Spanambula is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
This adopted version is pretty good, I can dig it. The -4 to Cha seems like too much for people who are basically just "gruff but good", I'd be happier with it as a -2. Also the breath weapon is so underpowered it's practically useless. I'd make it at least 1d6/2HD. Also might want to specify that it deals cold damage and give it a cooldown period, like the typical 1d4 rounds. Other than that, this is a pretty flavorful cold elf race. Nice job.
Eiji-kun opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
This rating refers to a substantially different version of the article, or concerns mentioned in it have already been addressed.There are a couple of issues I have with this race. The fluff is uninspiring, but technically nothing is really wrong with it. Mechanically though... it's got either three +2s, or two +2s (why would you ever choose the former?) which really isn't kosher for LA 0. Half snow elf isn't a subtype, it would be (Elf, Human) for half-elves of any sort. It's unusually fast, and immune to cold. Sometimes you can give an elemental immunity at LA 0, but only if it's a subtype like Fire or Cold which comes packaged with vulnerability. There's a thing, why don't they have the Cold subtype? As is, it's just straight immunity. Then there is both Mark of Cold and the favored class speaking about race specific classes that don't exist, and even if they did the fact they can take said classes isn't a racial feature. You don't see under Dwarf "Mark of Stone: Can totally take Dwarven Defender."
Under Alertness, "Perception" makes me think this is a pathfinder port. And Survival is just meh. It's ok, but... meeeeeh.
It's not really ECL 1 at all. The ability scores, high speed, and immunity together push it up too high. That, and it doesn't really seem to make much sense fluffwise. Why are these things so strong? Are snow elves some kind of fanwank level elves of superhuman potential? Because the generic D&D flavor elves are just pointy ear humans.
It gets the thumbs down.
Ganteka Future opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
This rating refers to a substantially different version of the article, or concerns mentioned in it have already been addressed.This is straight broken and shouldn't be in the main article space while listed as "Status: Done". The racial ability modifiers alone are enough to warrant sandboxing this until they're adjusted to fit either LA 0 or have LA/Racial HD added to compensate. There are some other oddities in the racial traits as well that makes me wonder if snow elves are speedy super beings or something. Why does a half-blooded race have their own language if they're only ever "born in desperate times"? Why is "Half Snow elf" their subtype instead of just Elf? How come all the flavor is so generic and sparse? "Perception" does not work that way in basic 3.5e, so that'll need some elaboration/clarification so we are supposed to know what exactly that entails. Also, the racial Height and Weight table needs some fixing. The Base Weight should be a static number that is modified by multiplying the Height Modifier die result by whatever modifier is calculated in the Weight Modifier entry for that sex.
There's enough here to work with, but it's not usable as is without major adjustments. Fix this.
Undead Knave dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
This rating refers to a substantially different version of the article, or concerns mentioned in it have already been addressed.There are a lot of problems with this and about all of them are mechanical (most particularly the +0 LA with all the stuff they have going on). There also don't seem to be any flavor reasons for them to be so much better at everyone else at everything, or a lot of flavor at all. Maybe fFix all that.
One last thing on the breath weapon[edit]
Needs a range. Is it a 15-foot cone? 30 foot line? Choice of either? Does the range increase with HD? Inquiring minds want to know. Fix this and I'll change the Neutral to a Like. - Spanambula (talk) 08:08, 8 October 2016 (UTC)