Talk:Unearthly Shape (3.5e Invocation)
All things equal?[edit]
This one is strange; I really like the idea. it's an interesting idea. It needs linking of the various forms though, and off hand without checking I'm not quite sure all of these forms are of equal quality.
The other thing is is that the nature of the polymorphing here is vague. Do you get the entire monster entry, right down to typing, hp, and equipment? If you hit 0 hp do you return to normal or is your hp now 0? Usually in these cases you refer to a spell like alter self or an ability like change shape and say "this functions as X" so you don't need to specify the important but minor little bits that go with this stuff.
Depending on exactly which polymorphing effects are being used and how this works, this thing may be too weak or dangerous to use. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 18:41, 7 January 2019 (MST)