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R'aga (3.5e Race)

6 bytes added, 17:51, 27 July 2024
Racial Traits
|specialtext2=Their tongue is kind of poisonous. R'agas may produce a stronger toxin and coat their tongue with it. They may do so once per day, plus an extra use every 5 HD they possess. Activating the toxin is a free action and the poison activates on their next successful attack. The victim must make a Fortitude save (DC is 15 + 1/2 HD) or be mildly paralysed for the next minute, resulting in a -2 to all checks that involve movement (attacks, physical skill and ability checks, reflex saves and initiative), as well as suffering a -10 ft to all their speed (or -5 ft if already at or under 20 feet). See the Sticky Tongue section for details.
|special2=Paralyzing Tongue

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