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Judge of Existence (3.5e Class)

1,346 bytes removed, 18:35, 19 April 2019
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{{3.5e Class Data
|ability=Alternate MagicPsionics, Other
|align=lg, ng, cg, ln, n, cn, le, ne, ce}}
|specialhead1= rowspan="2"{{!}}Power<br/>Points/Day{{!!}}rowspan="2"{{!}}Powers<br/>Known{{!!}}rowspan="2"{{!}}Maximum Power<br/>Level Known
|special1=[[#Convert Energy DamageBonus Feats|Convert Energy Damage 5]], [[#Transmute|TransmuteBonus Feat]]{{!!}}2{{!!}}3{{!!}}1st
|special2=[[#Bonus Feats|Bonus Feat]]{{!!}}6{{!!}}5{{!!}}1st
|special3=[[#Convert Energy Damage|Convert Energy Damage 10]]{{!!}}11{{!!}}7{{!!}}2nd
|special6=[[#Bonus Feats|Bonus Feat]]{{!!}}35{{!!}}13{{!!}}3rd
|special7=[[#Convert Energy Damage|Convert Energy Damage 15]]{{!!}}46{{!!}}15{{!!}}4th
|special10=[[#Bonus Feats|Bonus Feat]]{{!!}}88{{!!}}21{{!!}}5th
|special11=[[#Convert Energy Damage|Convert Energy Damage 20]]{{!!}}106{{!!}}23{{!!}}6th
|special14=[[#Bonus Feats|Bonus Feat]]{{!!}}170{{!!}}29{{!!}}7th
|special15=[[#Convert Energy Damage|Convert Energy Damage 25]]{{!!}}195{{!!}}30{{!!}}8th
|special18=[[#Bonus Feats|Bonus Feat]]{{!!}}280{{!!}}36{{!!}}9th
|special19=[[#Convert Energy Damage|Convert Energy Damage 30]]{{!!}}311{{!!}}38{{!!}}9th
|special20=[[#Change Reality|Change Reality]]{{!!}}343{{!!}}40{{!!}}9th
'''{{Anchor|Powers Known}}:''' At 1st level, a judge learns three judge powers of his choice (see below). The above table shows when a judge can unlock the knowledge of a new power. Choose the powers known from the Judge Power List. (''Exception:'' The feats [[SRD:Expanded Knowledge|Expanded Knowledge]] and [[SRD:Epic Expanded Knowledge|Epic Expanded Knowledge]] do allow a judge to learn powers from the lists of other classes.) At 1st level, a judge gains access to the Judge Power List (powers in bold are area effects):
*1st-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Astral Construct (Power)|astral construct]], [[SRD:Compression|compression]], [[SRD:Control Flames|control flames]], [[SRD:Control Light|control light]], [[SRD:Control Object|control object]], [[SRD:Create Sound|create sound]], [[SRD:Psionic Minor Creation|minor creation]], [[SRD:Detect Psionics|detect psionics]], [[SRD:Detect Teleportation|detect teleportation]], [[SRD:Energy Ray|'''energy ray''']], [[SRD:Entangling Ectoplasm|entangling ectoplasm]], [[SRD:Expansion|expansion]], [[SRD:Force Screen|force screen]], [[SRD:Psionic Grease|'''grease''']], [[Psionic Jelly Floor (3.5e Power)|'''jelly floor''']], [[SRD:Know Direction and Location|know direction and location]], [[SRD:Matter Agitation|matter agitation]], [[SRD:My Light|my light]], [[SRD:Precognition|precognition]], [[SRD:Stomp|'''stomp''']], [[SRD:Synesthete|synesthete]];''
*2nd-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Body Equilibrium|body equilibrium]], [[SRD:Call Weaponry|call weaponry]], [[SRD:Chameleon|chameleon]], [[Change Energy Damage (3.5e Power)|'''change energy damage''']], [[Change Gravity (3.5e Power)|'''change gravity''']], [[SRD:Concealing Amorpha|concealing amorpha]], [[SRD:Concussion Blast|concussion blast]], [[SRD:Control Air|control air]], [[SRD:Detect Hostile Intent|detect hostile intent]], [[SRD:Specified Energy Adaptation|specified energy adaptation]], [[SRD:Energy Missile|energy missile]], [[SRD:Psionic Identify|identify]], [[SRD:Inertial Armor|inertial armor]], [[SRD:Psionic Levitate|levitate]], [[SRD:Precognition|precognition]], [[SRD:Read Thoughts|read thoughts]], [[SRD:Psionic Repair Damage|repair damage]], [[SRD:Psionic Scent|scent]], [[SRD:Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions|sensitivity to psychic impressions]], [[SRD:Psionic Tongues|tongues]], [[Transmute Gravity (3.5e Power)|'''transmute gravity''']], [[SRD:Wall Walker|wall walker]];''*3rd-level Powers: ''[[Astral Elemental (3.5e Power)|astral elemental]], [[Biological Reconstruction (3.5e Power)|biological reconstruction]], [[Change Earth (3.5e Power)|'''change earth''']], [[SRD:Danger Sense|danger sense]], [[SRD:Psionic Darkvision|darkvision]], [[SRD:Dismiss Ectoplasm|dismiss ectoplasm]], [[SRD:Dispel Psionics|dispel psionics]], [[SRD:Ectoplasmic Cocoon|ectoplasmic cocoon]], [[SRD:Ectoplasmic Form|ectoplasmic form]], [[SRD:Energy Wall|'''energy wall''']], [[SRD:Eradicate Invisibility|eradicate invisibility]], [[SRD:Escape Detection|escape detection]], [[SRD:Exhalation of the Black Dragon|'''exhalation of the black dragon''']], [[SRD:False Sensory Input|false sensory input]], [[SRD:Read Thoughts|read thoughts]], [[SRD:Telekinetic Force|telekinetic force]], [[SRD:Telekinetic Thrust|'''telekinetic thrust''']], [[SRD:Touchsight|touchsight]], [[Transmute Earth (3.5e Power)|'''transmute earth''']], [[SRD:Ubiquitous Vision|ubiquitous vision]], [[Virus Replication (3.5e Power)|virus replication]];''*4th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Aura Sight|aura sight]], [[Change Magnetics (3.5e Power)|'''change magnetics''']], [[SRD:Control Body|control body]], [[Cure Conditions (3.5e Power)|cure conditions]], [[SRD:Detect Remote Viewing|detect remote viewing]], [[SRD:Psionic Dimensional Anchor|dimensional anchor]], [[SRD:Psionic Dimension Door|dimension door]], [[SRD:Energy Adaptation|energy adaptation]], [[SRD:Psionic Fabricate|fabricate]], [[Frankenstein's Monster (3.5e Power)|Frankenstein's monster]], [[SRD:Psionic Freedom of Movement|freedom of movement]], [[SRD:Immovability|immovability]], [[SRD:Intellect Fortress|intellect fortress]], [[SRD:Metamorphosis|metamorphosis]], [[SRD:Psionic Plane Shift|plane shift]], [[SRD:Power Leech|power leech]], [[SRD:Steadfast Perception|steadfast perception]], [[SRD:Telekinetic Maneuver|telekinetic maneuver]], [[Transmute Magnetics (3.5e Power)|'''transmute magnetics''']], [[SRD:Wall of Ectoplasm|'''wall of ectoplasm''']];''*5th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Adapt Body|adapt body]], [[SRD:Catapsi|catapsi]], [[Change Psionics (3.5e Power)|'''change psionics''']], [[SRD:Psionic Major Creation|major creation]], [[SRD:Ectoplasmic Shambler|'''ectoplasmic shambler''']], [[SRD:Energy Ball|'''energy ball''']], [[SRD:Fiery Discorporation|fiery discorporation]], [[SRD:Incarnate|incarnate]], [[SRD:Leech Field|leech field]], [[SRD:Psychic Crush|psychic crush]], [[SRD:Psychofeedback|psychofeedback]], [[SRD:Psionic Teleport|teleport]], [[Transmute Magic (3.5e Power)|'''transmute magic''']], [[SRD:Psionic True Seeing|true seeing]];''*6th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Breath of the Black Dragon|'''breath of the black dragon''']], [[Change Alignment/Energy (3.5e Power)|'''change alignment/energy''']], [[SRD:Dispelling Buffer|dispelling buffer]], [[SRD:Greater Psionic Fabricate|greater fabricate]], [[SRD:Null Psionics Field|'''null psionics field''']], [[SRD:Oak Body|oak body]], [[SRD:Psionic Overland Flight|overland flight]], [[SRD:Suspend Life|suspend life]], [[Transmute Alignment and Energy (3.5e Power)|'''transmute alignment and energy''']];''
*7th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Divert Teleport|divert teleport]], [[SRD:Energy Conversion|energy conversion]], [[SRD:Energy Wave|'''energy wave''']], [[SRD:Psionic Ethereal Jaunt|ethereal jaunt]], [[SRD:Psionic Phase Door|phase door]], [[SRD:Reddopsi|reddopsi]];''
*8th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Bend Reality|bend reality]], [[SRD:Hypercognition|hypercognition]], [[SRD:Psionic Iron Body|iron body]], [[SRD:Recall Death|recall death]], [[SRD:Shadow Body|shadow body]], [[SRD:Psionic Greater Teleport|greater teleport]];''
*9th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Affinity Field|affinity field]], [[SRD:Psionic Etherealness|etherealness]], [[SRD:Timeless Body|timeless body]], [[SRD:Tornado Blast|'''tornado blast''']].''
'''{{Anchor|Convert Energy Damage}} {{ExBonus Feat}}:''' At 1st level, as an immediate action a judge can change up to 5 points of energy damage into a different energy type (i.e., turn cold into fire damage). This has no effect on if the damage hits, and still does the same damage (just a different type). This can be applied to both ally and opponent damage, but opponents can resist with a Will save (DC10+1/2 class level+Intelligence modifier). At 1st level energy damage is defined as: Cold, Electricity, Fire, Force and Sonic. At 10th level energy damage is expanded to include: Acid, Air, Earth and Water. This only works on energy damage, not things like piercing or ability damage. This converts the target's effect equally even with such things as lightning strike or area effects (i.e., again at 1st could convert 5 points of cold damage into fire to all affected creatures). This conversion lasts for only 1 round (+1/3 class levels), thus energy effects that last longer revert back to their original energy type in following rounds. At 3rd and every four after, can convert 5 more damage (i.e., 15 at 7th). '''{{Anchor|Bonus Feat}}:''' At 2nd level and every four after, a judge receives a bonus feat that he meets the prerequisites for.
'''{{Anchor|Change Reality}} {{Ps}}:''' At 20th level, once per day a judge can change reality (treat like ''[[SRD:Reality Revision|reality revision]]'').
===Campaign Information===
====Playing a Judge====

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