "Don't do it!". If you have the Voice in Your Head Bogey, the voice will always choose the "worst" action if possible.
9 Scatterbrained The creature becomes forgetful, their short-term memory fading after 10 minutes. While they may remember their overarching goals, the details often become lost and they need to constantly be reminded of events. This does not affect spell memorization.
10 Worrywart The creature is fraught with doubt and concern. They pick apart plans and events for any flaws, and focus on them. Some may choose to try and patch any flaws in their plans, while others get into endless loops of indecision, or even choose to not go through with a plan.

Major Psychosis[edit]

Major Psychosis
  d10    Condition Description
1 Abusive The creature no longer is considered an ally for the purpose of flanking and passing through their square. Their behavior becomes aggressive against their own friends, reacting to every slight as appropriate. "Attack your friends" becomes a reasonable act for compulsion effects.
2 Distraction Due to hallucinations, obsession, or depression, one cannot keep focus. Creatures have a 5% chance each round to not act for 1 round while in combat, and in or out of combat, they suffer from a −4 penalty on all ability and skill checks. Checks which require more than 10 minutes to complete take a −20 penalty instead.
3 Fearful The creature is At Bay from a certain event, effect, or creature (often the source of whatever caused the psychosis). This applies whenever they are aware of the source of their fear, or think they are aware. This bypasses immunity to fear.
4 Hopeless The creature takes 1d4 daunt levels from a certain event, effect, or creature (often the source of whatever caused the psychosis) whenever confronted with it. These daunt levels last until the triggering source is removed. Allies can reassure the creature as a full round action to reduce the daunt level to a minimum of 1. This applies whenever they are aware of the source of their hopelessness, or think they are aware.
5 Irrational The creature has a 20% chance of saying nonsense instead of their intended wording, something the afflicted creature seems unaware of. It doesn't affect vocal components. In addition there is a 20% chance that any request they receive which they would normally accept or reject, they instead rationalize the request is incorrect. For example, if requested to go heal an ally for tactical reasons, they may end up deciding not to do so out of some irrational reason.
6 Masochistic The creature craves self-harm, taking a −4 morale penalty on all d20 rolls when at maximum health, and a −1 penalty when above 50% hp. They also take a −2 penalty to AC regardless of condition. They do not react to wounds, fighting just as if they were at full health even if barely standing. They must make saving throws to resist healing. However, they are immune to pain effects, gaining 5 temp hp per spell level when afflicted by them instead of the normal effects. Some may engage in self-harm.
7 Obsession The creature gains an obsession to obtain a certain item, engage in a certain behavior, or gain the attention of a certain creature (often the source of whatever caused the psychosis). Treat them as having the Ooo Shiny flaw in reference to this trigger, with no bonus feat. Even when not exposed to the trigger, the creature goes out of their way to find their trigger.
8 Paranoid The creature becomes no better than unfriendly to all other beings, even their allies. This does not mean they inherently betray their allies, but they work together grudgingly and out of suspicion. When encountering other unknown beings, the afflicted creature often assumes the worst.
9 Rapturous The creature treats the triggering event that caused their psychosis as a religious experience, seeking to recreate it literally or metaphorically and preaching the belief in it even if it was antithetical to their previous goals. If the effect is contrary to their alignment, they may attempt to rationalize it the best they can. The creature takes a −1 morale penalty on all d20 rolls except those associated with his psychosis, in which they gain a +1 morale bonus.
10 Selfish The creature reserves all healing, buffs, and benefits for themselves when possible and must make a Will save (DC 15 + ½ HD) to act in the benefit of others. They do not share their equipment, and may become demanding that efforts and services be directed towards themselves. They may become craven and skittish, as they act only for themselves and their well-being.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5657 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Condition +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryAs a reaction to stress, or often magical manipulation, creatures can fall prey to various mental afflictions. They range from harmless quirks to devastating behavioral changes and can be difficult to remove. +
TitlePsychosis +