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Selenite (3.5e Race)

594 bytes added, 16:50, 28 May 2024
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[[Summary::Inhabitants of the moon, descended from ancient colonizers.]] When the world was in grave danger due to ecological disasters and other calamities, a group of like-minded people, mainly elves and humans, chose to g live on the moon to avoid their own destruction. With the help of magic and tecnology they developed a way to reach the celestial body and to live on the barren face of the moon, preparing themselves not to make the same mistakes that were made on the world. After thousands of years their descendants were mutated and evolved into a new race: the selenites, who now inhabit and call home the moon, which sustains and hosts them as her wonderful children.
Selenites are as varied as humans in their behaviour and personalities, but, as a society, they are educated from a young age in social skills, in the value of freedom and order, are taught compassion and solidarity and generally adhere to this world view.
Your average selenite is a refined individual who admires art, cultivate the high craftcrafts, is interested in politics and social questions, is pious and philosophical and generally strives for the good and the betterment of itself and its own community.
===Physical Description===
Selenites are diaphanous, usually with fair skin, sometimes grey-silvery, or darker, reminding the color of the other face of the moon or that of space. They are beautiful and have shapely limbs, usually with silver or blonde hair, though other colors are also found among them. Their eyes are of many lively colors, more than the average human. They have fine faces, with delicate noses and ears, high cheeks and perfect teeth. They can be confused for elves, but they have many vody traits of humans or half-elves too.
They are most certaintly the distant offspring of these three groups, though they features were not left in the hands of chaos, but they, within a certain degree, genetically enginereed to best adapt to their home and their society. They wear comfy and elegant clothes.
While they are generally accepted and well-liked, they are very rare outside of the moon, so not many know of their existence. They are active neighbours though and often send diplomats, sages and brave selenite down into the world to better learn about their neighbours and help with their struggles.
Their society is almost utopic and it's the result of a careful and cunning plan to direct the social and political evolution of the selenites, in such a way to produce a free, good-inclined, highly educated society.  They however suffer, while away from the moon, from lunacy (or moon madness), a psychological stress imposed by the absence of the moonlight, which makes them act erraticaly and almost mad while the moon is new, a fact that may make them less accepted than they would otherwise. This a flaw of their genetic and social design that their ancestors could not predict or eliminate when they planned for them.

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