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Judge of Existence (3.5e Class)

28 bytes added, 13:15, 13 April 2019
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*The save to resist transmutations is 10+power’s level+judge’s Intelligence modifier; in addition, for every 2 extra power points you spend to achieve any of these effects, this power’s save DC increases by 1 (i.e., rock to mud gets a +2 bonus to DC).
*All spells are treated like powers (except Magic Type) thus anti-magic fields and the like have no affect on them, but null psionics fields do. All Magic Type effects are treated like spell-like abilities.
*If a transmutation is a power, then it can be augmented as normal, however, the base unaugmented cost changes to the below. Augmenting in this way A judge can only use the bonus transmutation points to augment these powers ([[#Bonus Transmute Points|see below]]).
*The Gravity and Magnetics transmutations create several new powers which should be referenced within their pages. Psionic heal and harm are the only other homebrew articles in this table.
*At 4th level and every three after, a judge unlocks knowledge of another transmutation type.

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