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Celestial Warlock (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

4 bytes removed, 09:44, 30 January 2021
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* '''Heavenly Resistance''': This feature substitutes the damage reduction feature, as well as all of its improvement. You gain damage reduction 1/evil at level 3rd. It increases to 2 at level 7th, 4 at 11th, 6 at 15th and 10 at level 19th.
* '''Celestial Mantle''': This feature works as fiendish resilience and substitutes it, as well as all of its improvement. A celestial aura surrounds you. You gain a deflection sacred bonus to AC equal to your Charisma. Activate the effect is a free action. This effect lasts for 2 minutes or a number of minutes equal to its Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. You may split the time in multiple uses. At level 13th you also gain a temporary hit points equal to half your warlock level. By level 18th these hit points are equal to your warlock level. They don't stack together, but deactivating the effect and reactivating it again the following round replenishes them.

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