Noo desires not to be alone, and as such it usually results in Noo coming off as friendly. Occationally through more evil minded Noo grow focused on their other big concern, their desire to spread. It is said that when the population of Noo buds reaches a peek, they will collapse into each other, covering the planet and turning it into another Noosphere. While there is nothing wrong with that for Noo, it would seem it tends to upset other people with the idea of their homeworld turning into slime.
Because Noo are all one mind, you would think all Noo would be in agreement with each other, but because they have their own personalities, they can, and do, fight amongst themselves. Such violence is rare however, for even two noos on opposite sides of the fence have at least a common empathic bond. Fighting between themselves is usually a cause of discomfort and disappointment, as if they themselves have failed or are otherwise embarrised of the actions of the other self.