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Monomolecular Blade (3.5e Power)

28 bytes removed, 22:15, 17 November 2020
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|lvl=Psychic Warrior 3
|disp=Material, Visual
As you manifest this power you create a monomolecular blade of ectoplasm and force base of your wrist, safely wrapping your hands. You make a single weapon attack that is resolved as a touch attack as you manifest this power, dealing 5d8 slashing damage to the struck target. A monomolecular blade counts as a magic and adamantine weapon for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction, this is in addition to it normal damage reduction ignoring capacities. After the attack the monomolecular blade snaps, and vanishes into smoking ectoplasm.
The monomolecular blade ignores 5 points of DR and 5 points of hardness, and since it is made of ectoplasm its a force effect it can strike incorporeal creatures as if it was a force-effect. A creature slain by monomolecular is bisected, decapitated or cut in pieces, making their body unsuitable for [[SRD:Raise Dead|raise dead]].
'''Augment:''' You can augment this power in one or more of the following ways

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