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|author_name= Stryker|date_created= 2019-05-09|status= Complete|editing= Clarity edits only}}[[Summary:: A brutish rogue, one who fights more through strength and intimidation then through cunning and agility.| ]]{{5e Subclass Traits|name= Ruffian|class= [[Class::Rogue|classNS= s|subclassType= Roguish Archetype|summary= A brutish rogue, one who fights more through strength and intimidation then through cunning and agility.]]<onlyinclude>
=== Brutal Brigand ===
At 13th level, when a target is unawares and you hit them, you hit them hard. Whenever you successfully hit a target with Sneak Attack with a maul, warhammer or flail the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
=== Shrug It Off ===
Starting at 17th level, you have become a survivor fit to stand on any battlefield. Once per round when you take damage from a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 15. If you succeed, you take only half damage from the attack.
{{5e Subclass Subclasses Breadcrumb|Rogue}}
[[Category:5e SubclassesRoguish Archetypes]]