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Automated Drone Proficiency (3.5e Feat)

430 bytes added, 21:16, 12 October 2018
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|fluff=This tiny box followed her around like a hovering little dog, advising her and reminding her about her objectives.
|benefit=You are accompanied by a small drone which hover beside you at all time, which is connected to your lifeforce and thoughts. It is a small construct, has 5 hp per character level you possess, an AC of 12 + your highest mental ability score modifier and the same saving throws as you. It is always in your space and automatically follow you, even teleporting at your side if separated for more than 1 round. It may be commanded as a free action once per turn, allowing it to perform various tasks.
: ''Glide Mode:'' As long as the user is wearing light or no armor and is carrying a light load, the drone may be gripped to glide during free fall. Doing so take one-hand and grant the user the ability to glide at a rate of 20 feet for every 5 feet descended (clumsy maneuverability). If you are struck mid-flight you must must make a [[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] or [[Strength]] check DC 15 or lose grip and fall.
: ''Mechanical Task:'' The drone will immediately start performing a [[SRD:Disable Device Skill|Disable Device]] or [[Program (3.5e Skill)|Program]] check with a bonus equal to 6 + your character level.

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