Talk:Dragon Shaman (3.5e Class)

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Demonslayerelf favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
They didn't actually write a reason for their rating here. They could add it by adding |reason=<stuff> to their rating (per the directions), and should do so soon or the rating will be removed.
RatedLike.png Sulacu likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
This is a good and functional class, with lots of options to choose from, the many ACFs written for it giving it plenty of opportunities for customization. Unfortunately, it lacks elegance and simplicity in its execution and, in certain cases, a clear progression of class features. There is a fair bit to keep track of if you play this class, but its varied power set make it worthwhile to play in any campaign. And who wouldn't want to be able to breathe fire?

Any Help Welcomed

For grammar, spelling and the wording of some of the most complex abilities. I wouldn't refuse some help for more draconic adaptations and make draconic enhancement interesting. --Leziad 23:57, 12 June 2011 (UTC)

Ideas & Review[edit]

I enjoy reading this class you put alot of work into it, but there are somethings that i am worried about this class. The class itself is fun and I like the idea the more you level up the more you appear dragon-like to the point you can transform into a dragon and such. Reminds me of the necromancer class where you turn into a lich. I enjoy the draconic aura as it is nice to boost up the rest of the team while you deal with the heavy hitters. I think it would be cool to have some warlord inspired auras like, while have aura activated all allies gain your dex mod to initiative rolls, gain temporary hitpoints, increase certain skills e such as bluff, diplomacy, rerolling fort saves, reflex saves, increase attack so your allies can hit the hard to hit foes, increase armor, increase spell casting, or even fuse two together at for half the cost. These are some (well alot of ideas for the auras and I'm sure you can make them not sure OP, but it allows for more variety.

The Breathe Weapons are a damn joy, i love what you did to them, the more you level up, the more your breathe weapon does. The only thing i could add to this is just some breathe weapon ideas. Like boiling hot water (fire) where it ignores fire reisitance, and is halved damage for fire immunity, some of the gases (acid)that some of the metallic dragons do, metal/iron (force) (Sonic?) where it deals Bludgeoning , piercing, and slash damage, and shadow breathe where it deals half damage and has the effect of the 'true darkness spell' for a number of rounds. These are some ideas. I have more if you want just ask.

The Draconic Adaptation is also good but lacks vaierty. I think you should add more dragonic special abillites, corrupt water, darkness, plant growth, damage reduction, insect plauge, charm reptiles, create/destory water, and casting spells as a sorccerer or cleric (maybe too much) but the more you take spell casting power the more spells open up to you. Also increase bite, claw, tail damage would be good, and increasing ability.

The Consume Esper power, this is i think one of the powers that is very limited and lacking. The reason why i have such a problem with this is because it is to limited, don't get me wrong i would love to eat a dragons soul, but the thing is how many times will you be able to do this? If your were in a campaign where dragons are 'normal' and are almost everywhere, a focused dragon-campaign this would be handy, but when playing in normal campaigns where dragons are very rare encounter this abillity falls short and the tradeoff isn't worthwhile. I think there should be some sort of meeting ground like consuming regular souls should provide bonus and consuming dragon-like souls grant even more powerful buffs. The only thing i could think that could possibly improve this power is no matter what you will gain the memories but you get a couple of choices when you consume the soul. Also when you eat the soul, you will take the aura of the dead dragon gaining the apperance of a dragon. Stamina, you gain the dead dragon's temp hit-points equal to dead dragons, Intelligance, you can add the dragon's level/caster level to your spell dc, Dragon Fire, you gain the dragon mighty breathe weapon when you use your breathe weapon you may add the dead dragon's breathe weapon damage and type to your own breathe weapon, Power, you gain the power of the dead dragons strength you gain the dragons natural attacks such as Claw attack, tail whip, and bite attacks, and Dragon Mail where you gain the dead dragons natural armor class, DR/ and SR.

Now some of the things i listed might and maybe indeed OP but they are just examples and I am sure you can balance them out. Overall this class is one of my favorites and does justice to the dragon shaman class. Though might require alot of note-taking and writing i think it is worth it. 4/5 It is worth it. I wouldn't mind sharing more ideas/thoughts just ask.


Thank you for your review, the class is a little old so I am going to reread it and address your concerns. I will try to include some of your idea but first I need to refresh my memory by rereading the class. --Leziad (talk) 20:58, 17 January 2015 (UTC)

Just a question.[edit]

I know it would seem kind of wrong of doing so regardless, but i was wondering if i could use the information and some of the class features on this class and to create my own. I know it is homebrew but i would still don't want to steal your information just for a 'redesign' of your class. So is it okay if i use your information for my class? Also forgot to mention I would credit you for all the information and etc....


Go right ahead, I don't mind. You have my blessing. --Leziad (talk) 20:17, 24 January 2015 (UTC)


This looks fine. Will save or dazed for 19(!) rounds is bullshit, 19th level or not. -- Jota (talk) 02:53, 26 January 2015 (UTC)