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|name=Rustic Mage
|summary=A spellcaster residing in the countryside, expert in farming crops.
|prereq=[[Profession]] (farmer) 1rank1 rank, ability to acquire a familiar.
|class=Any Arcane Spellcaster
|benefit=You cast spells using your Wisdom for any purpose related to spellcasting instead of your normal ability. You add your caster level to [[Profession]] (farmer) checks.
Instead of a familiar you gain the [[Harvest (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Harvest]] domain, treating your arcane class as cleric class for any need. You add all [Animal] and [Plant] spells to your spell list for the purpose of learning them and using related magic itemesitems. You automatically learn [[Fire Hayball (3.5e Spell)|''fire hayball'']] as a bonus spell when you learn to use 6th level spells.
You are illiterate.