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|date_created=11th January 201921st December 2015|status=FinishedComplete}}
<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Flaw|name=Magical EnervationMystical Taboo|summary=When You have strange spellcasting traditions with strange and unusual restrictions on which spell you can or cannot cast or manifest and some restrictions on how you risk overloading and hurting yourselfcan act.|prerequisite=Must be able to cast spell or manifest power.|effect=Whenever you cast a spells, spell-like ability or manifest a power you You have a 5% chance of "Enervating"taboos associated with your spellcasting. Whenever you do soFirst and foremost, the casting fail and you lose spells/power poinst as if must choose two schools of magic that are not prohibited to you took a single negative level and lose hit points equal to twice the spell level or the number of power point lost; they become disfavored schools. This You cannot bring you below -1 hit point. Whenever you successfully cast or manifest without enervating, the chance increase by a cumulative 5% to spell that is in a maximum of 25%. Once you enervate the chance drop to 0%, but will increase again from successful casting disfavored school in your highest or manifesting.|benefit=Any [Metamagic], [Metapsionic] or [Psionic] feat you meet the prerequisitessecond-highest level spell slots.|special=}}
Secondly, you choose at least three taboos, such as not cutting your hair, not showing your ankles, praying facing east, etc. Whenever you violate one of these taboos, you lose a single spell slot as if you took a [[SRD:Negative Level|negative level]]. A particular taboo may only be violated at most once per day, any transgression beyond the first has no effect.
|benefit=A {{Property Link|Flaw Grants|SRD:Metamagic (Feat Type)|Metamagic bonus feat}} feat for which you meet the prerequisites.
|special=Alternatively another spell which affects only your spellcasting may be taken as a bonus feat.
{{3.5e Flaws Breadcrumb}}