Template talk:3.5e Class Spells by Level

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Nice Work[edit]

Looks good thus far. I might edit the way the output is displayed so it's not such honking big headings, but the fundamentals look solid. I'll make use of this pretty soon -- just have to massage some Spell pages into order, and maybe fix that page type problem. Surgo 03:39, November 11, 2009 (UTC)

While you're tweaking it, if you could turn an eye towards browser compatibility I'd appreciate it. IE renders this fine, but Firefox renders the later subheadings underneath the whitespace following the last ask querry so they don't show up (though they are still linked). I can sorta fix it with line breaks, but since the amount of line breaks required depends on the length of the table for the level (and so grows as our content does) it's pretty much unsolvable from that angle. Some actual web coding / understanding would be helpful. - TarkisFlux 03:20, November 14, 2009 (UTC)
Okay, what's currently wrong that we want to fix? This talk page hasn't been updated since November. Surgo 03:02, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
I think I see why the firefox problem is happening, and I'm surprised IE renders it correctly at all. Will fix tomorrow. Surgo 04:22, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, I've just been ignoring it since it's only on one page right now, and wasn't even there until recently. I figured since IE8 rendered it fine and most of the world still uses it we were good for the most part. Glad you see a fix though. - TarkisFlux 07:35, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
I think this is actually a Firefox bug. I reported the problem. Surgo 17:41, December 13, 2009 (UTC)
Maybe... it's fixed anyway though. Putting align:left in the table seems to have caused the issue, and changing it to style="text-align:left;" has resolved it. I'll check on the headers in the other templates and drop them to H4s as well in a minute. - TarkisFlux 17:49, December 13, 2009 (UTC)
Edit - issue clarity: Left-aligned tables + unspecified headers = bug. Unspecified tables + unspecified headers = happy Tarkis. - TarkisFlux 17:53, December 13, 2009 (UTC)