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Fel'Keen (3.5e Race)

1,114 bytes added, 22:47, 3 September 2018
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|vision=Blindsense 60'<!-- "darkvision" or "low-light". Delete this line if the race has no special vision. -->
|specialtext1=As a Fel'Keen technically has no true, solid parts, it does operate differently than a standard humanoid. To begin with, they do not age. They are born physically mature, and that state does not alter. Rather than becoming exhausted or needing to sleep, they must meditate for 4 hours a day- if they do not, their form begins to fall apart into a puff of soulless mist. Every day they go without meditating incurs a penalty of the number of days squared to their constitution. If they reach 0 constitution in this way, they die immediately. In order to recover this, they must do a standard meditation for each day they skipped. I.E. If they went 3 days without meditating, they will take a penalty of -9 to their Constitution, and must meditate for 12 hours to reconstitute their form. In addition, they lose cohesion after time if they cannot return to their incorporeal state. For every year they remain corporeal, they must spend 2 weeks back atop the mountain. If they remain away corporeal for 5 years, they die immediately.<!-- Description of special ability. -->
|special1=Born of the Winds<!-- Name of special ability if appropriate, like "Stonecunning". Not required. -->
|specialtype1=Ex<!-- Ability type, like "Ex", "Su", "Sp", or "Ps". Not required. -->
<!--Additional special lines are available, from 2 through 16. Copy and paste the below section and update the numbers as needed to add additional special abilities to your race -->
|specialtext2=The Fel'Keen have no skin, and no ability to imitate it, so they're a bit strange in their method of shapeshifting. They cannot use it for deception, and thus do not qualify for any feats, prestige classes, magic items, and similar which are limited to doppelgangers and changelings' abilities to disguise themselves. (This is partly up to DM discretion as to what counts as deception, and what is simply form changing.) That all said, they can still change form with relative ease provided they are unarmoured. This gives them several options, listed below::* Arm Extension: By taking a -4 to attack rolls, gain 5' of added reach as a free action.:* Thin Mist: Become thin and mutable enough to squeeze through any space. Doing this halves your movement speed and denies your dexterity bonus to AC.:* Can I?: Ask your DM.|special2=Mutable Form|specialtype2=Ex  
|autolanguage=Whispers of the Wind, Common, 1 other language (See Language above)
|bonuslanguage= Any(Aside from secret languages, such as Druidic.)
|favoredclass= Wizard, Sorcerer, Monk<!-- Class names, as they appear on the wiki. Multiple classes may be separated by 'or'. Example: "Wizard" and "Barbarian or Berserker". Leave blank for "Any" -->
===Vital Statistics===
{{3.5e Racial Starting Age
|name=<!-- insert race name -->
|start=<!-- Starting age for PCs. -->
|simple=<!-- Age modifier for simple classes (i.e. Barbarian, Rogue, and Sorcerer) -->
|moderate=<!-- Age modifier for moderate classes (i.e. Bard, Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger) -->
|complex=<!-- Age modifier for complex classes (i.e. Cleric, Druid, Monk, and Wizard) -->}}
The table breaks if you try to make them not have genders, so they're both the same.
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
|name=Fel'Keen<!-- insert race name -->|mHeightBase=5<!-- male base feet height -->' 5<!-- inches -->"|mHeightMod=0<!-- male height modifier -->|mWeightBase=110<!-- male base weight -->|mWeightMod=0<!-- male weight modifier -->|fHeightBase=5<!-- female base feet height -->' 5<!-- inches -->"|fHeightMod=0<!-- female height modifier -->|fWeightBase=110<!-- female base weight -->|fWeightMod=0<!-- female weight modifier -->}}

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