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Blue Mirror (3.5e Class)

129 bytes added, 07:11, 28 September 2021
Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Absorb Special Abilities}}:''' At 4th level a blue mirror can absorb any special ability that affects them directly, such as breath weapons, unique attacks, and poisons. However, they may not have the required limbs or ability to use the special ability, such as a poison delivered by a sting attack with no stinger. Special abilities also lack effective spell levels. Instead, the "level" of the ability is based on the CR of the creature in question with CR 2 and below being effective spell level 1st, CR 3-4 being effective spell level 2nd, CR 5-6 being effective spell level 3rd, and so forth until CR 17 and above which are all considered 9th level effects. You cannot absorb an ability from a creature of a CR higher than yourself, and effects which last more than 1 round only last 1 round, until your level is twice the CR of the creature. For example, a Nymph's stunning gaze can still be obtained at level 7th and beyond, but the stun will only last for 1 round until you are level 14, at which point it lasts its usual duration of 2d4 rounds. Special abilities which duplicate spell abilities are covered by Absorb Spells and not Absorb Special Abilities.
Unlike spells, powers, and maneuvers, special abilities that are learned do not scale with effective caster level, but effects which depend on your HD do scale on your actual HD, such as the DC for certain poisons and breath weapons. Damage for special abilities only scales if damage would normally scale with HD. You still have any other effect of the special ability's use, such as cooldowns or requiring multiple participants to activate.
'''{{Anchor|Recall Ability}} {{Su}}:''' Normally when a blue mirror chooses to forget a special ability they lose it forever (or until they are exposed again). At 4th level, the blue mirror can choose to select one of their known special abilities as a recall ability. If they forget the ability later, any time they can spend at least 1 hour in meditation they can recall the ability and relearn it as if they had been exposed to the ability again. They gain another recall ability known at 8th and every four levels beyond (until Ancient Blue Memory at 20th).

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