Talk:Rien's False Reality (3.5e Spell)

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Author's Thoughts[edit]

I could probably shrink the range, although right now I feel as though that's one of the things that makes it most potentially useful right now. As I noted to Aarnott on the IRC chat, I'm also concerned about how much (or little) use an Illusion spell like this would see in-game, but not enough to not make it. - TG Cid (talk) 15:06, 25 September 2012 (UTC)

It's a huge SRD:Hallucinatory Terrain (or SRD:Mirage Arcana, though the comparison works less well there I think) combined with SRD:Veil, and I think it would see similar levels of use. If you wanted it to see more use, you could boost the duration to a flat day or add a permanency line to it (since it affects an area and all targets within it).
The lack of SR or save for my appearance being modified by the spell flies in the face of Veil and standard illusion saves by the way. Allowing a target to save and SR against the glammer affecting them personally is probably fine, and not allowing SR or a save (until interacted with) against the terrain changes seems like a better way to go. Or basically adopting the SR and save lines Veil.
I get wanting to make True Seeing not decimate the entire illusion school, but the binary nature here bugs me. Would a CL check be acceptable instead?
Also, standard concern about area and cast time. Mile per level of an already strong spell seems overkill. And since it's a plot spell, not a combat one, it doesn't need or even benefit from a combat cast time (even an interruptable one). A combat version of this spell could be interesting, but it wouldn't have an area large than most conceivable battlefields. - Tarkisflux Talk 18:07, 25 September 2012 (UTC)