Corrected height
===Physical Description===
Elven Nymphs are hauntingly beautiful beyond words. They possess a level of unearthly grace and fine features that makes them an even more ideal and perfect embodiment and representation of humanoid beauty than either of their parent races. In an odd genetic trait most Elven Nymphs are born female and while there are male Elven Nymphs this is exceedingly rare. An Elven Nymph's is physically very similar to Elves in that they are short and slim, but Elven Nymphs have much fuller breasts than female Elves generally do. Elven Nymphs are slightly taller than normal Elves standing from just shy of 5 feet, to just shy of 6 feet tall, with males females being slightly taller and heavier but around same weight as than femalesmales. The average Elven Nymph's around 5'5" to 5'9" tall. An Elven Nymph has excellent metabolism and they are rarely ever overweight, typically weighing 110 - 125 lbs. They have naturally perfect and blemish free skin that is usually pale to olive in color. They have no body hair, full voluptuous lips and long, swept back ears. They have large bright eyes which are usually a vibrant and vivid shade of green or blue. They have long, soft, silky hair that comes in a diverse number of hair colors, with most common being a natural blond. Other hair colors can include a dark natural red, a soft green or light brown/copper shades with black being the least common.
! style="text-align: left;" | Gender || Base Height || Height Modifier || Base Weight || Weight Modifier
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
| style="text-align: left;" | Male || 4' 75" || +2d6 3d6 || 80 75 lb. || × (1d6) lb.
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
| style="text-align: left;" | Female || 4' 6" || +2d6 3d6 || 75 lb. || × (1d6) lb.