Talk:Phantom Limb (3.5e Equipment)

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Old price might have been too low, but new price is pretty crazy high. It's ~23% of the WBL for a level 20 character and almost as expensive as a +10 weapon. I'm pretty sure I could get better things for that mountain of gold. - Tarkisflux Talk 01:16, 7 October 2011 (UTC)

... Really? I'd pay that much for the power to leave fellow level 20s drooling messes with only a few touch attacks.--Change=Chaos. Period. SC 02:37, 7 October 2011 (UTC)
Ghostwheel suggested this new price. Something to do with Whirling Eaters of Souls, touch attacks, and that sort of thing. What better unarmed touch attack nonsense can you think of for a lower price? --Foxwarrior 03:17, 7 October 2011 (UTC)
Interesting note, it seems to be an "unarmed attack" so I presume you would provoke without IUS.
As for price, this reminds me of Ray of Stupidity, a no-save ability buster. At will 2nd level spell would be 10,800g. Of course, the guidelines are suspect... this is closer to owning an Allip, which does similar damage. Allips are 4HD, so commanded at 8HD. Thus you can price it for an expensive but affordable graft at ECL 8, whatever the WBL is for there. Either one of these should help you figure out the price. My gut says it'll end up in the 12-52k level. -- Eiji-kun 03:32, 7 October 2011 (UTC)
To be fair, a pet Allip can only tickle you once per round. --Foxwarrior 06:33, 7 October 2011 (UTC)
First off, I think pricing anything based on char op build utility is nonsense (this is a point Ghost and I disagree on, I'm admittedly more willing to let game mastery reward people in that way). Yes, this item would be problematic in such a build, but much less so in the vast majority of games. Pricing it to the build just means that most people won't take it because it's not worth it for them. While I can't think of a better touch attack ability damage item, I could get an at-will item of Wraithstrike (multiple touch attacks per round, check) and 2 +6 weapons for less than this graft (10,800gp + 72,000gp x 2 = 154,800gp). I can do a lot more with those than I can with this, and I can still use both of my hands to grapple or eat.
At-will, attack action, touch attack, significant attribute damage items are concerning, without question, but not "effectively unavailable until level 20" concerning. I'd go between 25k and 35k, which sets it at around 1/3rd the WBL of a 12-13th level character. So you can get it around then, but not without sacrificing other items you may need to be functional / contribute. There's also plenty of ranged counters available by that level and it's not like the person with the arm is likely to 1-round anything they fight without getting bonus attacks from another source (which I would be fine with actually at that level if they were built specifically to do that). - Tarkisflux Talk 07:12, 7 October 2011 (UTC)
That sounds about right. Assuming the Allip scenerio has merit and taking into account that that one is only once per round, you give it a few more touches and bump the level up. 12th... feels right. I agree with this pricing. -- Eiji-kun 07:38, 7 October 2011 (UTC)


Another possibility is to skip the whole touches of stupidity entirely, and get the ability to move things to and from the ethereal plane instead, or something like that. --Foxwarrior 08:08, 7 October 2011 (UTC)

Shadow Cache the Graft? -- Eiji-kun 09:56, 7 October 2011 (UTC)
No no no. Ether Cache the Graft. --Foxwarrior 18:06, 7 October 2011 (UTC)