Talk:Defensive Roll (3.5e Feat)

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RatedFavor.png Renshae favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
The prerequisites functionally limit this to characters who will want light armor, and they're exactly who will likely have this come into play often enough to not feel like it was a waste to take, but not so often that it becomes a get-out-of-trouble-free card. Nobody likes losing their character when the big monster rolls a critical when you didn't think your HP was low enough to really worry about.
RatedFavor.png Havvy favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
An awesome feat in video games giving an extra round of survival when that big blow comes.
RatedFavor.png Aarnott favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
This feat is fantastic. With the DC it was a bit clunky, but I love that it allows you to avoid death for 1 turn every encounter. It's one of those feats that I'd definitely want to pick, but don't feel obligated to, which are the best kind imo.

The "0 HP or less until the end of your next turn" might be better off as the start of your next turn. Otherwise you can use this feat to do something that should clearly destroy you and survive (like say, jump through a giant wood chipper and squeeze through the blades to the other side before your turn ends).

RatedLike.png Tarkisflux likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
This is a decent way to boost a rogue special ability to be more useful while also opening it up for others to benefit from. I wish it was open to non-reflex guys earlier than 18, and it feels a bit fiat in the way that it protects you, but it's still a pretty good option.

DC = Damage Dealt

At high levels, this feat is going to be pretty useless. If a creature can deal around 50 damage, it'll be save on 20 for a character that has a pretty good save. --Aarnott 15:41, 16 July 2012 (UTC)

Fix'd. --Ghostwheel 23:09, 16 July 2012 (UTC)
FavoredRenshae +, Havvy + and Aarnott +
LikedTarkisflux +