→Class Features
*''{{Anchor|Shockwave}} ([[Ex]]):'' When you strike your opponent you strike so hard you break the earth below you. All opponents in a 10 foot radius burst take the extra damage from your Jump attack with a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + [[Charisma]]) for half. Unlike most abilities, you may take this power multiple times. Each time you take it, the range increases by 10 feet and the DC increases by +1.
'''{{Anchor|Dragon Familiar}}:''' At 7th level your draconic patrons take notice and entrust you with a wyrmling in your care. You gain the Dragon Familiar <sup>Draconomicon</sup> feat discribed in Draconomicon, pg 104, with assigned to a [[Generic Dragon (3.5e Monster)|Generic Dragon]] appropriate for your patron. Use your class level as your effective caster level.
'''{{Anchor|Global Jump}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' At 9th level you can charge up a jump so potent you (and possibly allies nearby) reach escape velocity and, surrounded in a bubble of protective magic, leap all the way across the other side of the world. You effectively duplicate a ''[[SRD:Teleport|teleport]]'' spell, but you must have an open sky above your current location and your destination. You may perform a Global Jump up to your [[Cha]]/day (minimum 1) with an effective caster level equal to your character level.