Dragon Shaman (3.5e Class)

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Date Created: 12 June, 2011
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A dragon shaman.
This class is a variant. You may be looking for the Dragon Shaman from the Player's Handbook II.

Dragon Shaman[edit]

Power is everything, and nothing is more powerful than a True Dragon. I know the true path to power, and it's on the the scaly back of a dragon.
—Meresis, Human Dragon Shaman

Dragon shamans are a strange case, using power granted...or stolen from dragons to increase their own power. Dragons shamans are more often than not power hungry, using the raw power of a dragon to advance herself in society or otherwise destroy it. A few noble souls exist in the dragon shaman's ranks, willing to use power to protect the innocents and besiege the forces of evil, but they are rare cases.

A dragon shaman may gain her powers through a pact with a living dragon, drinking the blood of a Great Wyrm and mastering its power in a day-long ritual or even channeling the power of long-dead dragons whose souls still linger in the material. Dragon shaman's power slowly turn them into the beasts they worship, seemingly embracing the transformations bearing newly acquired scales with pride, while others prefer more discrete changes and remain mostly their old self.

Dragon shaman are frighteningly powerful, able to turn a mortal into a crisp with her fiery breath and channel the power of dragonkind to increase her physical strength. Dragon shamans sometime become powerful enough to grow wings, or even turn into a dragon and ravage any opposition. It is said a dragon shaman can potentially wield power equal to the Orbs of Dragonkind although scholars and any sane man dismisses such sayings as myths and non-sense.

Making a Dragon Shaman[edit]

Dragon shamans are team players, have powerful buffs and share them with allies around them through their draconic aura. They are able to devastate the enemy lines with breath weapon, especially when combined with powerful metabreath feats. While she handles herself well in melee, she is not a close combat fighter and being in melee alone is a great risk for a dragon shaman.

Abilities: A dragon shaman benefits from high charisma as most of her abilities are charisma-based. She need a high constitution for hit points and increase her breath weapon's DC.

Races: Dragon shamans are usually a power hungry bunch, races such as humans, orcs and other ambitious humanoid tend to become dragon shamans. Creatures from draconic races rarely become dragon shaman, because it would be redundant.

Alignment: Any

Starting Gold: As cleric.

Starting Age: Simple.

Table: The Dragon Shaman

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Breath Weapon, Draconic Aura (Wyrmling), Dragon Totem, Source of Power
2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Draconic Power, Dragonskin, Energy Resistance
3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 Draconic Adaptation, Draconic Esper, Dragon Magic
4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Dragon Meditation, Draconic Resolve
5th +3 +4 +4 +4 Second Nature, Soul Ablaze
6th +4 +5 +5 +5 Draconic Aura (Mature), Curse of the Dragonlord, Touch of Vitality
7th +5 +5 +5 +5 Energy Immunity, Esper Communion, Overcharge
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Consume Espers, Metabreath Specialization
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Draconic Socialite, Dragon Wings
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +7 Frightful Presence, Greater Breath Weapon
11th +8/+3 +7 +7 +7 Draconic Aura (Wyrm), Greater Touch of Vitality
12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Draconic Enhancement, Dragon Call
13th +9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Dragonsight
14th +10/+5 +9 +9 +9 Chimeric Breath Weapon
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +9 Death by Dragon, Triple Nature
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 Draconic Aura (Great Wyrm)
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 Lord of Dragonkind
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +11 Dragonshape
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +11 Supreme Breath Weapon
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +12 High Dragonmaster

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Dragon Shaman.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A dragon shaman is proficient with all simple and one martial weapon, light armor and shields (except tower shields).

Breath Weapon (Ex): A Dragon Shaman is capable of using a deadly breath weapon. She must choose one energy type from the list below, it become her totem energy. After using it, she must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again. The shape of this breath weapon is either a 10 feet/dragon shaman level cone or a 20 feet/dragon shaman level line, chosen as the breath weapon attack is declared. This breath weapon deals 1d6 damage/character level and allow a reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 Level + Con) for half damage.

Acid: The dragon shaman's breath weapon saving throw changes to fortitude.

Cold: The dragon shaman's breath weapon deals an additional +1 damage per die. The saving throw to resist your breath weapon changes to fortitude.

Electricity: The save DC to resist the dragon shaman's breath weapon increases by 2.

Fire: The dragon shaman breath weapon deals +1 damage per die.

Sonic: The dragon shaman's breath weapon deals -1 damage per die (minimum of 1) and ignore object hardness.

Draconic Aura (Wyrmling) (Ex): A dragon shaman radiates an aura of draconic power. She may activate, suppress or switch between auras as a swift action. Her aura affects all allied creature within 20 feet of her. At 6th, 11th and 16th level, the power of all the dragon shaman's draconic auras increases considerably. The dragon shaman aura can only affect her and as many targets as her charsima modifier (she may decide who is affected or not by her aura as a free action). A dragon shaman know all of the auras listed.

Courage (Ex): The aura of courage allows the dragon shaman and her allies to reroll any failed saving throw against fear effects, she must keep the second result even if it lower.

Resistance (Ex): The aura of resistance grants the Dragon Shaman and her allies the benefits of the endure elements spell.

Power (Ex): The aura of power grants the dragon shaman and her allies the ability to deal an additional 1d6 damages based on the dragon shaman's totem energy (Chosen when the aura is activated if the dragon shaman has multiple totem energy) on all melee attack roll granted by base attack bonus. If the dragon shaman has many Totem Energy, she must select one of them after she declare her breath attack.

Senses (Ex): The aura of sense grants the dragon shaman and her allies blindsense out to 10 feet.

Toughness (Ex): The aura of toughness grants the Dragon Shaman and her allies damage reduction bypassed by magic weapons equal to 1/2 the dragon shaman's class level (rounded up).

Vigor (Su): The aura grant the dragon shaman and her allies fast healing when under half hit points equal to 1 + 1/2 the dragon shaman's class level.

Dragon Totem (Ex): A dragon shaman's source of power, her totem is a crude item often made of bone and stone. It may allow her to channel the energy of long dead dragons, or as a gift by her patron dragon, but it must somehow be magical. Although she does not need the totem to use her power, she may meditate with the totem for 24 hours to change the type of her totem energy. If the totem is lost or destroyed, a dragon shaman may make another with 50 gp of raw material and one hour of crafting.

Source of Power (Ex): A dragon shaman has a particular source of power, either the spirit of long-dead dragons, a draconic deity, or even a mighty dragon patron. She gains the benefits based on her source of power (chosen from the list below). Additionally to any other benefits, you gain the dragonbloodRDr subtype.

Blood Ritual: She gained her power with a vile draconic blood ritual. She is immune to ingested poison and receive a +3 save bonus against poison.

Non-Evil Dragon: She gains the dragonfriend feat as a bonus feat. She must be no more than one step further in alignment than your patron alignment.

Evil Dragon: She gains the dragonthrall feat as a bonus feat. She must be no more than one step further in alignment than your patron alignment.

Dragon Deity: She gains the special ability of one domain granted by the chosen dragon deity, but she does not have access to the spells granted by the domain. She must be no more than one step further in alignment than her patron deity alignment

Draconic Spirits: She gains power from the spirits of long-dead dragons and may call on their insight. She gains alertness as a bonus feat and may use your wisdom bonus instead of her charisma bonus for your dragon shaman abilities.

Draconic Power (Su): A 2nd level dragon shaman may channel her draconic energy to channel her strength. She must expend her breath weapon as a swift action; but in doing so gains a +4 moral bonus to strength, her natural armor bonus improve by +1 and she gains 2 temporary hit points per character level which are lost when this ability ends. The Dragon Shaman may only maintain her draconic power for a number of round equal to her constitution modifier, once ended she must wait 1d4 minutes before activating Draconic Power again.

Dragonskin (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, the dragon shaman gain a natural armor equal to her constitution modifier or her class level, whichever is lower.

Energy Resistance (Ex): A 2nd level dragon shaman gain energy resistance to her totem energy type equal to her level * 2.

Draconic Adaptation (Ex): A 3rd level dragon shaman becomes more like a dragon. She may choose two bonuses from the list below, she gain an additional each 3 level after 3rd (6th, 9th, 12th etc..). Each draconic adaptations may only be selected once, improved version may only be taken if the original was also taken, greater version may only be taken if the improved version was taken.

Breath Weapon: The dragon shaman gain a metabreath feat as a bonus feat she meet the prerequisites for.

Breath Weapon, Improved: The dragon shaman deal extra totem energy damages equal to her class level.

Breath Weapon, Greater: The Dragon shaman breath weapon DC increase by +1, she gain a metabreath feat as a bonus feat she meet the prerequisites for.

Claws: The dragon shaman gains 2 claw attacks dealing appropriate damage for her size (1d6 for medium).

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon shaman can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Eyes: The dragon shaman gain darkvision 60', or her current darkvision increases by 30'.

Goldscent: The dragon shaman is able to sense any objects made out of gold, this ability function as scent but she may only scent gold.

Icewalking : This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Scales: The dragon shaman gains +1 to her natural armor bonus.

Scales, Improved: The dragon shaman gains +2 to her natural armor bonus (does not stack with scales).

Scales, Greater: The dragon shaman gains +3 to her natural armor bonus (does not stack with scales and improved scales).

Sound Imitation:' The dragon shaman can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed on a Will save (DC equal to that of the dragon shaman's breath weapon DC to detect the ruse.

Water Breathing: The dragon shaman can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use her breath weapon and other abilities while submerged.

Draconic Esper (Ex): A 3rd level dragon shaman is able to communicate with dragons beyond the grave. This grants her a unique insight. She may reroll any failed knowledge check as a immediate action, she may keep the best of both result.

Dragon Magic (Su): A 3rd level dragon shaman is capable of using very limited form of draconic magic. She may as a full-round action, cast any of the following spells as supernatural abilities at-will with a caster level equal to her dragon shaman class levels: detect poison, detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, flare, light, ghost sound, mending, message, prestidigitation.

Dragon Meditation (Su): A 4th level dragon shaman is able to channel her draconic energy to fend off fatigue and to nourish herself, or allow others to do so. Instead of resting, the dragon shaman may instead decide to meditate, doing so halves the time necessary for her to have a full night of (8 hours) sleep and the absorbed draconic energy grant her sustenance necessary for the day (she count as having eaten and drank enough to survive for the day). She may share her meditation with a number of willing creatures equal to her constitution modifier.

Draconic Resolve (Ex): At 4th level, the dragon shaman gain immunity to paralysis and sleep effects. The dragon shaman also become immune to the frightful presence of dragons.

Second Nature (Ex): A 5th level dragon shaman may choose another totem energy for her breath weapon, any abilities depending on her totem energy is also affected by her second totem energy (i.e. a 7th dragon shaman with fire and acid totem energy would be immune to fire and acid). She may change her second totem energy with her dragon totem as normal.

Soul Ablaze (Ex): A 5th level dragon shaman can ignite her very soul, wreathing herself in draconic soulfire. The dragon shaman must expend her breath weapon as an immediate action to use this ability. All creatures striking the dragon shaman in melee take 1d6/2 dragon shaman-level damage of the dragon shaman chosen totem energy (decided when the ability is initiated). Additionally the soufire grants the dragon shaman immunity to compulsion-effects. The dragon shaman may keep the flames going for a number of round equal to her constitution modifier.

Draconic Aura (Mature) (Ex): At 6th level, the dragon shaman's aura increase in potency. The effects below replace the effects of it previous level version.

Courage (Ex): The aura of courage grants the dragon shaman and her allies immunity to fear effects.

Resistance (Ex): The aura of resistance grants the Dragon Shaman and her allies energy resistance based on the dragon shaman's totem energy (Chosen when the aura is activated if the dragon shaman has multiple totem energy). The dragon shaman and affected allies gain energy resistance equal to 3 * her dragon shaman level and the benefits of the endure elements spell.

Power (Ex): The aura of power grants the dragon shaman and her allies the ability to deal an additional 2d6 damaged based on the dragon shaman's totem energy (Chosen when the aura is activated if the dragon shaman has multiple totem energy) damage on all melee attack roll granted by base attack bonus. Breath weapon energy damage is chosen as the shaman initiates her aura.

Senses (Ex): The aura of sense grants the dragon shaman and her allies blindsense out to 30 feet.

Toughness (Ex): The aura grant the Dragon Shaman and her allies damage reduction bypassed by magic weapons equal to 4 + 1/2 the dragon shaman level (rounded up).

Vigor (Su): The aura grant the dragon shaman and her allies fast healing when under 3/4 hit points equal to 2 + 1/2 the dragon shaman's level (rounded down).

Curse of the Dragonlord (Su): A 6th level dragon shaman may use bestow curse as an at-will supernatural ability with a caster level equal to her dragon shaman level as a standard action, the DC is charisma-based.

Touch of Vitality (Su): A 6th level dragon shaman is able to instill vitality with her very touch. Each day she has a number of charge equal to her charisma modifier + half of her class level rounded down. She may touch a creature and expend any number of charges, for each charge spent she heals 1d6 hit points. If she expend 3 or more charges she may cure 2 additional hit points per die.

Energy Immunity (Ex): A 7th level dragon shaman gains immunity to her totem energy.

Esper Communion (Ex): A 7th level dragon shaman can communicate directly with great dragons beyond the grave or her source of power. As a full-round action she may replicate the effect of a commune spell once per day with a caster level equal to the dragon shaman class levels.

Overcharge (Ex): A 7th level dragon shaman may overcharge her breath weapon, she may user her breath weapon as a full-round action, adding her Charisma modifier or her class level to her damage roll, whichever is higher.

Consume Espers (Ex): An 8th level level dragon shaman is capable of eating the spirit of a recently dead dragon, acquiring some of its power. She may, as a full-round action, consume the soul of an adjacent true dragon that died no longer than one hour ago. The dragon may not be resurrected until the dragon shaman is slain. Consuming the soul of a dragon whose CR is lower than her class level grants no benefits, however if she consumes the soul of a dragon of equal or higher CR she may select one of the listed effect below.

Rejuvenation: The dragon shaman gains the benefits of a heal spell with caster level equal to the CR of the dragon. Additionally she may lower her age category by one step (partial rejuvenation).

Memories: The dragon shaman gains the memories of the dead dragon. In addition to all delicious information granted at the DM's discretion, the dragon shaman gains unique insight when dealing with dragons of its color or species granting her a +2 insight bonus on all saving throws against dragon of its color or species. She may only benefits from the saving throw bonus once per dragon color/species.

Ghost Tail: The dragon is capable of using the energy of the dragon's soul to creature a ghost tail. She may use the true dragon tail slap attack as a huge dragon. If she selects this ability 3 times, she also gains the tail sweep ability of a gargantuan dragon.

Metabreath Specialization (Ex): Whenever you use your breath weapon and use at least one metabreath feat you may lower the cooldown time increase of one metabreath feat by 1 (minimum of 0).

Draconic Socialite (Su): A 9th level dragon shaman may cast charm monster spell as a at-will standard action with a caster level equal to her dragon shaman class levels but may only affected creature with the dragon type.

Dragon Wings (Ex): A 9th level dragon shaman may spout or retract wings as a move action. When winged, she has a flying speed equal to her base land speed with average mobility.

Frightful Presence (Ex): At 10th level, the dragon shaman gains a 30 feet radius frightful presence. All creatures that fail their will save are frightened for 5d6 rounds.

Greater Breath Weapon (Ex): At 10th level, the dragon shaman's selection of breath weapon greatly expand. When using her dragon totem to choose another type of breath weapon she may also pick a breath weapon from the list below.

Force: (Totem Energy: Force) The dragon shaman's breath weapon deals force damages and may hit ethereal creatures.

Hellfire: (Totem energy: Fire) The dragon shaman breath weapon deals +1 damage per die and ignore resistance to fire. Immunity halves the damages.

Living Acid (Totem Energy: Acid) The dragon shaman's breath weapon saving throw changes to fortitude and leave gray oozes under your control at the location of any creature that was slain by the breath weapon. The oozes dies within a single minute after being created.

Necromantic (Totem Energy: Cold) The dragon shaman's breath weapon deals an additional +1 damage per die. The saving throw to resist your breath weapon changes to fortitude. Any creatures slain by a necromantic breath weapon raise as a zombie under the dragon shaman control.

Prismatic: (Totem Energy: Fire) The dragon shaman's breath weapon effect become identical to a color spray, except it uses the dragon shaman's breath weapon radius instead of the spell radius.

Tempest: (Totem Energy: Electricity) The dragon shaman's breath weapon deal no damages and offer no initital reflex save. All creatures in the radius of the breath weapon are instead considered to stand in a windstorm until the beginning of the dragon shaman's next turn. The fortitude save to resist of the effects of the storm is based on the dragon shaman instead of being static (DC 10 + 1/2 level + cha modifier).

Truespeak: (Totem Energy: Sonic) The dragon shaman's breath weapon ignore object hardness and resistance to sonic, immunity only halves the damages. The saving throw to resist the breath weapon changes to will.

Draconic Aura (Wyrm) (Ex): A 11th level dragon shaman's auras increase in power even more. The effects below replace the effects of their previous version.

Courage (Ex): The aura of courage grants the dragon shaman and her allies immunity to fear-effects and may reroll any failed will saves, she must keep the second result even if it lower.

Resistance (Ex): The aura of resistance grant the Dragon Shaman and her allies immunity to her dragon shaman's totem energy (Chosen when the aura is activated if the dragon shaman has multiple totem energy) and the benefits of the endure elements spell.

Power (Ex): The aura of power grants the dragon shaman and her allies the ability to deal an additional 3d6 damages based on the dragon shaman's totem energy (Chosen when the aura is activated if the dragon shaman has multiple totem energy) on all melee attack roll granted by base attack bonus.

Senses (Ex): The aura of sense grants the dragon shaman and her allies blindsight out of 30 feet.

Toughness (Ex): The aura of toughness grants the Dragon Shaman and her allies damage reduction bypassed by magic and adamantine weapons equal to 5 + 1/2 the dragon shaman level (rounded up).

Vigor (Su): The aura of vigor grants the dragon shaman and her allies fast healing equal to 3 + 1/2 the dragon shaman level (rounded down).

Greater Touch of Vitality (Su): A 11th level Dragon Shaman may convert her touch of vitality into various effects.

2 Charges: She may cure touched creature of any of the following status: fatigued, exhausted, sickened, nauseated, dazed and stunned.

3 Charges: Duplicate the effect of lesser restoration with a caster level equal to her dragon shaman level.

4 Charges: Duplicate the effect of revivifySC with a caster level equal to her dragon shaman level.

5 Charges: Duplicate the effect of heal with a caster level equal to her dragon shaman level.

8 Charges: Duplicate the effect of raise dead with a caster level equal to her dragon shaman level.

Draconic Enhancement (Ex): A 12th level dragon shaman is greatly empowered by her draconic energy. She gain a +2 bonus on one ability score of her choice.

Dragon Call (Su): A 12th level dragon shaman is able to call upon a powerful dragon ally, she may attempt to summon a dragon with a deafening roar as a standard action. The CR of the dragon summoned can be no higher than the dragon shaman class levels-3 but she may attempt to summon a dragon whose CR is lower. The dragon stay until the fight end and must be directed by the dragon shaman as a move action. She may only use Dragon Call once per encounter. You may attempt to call a particular dragon, or any passing dragon of the chosen color (or type) in general.

The dragon shaman must succeed a character level check, adding her charisma modifier to the result. She must beat the dragon's CR +15 but the check is affected by various conditions, the bonus and penalty applied to the check are always circumstance bonus. If the check a success, the called dragon answer with a roar and will arrive in combat in 1d4 rounds. If the check is failed, no dragon answer the dragon shaman call (she know it). This is a [Sonic] ability.

Table: Dragon Call's Circumstance Table
Condition Circumstance Bonus/Penalty
Called dragon is of the Same Alignment +2
Called dragon is of an Opposes Alignment -4
Dragon Shaman know called dragon +1
Called Dragon owe the dragon shaman +3
Dragon Shaman owe called dragon -3
Dragons are common in the Area +2
Dragons are rare in the Area -2
On a Plane with no dragon -20
Used the Dragon Call ability that day. -2 (cumulative after each use)
Known to reward dragons called +5
Known to get called dragons killed -5

Dragonsight (Ex): A 13th level dragon shaman gain a true dragon's keen sense.

Chimeric Breath Weapon (Ex): A 14th level Dragon Shaman may combine two energy types in a single blast, the breath weapon deal d8s instead of d6s, dealing half damage with the first energy type and the other half with the second and combine the effects of both breath weapon (ignore hardness as sonic but -1 damage with +1 damage from fire). If one of the breath weapon would deal no damage, the chimeric breath weapon deal d6s instead of d8s. When she use her Chimeric Breath weapon, the recovery time of her breath weapon increase by +1 round.

Death by Dragon (Ex): A 15th level dragon shaman using her dragon call ability may now summon multiple dragons, she may summon up to 3 dragons with the same restrictions. She need to make a character level check for each summoned dragon as detailed in dragon call.

Triple Nature (Ex): A 15th level dragon shaman may choose a third totem energy. It follows the same rules as her second breath weapon.

Draconic Aura (Great Wyrm) (Ex): At 16th level, the dragon shaman's aura increase in potency. The effects below replace the effects of it previous level version.

Courage (Ex): The aura of courage grants the dragon shaman and her allies immunity to mind-affecting effects and they may reroll any failed will saves, she must keep the second result even if it lower.

Resistance (Ex): The aura of resistance grant the Dragon Shaman and her allies energy absorption to the dragon shaman's totem energy (Chosen when the aura is activated if the dragon shaman has multiple totem energy) and the benefits of the endure elements spell.

Power (Ex): The aura of power grant the dragon shaman and her allies the ability to deal an additional 5d6 damages based on the dragon shaman's totem energy (Chosen when the aura is activated if the dragon shaman has multiple totem energy) on all melee attack rolls granted by base attack bonus.

Senses (Ex): The aura of sense grants the dragon shaman and her allies blindsight out of 60 feet.

Toughness (Ex): The aura of toughness grants the Dragon Shaman and her allies damage reduction that cannot be bypassed equal to 6 + 1/2 the dragon shaman level (rounded up).

Vigor (Su): The aura grant the dragon shaman and her allies fast healing points equal to 4+ 1/2 the dragon shaman level (rounded down) and immunity to critical hits, ability damages and ability drain.

Lord of Dragonkind (Ex): A 17th level Dragon Shaman is a respected or feared figure among dragonkind. Dragons are no longer immune to the dragon's shaman frightful presence. Additionally any dragon whose CR is below the dragon shaman's level will not willingly attack the dragon shaman and if forced, they are counted as shaken for the encounter.

Dragonshape (Su): A 18th level Dragon Shaman may take the form of a mighty true dragon as a full-round action. She may turn into any true dragon which CR is at least 2 points lower than her class levels and share a breath weapon type with her totem energy, she retain her personality, alignment and motivations but otherwise take on all aspects of her new form. She may turn back into her original form as a standard action.

Supreme Breath Weapon (Ex): At 19th level, the dragon shaman's selection of breath weapon greatly expand. When using her dragon totem to choose another type of breath weapon she may also pick a totem energy from the list below.

Devouring Acid: (Totem Energy: Acid) The dragon shaman's breath weapon saving throw changes to fortitude and ignore resistance to acid, immunity halves the damages. Any creatures who fail her saving throw against half damage has it natural armor bonus reduced to 0 until healed if that cretaures had no natural armor, she take 1 constitution drain instead.

Lava: (Totem Energy: Fire) The dragon shaman's breath weapon deal an extra 1d6/level typeless damages.

Light: (Totem Energy: Fire) The dragon shaman's breath weapon deals typeless damage and deal double damages against creature vulnerable to light.

Otherworldly Tempest: (Totem Energy: Electricity) The dragon shaman's breath weapon deal typeless damage and offer no initial saving throw. All creatures in the radius of the breath weapon are instead considered to stand in a tornado until the beginning of the dragon shaman's next turn. The fortitude save to resist of the effects of the storm is based on the dragon shaman instead of being static (DC 10 + 1/2 level + cha modifier).

Psionic: (Totem Energy: Sonic) The dragon shaman's breath weapon deals typeless damages and offer no initial saving throw. Any creatures who took damage from the breath weapon must make a will save or be dazed for 1 round/dragon shaman level. A creature immune to mind-affecting effects cannot be dazed by a psionic breath weapon.

Prismatic, True: (Totem Energy: Fire) The dragon shaman's breath weapon effect become identical to a prismatic spray, except it use the dragon shaman's breath weapon radius instead of the spell radius.

Radiation: (Totem Energy: Electricity) The dragon shaman's breath weapon do not deal damages but inflict 2d4+1 negative levels with a fortitude save to negate.

Tesla: (Totem Energy: Electricity) The dragon shaman's breath weapon saving throw DC increase by 2 and it radius triple.

Truespeak, Greater: (Totem Energy: Sonic) The dragon shaman's breath weapon ignore object hardness and resistance to sonic, immunity only halves the damages. The saving throw to resist the breath weapon changes to will. Any creatures in the radius of the breath weapon is deafened for 1 round/dragon shaman level (no save).

High Dragonmaster (Ex): A 20th level dragon shaman is able to detect and enslave dragon as if she had a orb of dragonkind, but it apply to all dragon whose CR is under her level + 4 instead of a particular color.

Human Dragon Shaman Starting Package[edit]

Weapons: Spear.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 5 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Appraise 4 Int
Bluff 4 Cha
Intimidate 4 Cha
Knowledge (Arcana) 4 Int
Ride 4 Str

Feat: Entangling ExhalationRotR

Bonus Feats: Recover BreathDraconomicon

Gear: Leather Armor, dragon totem.

Gold: 12 gp.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Dragon Shaman[edit]

Religion: Dragon shaman tend to be irreligious, although they dedicate their lives to God-like beings they do not tend to worship dragon as much as admire their power. A dragon shaman is devoted to the power, not the creature, a dragon shaman will more often than not worship herself above Gods or Dragons. Tt is not rare for religious dragon shaman to worship dragon deities or more commonly dragon themslves.

Other Classes: Dragon shaman will raise the ire of cleric and paladin, self worshiping power hungry pagans tend to be unpopular with good deities. A barbarian and dragon shaman are likely to have a friendly relationship as both are relatively primitive and similar. Fighters and rogues tend to be neutral toward dragon shamans while dragon shamans are likely to admire the power of sorcerers and wizard.

Combat: Dragon Shamans need to be close to their allies, it aura are mostly beneficial for melee combatant and thus tend to be mostly in the fray. The dragon shaman can heal in combat, wipe out large groups of monsters fairly regularly and even fly over the battlefield, burning everything under to a crisp.

Advancement: Dragon shamans typically remain dragon shaman for their whole career.

Dragon Shamans in the World[edit]

I have no patience for this, out of my way until I burn you to a crisp.
—Antyl Anatris, Half-Orc Dragon Shaman

Daily Life: Dragon shamans lead primitive lifestyles like the barbarian, sometime they directly serve a dragon as agent and hitman. Most of the time the Dragon Shaman live a solitary life in the wild.

Notables: Meresis, a powerful dragon shaman is questing for the orbs of dragonkind. She believe it will make her powerful enough to overthrow and devour the essence of many dragons, becoming almost immortal in the process.

Organizations: Dragon shamans are too power hungry and divided to form any real organization. Sometime tribes of barbarian will have a coven of dragon shaman to lead them or a dragon will keep a network of affiliated dragon shaman under it.

NPC Reactions: Dragon shamans are feared, wielding the power of one of the strongest creature. Their ability to cause massive destruction with their breath weapon is especially feared by the common folk. Many dragon shamans look like perfectly ordinary savages though, unless the shaman publicly exhibit scales or wings.

Dragon Shaman Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in knowledge (arcana) can research dragon shamans to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Arcana)
DC Result
5 Dragon shamans desire the power of dragons.
10 A dragon shamans possess a powerful breath attack, and are capable of channeling draconic power into auras,
15 Dragon Shamans who grow in power become more and more like a dragon, capable of growing wings and even turning into a very dragon.
20 Information about any particular class features.

Dragon Shamans in the Game[edit]

Adaptation: It really a bit too straightforward to be adapted easily.

Sample Encounter: Dragon shamans make great villains, power hungry and possessing brutal powers. A dragon could have several dragon shaman servants, or perhaps the party can help a Dragon Shaman usurp the power and wealth of a dragon only to have the dragon shaman turn on the party after the dragon was defeated.

EL 7: Kara-Gorth, a CE half-orc dragon shaman obsessed by the acquisition of wealth. He boast his powers and openly show crimson red scales and wear a dragon bone armor. He is overly confidant and will attempt to demand tributes from village like a Red Dragonw ould do, any refusal is met with a fiery retribution.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4498 Articles)
Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Neutral +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionModerate +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length20 +
Minimum Level1 +
Rated BySulacu +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionGood +
SkillAppraise +, Balance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Perform +, Profession +, Ride +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Speak Language +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim + and Tumble +
Skill Points4 +
SummaryAn actually playable Dragon Shaman. +
TitleDragon Shaman +
Will Save ProgressionGood +