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Fel'Keen (3.5e Race)

249 bytes added, 06:44, 3 September 2018
no edit summary
{{3.5e Racial Traits
|name=<!-- The name of your race. -->Fel'Keen
<!-- If your race does not have any racial attribute modifiers, delete the attrib lines below. Otherwise, place one attrib modifier per line. -->
|attribbonus1=-2<!-- "+2", "-2", or appropriate racial attribute modifier. -->|attrib1=Constitution<!-- The attribute that the bonus applies to. Options include single attributes like "Strength", selectable options like "Strength or Constitution". If the bonus can be applied to any attribute, leave this entry blank or delete it entirely. -->
<!--Additional attrib lines are available, from 2 through 6. Copy and paste the below section and update the numbers as needed to add additional special abilities to your race. -->
|attribfluff=Fel'Keen in their non native form need to maintain their cohesion. This is tougher than it may seem, and the bonds of their body is actually weaker than that of a regular humanoid, as such they take a small hit to constitution. Their lives are generally spent meeting new people, learning new things, and meditating upon life. This sort of lifestyle gives them a boost to wisdom.<!-- Fluff about why the race has the modifiers they do. Can also hold weird modifiers not supported above, but they will not appear on the nav page without specialized formatting. Not required. -->
|type=<!-- Racial type. Defaults to "Humanoid" if the line is removed. -->|subtype=<!-- Racial subtype(s)Shapechanger, if they have any. Not required. -->Air|typefluff=<!-- Fluff about why Their bonded body can be changed in shape, but they maintain a humanoid form at nearly all times, so they are this type. Not requiredconsidered Humanoid. -->
|size=Medium<!-- Size of the race, generally "Medium" or "Small". -->|basespeed=30'<!-- "30", or whatever their base move rate is. -->|othermove=30' Fly (Perfect)<!-- Additonal movement types or descriptions. -->
|vision=Blindsense 60'<!-- "darkvision" or "low-light". Delete this line if the race has no special vision. -->|darkdist=<!-- "60", or whatever distance their darkvision extends to. Delete this line if vision is not set to "darkvision". -->
|specialtext1=As a Fel'Keen technically has no true, solid parts, it does operate differently than a standard humanoid. To begin with, they do not age. They are born physically mature, and that state does not alter. Rather than becoming exhausted or needing to sleep, they must meditate for 4 hours a day- if they do not, their form begins to fall apart into a puff of soulless mist. Every day they go without meditating incurs a penalty of the number of days squared to their constitution. If they reach 0 constitution in this way, they die immediately.<!-- Description of special ability. -->|special1=Born of the Winds<!-- Name of special ability if appropriate, like "Stonecunning". Not required. -->|specialtype1=Ex<!-- Ability type, like "Ex", "Su", "Sp", or "Ps". Not required. -->
<!--Additional special lines are available, from 2 through 16. Copy and paste the below section and update the numbers as needed to add additional special abilities to your race -->
|autolanguage=<!-- Languages that Whispers of the race begins with. Defaults to "Wind, Common" if the line is removed. -->, 1 other language (See Language above)|bonuslanguage=<!-- Bonus languages that the race can select with their Int bonus. Defaults to "None" if the line is removed. -->Any|favoredclass=Wizard, Sorcerer, Monk<!-- Class names, as they appear on the wiki. Multiple classes may be separated by 'or'. Example: "Wizard" and "Barbarian or Berserker". Leave blank for "Any" -->|la=<!-- "0", or the level adjustment of the race. Defaults to "0" if the line is removed. -->|ecl=<!-- "1", or the ECL (sum of Racial Hit Dice (min 1) and Level Adjustment) of the race. Defaults to "1" if the line is removed. -->
|moderate=<!-- Age modifier for moderate classes (i.e. Bard, Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger) -->
|complex=<!-- Age modifier for complex classes (i.e. Cleric, Druid, Monk, and Wizard) -->}}
{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
|name=<!-- insert race name -->
|middle=<!-- starting age for middle age -->
|old=<!-- starting age for old age -->
|venerable=<!-- starting age for venerable age -->
|maximum=<!-- max age modifier -->}}
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight

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