Template:3.5e Class Spells by Level

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Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)

The template is for outputting specific class spell lists sorted by spell school. It will list a header for the class and level for any request that contains results, and then break the results up into by school and list them in a table format. It will not output anything if nothing exists for the specified parameters, so you can toss this on a page without worry about creating dead space. When something is later added, it will be added to the page and auto-generate a header if appropriate.


{{3.5e Class Spells by Level
|class= The class you want to display the list for
|level= The level you want to display the list for
|abbrv= The abbreviation used for the class in the spell description (optional parameter)


{{3.5e Class Spells by Level |class=Sorcerer/Wizard |level=<1 through 9>}}

1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Dampen Impact: Gain DR 10/magic and reduce impact damage by 10 per caster level.

Disappointing Runes: Minor rune goes off with a plip of daunting disappointment.

Extraplanar Disruption: Disrupt an extraplanar creature's connection to reality, reducing attack and defense and making it easier to banish them.

Fireproofing: Coat an object in a thin magical patina that protects it from fire damage.

Firering: Invoke a ring of flames around the target, both to protect and deal damage

Focus Shield: Generate a barrier which raises your AC and ablates incoming damage, but must be actively maintained.

Love Ward: A favorite of adventurers, bards, and sorcerers in magic college. This spell protect you against the negative side effects of lovemaking.

Mage Armor, Swift: Grant a +4 armor bonus to AC. Protection against incorporeal attacks.

Mantissa's Ostrich Flight: Places caster in extremely secure hiding place. Does not provide egress from hiding place.

Protection from Alignment, Variant: A remake of protection from alignment.

Retort: Gain a barrier which damages those who strike you in combat.

Suppress Influence: Suppress the influence and sign or one or more vestige, however doing so prevent the binder from using the vestige's powers.

Withstand Energy: Grant resistance to one element based on caster level.

Withstand Energy Variant: In an instant, protect yourself from energy damage.

Conj Acid Bomb: This spell creates a sphere of acid that flies towards the target.

Ancestral Weapon: You create a weapon wielded by your ancestors and imbued with their strength.

Biogel Mimic: Create a biogel mimic, a harmless creature that duplicates organic flesh to the point of being an effective simulacrum for it.

Boiling Sphere: You conjure a hovering, superheated, steaming, boiling sphere of water that occupies a 5 foot square.

Call Minion: Call a humanoid with 1 HD or less to perform a task for you.

Cone of Melted Butter: Exactly what it says on the the tin.

Conjure Tools: Summon a masterwork tool for your purposes.

Dimensional Transference: The target's weapons go through portals to make attacking more or less efficient, depending on your desires.

Dust Bomb: Throw a ball of dust and grit which obscures vision and reveals invisible beings.

Galea's Drenching Orb: Throw a ball of water that puts out fires.

Helpful Lick: You lick someone's face and they feel better.

Ink Blot: Splash enemies with sticky ink and reveal their position.

Jelly Orb: An orb of magical jelly flies from your hand to its target.

Kiden's Harassing Spirit: Summon a spirit to annoy and possibly kill people if you invest enough into it.

Lesser Bamf: Short-range limited teleportation once per round.

Magic Harassment: Harass your foe with a spell that make him weaker and slower.

Parachute: Create a parachute to slow your fall. Longer lasting than feather fall, but only for one person and with a few downsides.

Pocket Conjuration: Conjure a single ordinary object or animal at the drop of a hat.

Poison Breath: Exhale a cone of quickly-dissipating poisonous gas.

Possessed Hand: Cause a creature's hand to be possessed and work against their self interest.

Purchase Components: Calls material components to your hand.

Ray of Rope: Get over here! Lasso the enemy in and drag them closer!

Rickshaw: Creates a rickshaw including handler

Ride the Nightmare: Caster teleports randomly while asleep.

Solar Paneling: Attach a sunlight absorbing panel to an object or creature, giving it power, sustenance, or able to charge a focus component.

Sticky Hands: You find your hands glued to your weapon, everything you touch won't wash off!

Sting Dart: Fire a poison stinger that injures and leaves painful sore welts.

Summon Bot: Summon a Bot to fight for you. Cast it in a higher level spell slot for a stronger effect.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Elemental: Summon an elemental.

Summon Spider I: Calls spider to fight.

Unicorn's Hand: A caster who prepares this spell is never without a helping hand.

Welz's Poison Spray: Spray a toxic mist a short distance that deals damage.

Div Asterfete's Return Scrying: One scrying sensor that appears in the area also becomes a window back to its source.

Atmospheric Visualizer: You can visualize the sky as if it was clear and at any time.

Bond of the Obnoxious Commander: A spirit of an ancient legend of war guides your martial maneuvers.

Detect Heat: You detect heat sources visually.

Detect Laws: Determine the rules in the nearest settlement.

Detect Parentage: Disc determines if subjects are parent and child.

Detect Power Level: You sense the presence of life force in an area.

Discern Portal Destination: Find the destination of a portal

Ell's Great Effort: You gain a bonus to a future roll.

Focus Target: Aid your allies with accuracy. Like True Strike, but with a chance to fail.

Identify Symbol: Gain 5 + your caster level as a bonus on checks to identify symbols for what they are.

Magic Probe: Enhances a focus into a magical probe, allowing you to gauge temperature, pressure, lighting conditions, and basic knowledge from the viewpoint of the probe.

Object Insight: Gain some insight on the nature of objects and the lore surrounding them.

Pathfinder: Obtain a vision of the correct path to take, shortening overland movement times, improving tracking, and teleporting with greater accuracy.

Predict Stability: Predict the stability of your plane of existence

Sense Emotions: You sense the emotions of those around you.

Sky Eye: Project a sensor above your head up to 20 ft/level high, to gain a superior vantage point when viewing.

Sreip's Haste Vision: You can move your eyes and process their input incredibly fast, enhancing your vision and protecting you from certain effects.

True Dodge: The counterpart to true strike, this makes it easy to dodge one single attack.

Ench Fanservice: You provide some fanservice. This is rather distracting.

Half Shot: Far Shot? No, try half shot, and cut those ranges in two!

Ishara's Enticing Directive: Tell one creature to give you object, creature approaches, gives over.

Possessed Hand: Cause a creature's hand to be possessed and work against their self interest.

Power Word Pain Variant: Take damage over time, based on your remaining hp.

Punish Violence: If the afflicted target attacks, they take non-lethal damage.

Regal Presence: Your knowledge of nobility gives you a commanding presence none can ignore.

Talk Like a Pirate: Avast, mateys! When yer crew be babblin' landlubber nonsense, use this spell to bring 'em back to the talk of the salty seas.

Evoc Ashe's Mind Lance: Deal damage, interrupt spell.

Chaos Blaze: A highly random fire spell that can hurt a lot or barely do anything, who knows.

Cone of Cold, Lesser: The little brother of cone of cold, a reliable spell for low-level casters.

Cone of Melted Butter: Exactly what it says on the the tin.

Desolate, Lesser:

Devilish Spew: You breath a cone of fire and brimstone all over the place.

Fire Potency: You create a strong link between yourself and the elemental plane of fire.

Fireball, GT Variant: With muttered words, the spot you point at bursts into flames.

Firering: Invoke a ring of flames around the target, both to protect and deal damage

Flower's Flame: Throw a small explosive with just enough time for the target to choose how to react.

Gaban's Scorching Embers: You project a cone of extremely hot embers, dealing fire damage and leaving dangerous terrain behind.

Gazer Laser: Your eyes shoot lasers uncontrollably. Is this awesome?

Gust Bellow: Project a 15 ft cone of wind in front of you, a sort of long lasting but short range gust of wind.

Holt's Interposing Hand: You create a massive hand of force that grants cover to a creature of your choosing.

Ink Blot: Splash enemies with sticky ink and reveal their position.

Leaping Lightning: A bolt of lightning jumps from creature to creature.

Light Laser: Shoot a beam of light, deal damage and possibly blind.

Lightning Bolt, GT Variant: With muttered words, the spot you point at bursts into flames.

Lightning Spear: 40' line deals 4d4 electricity damage, +1d4 per two levels over first (max 8d4).

Orb of Light: Mobile ball of light provides illumination.

Power Word Ignition: A non-enchantment power word that lights objects on fire.

Quickwind Shield: Protect yourself from projectile attacks as an immediate action with a brief small-scale wind wall.

Ray of Winter: You project a ray of cold that deal damage and potentiality slow down opponents.

Sasha's Searing Light: Channel light to your hand to create a damage dealing ray.

Searing Hand: You deliver a relatively powerful burning touch, possibly causing it target to catch in flame.

Soundblast: Soundblast deals 1d6 points of sonic damage, +1 per caster level and possibly deafen a target.

Sparklers: Shoot fireworks that make a bright flash and loud noise.

Spew Acid: 20' cone deals 4d4 acid damage, +1d4 per two levels over first (max 8d4).

Stun Volt: A stunning shock deals damage and may stagger your opponent.

Surfing Disc: Create a floating disk you can surf upon.

Terry's Sonic Beatdown: A mediocre sonic spell that shine when metamagic is applied to it.

Thorns of Relentless Darkness: Attack with dark thorns, and take advantage of the surrounding shadows to increase the power of your attacks.

Welz's Booming Blade: Your weapon carries latent sonic energy, ready to burst at a moment's notice.

Illus Atmospheric Visualizer: You can visualize the sky as if it was clear and at any time.

Bot Interface: Conjure a phantom console which you can use to interact with the Bot subtype.

Color Spray: A re-balanced version of color spray.

Color Spray, Eiji: Another re-balanced version of color spray.

Gossamer Thread: Create a thread that binds a target. To them, it is strongest steel.

Kiden's Curse of Calling: A curse which cause illusory hallucination.

Mantissa's Superquintessential Archdweomer: Gives targets strong impression of being under some unknown effect.

Naked Invisibility: As the invisibility spell, but only affects your body.

Phantom Dart: Fires a quasi-real projectile which can be redirected in subsequent rounds.

Secret Sickness: Hide your illness and symptoms under an illusion, but you remain infected.

Shadow Bolt: Fires beams of shadow in mimicry that hurt above its strength, if you can believe it.

Necro Astral Fugue: Travel to the astral in your sleep, allowing you to continue activities such as crafting while resting.

Corpse Puppet: Briefly make a skeleton or zombie under your control. Cheaper than animate dead, but only for a short time.

Death's Door: Touched creature can survive at up to –20 hit points.

Drain Energy: Absorb health from a target, and transfer fatigue and exhaustion.

Dust to Dust: Destroys corpse.

Erzebet's Skull Bomb: Throws a skull, explodes for damage, slow.

Frighten: Subjects within cone flee for 5 rounds.

Kiden's Curse of Calling: A curse which cause illusory hallucination.

Leather Seed: Let a tree grow to create leather or let it consume the insides of a dead creature, leaving only its skin.

Paranoia Haunt: Cause a creature to be treated as being flanked, and render them more susceptible to further fear effects.

Phantom Palm: Make an incorporeal touch attack, and age your opponent briefly.

Sobering Skeletal Stillness: Creature with skeletal structure is unable to move.

Tasha's Tomb Tainting: Area loses special type, and may be considered desecrated.

Welz's Bone Chill: A bolt of necrotic energy disrupts a creatures ability to heal.

Welz's Bursting Sinew: Cause a body's skeleton to explode into shrapnel.

Welz's Toll of the Dead: The sound of death harms, and harms those closer to death the most.

Trans Aarnott's Epidemic: The target comes down with a disease of your choice, which with some coaxing can be accelerated rapidly.

Alter Gravity: Increase or decrease gravity on a target.

Baleful Reduce Person: A particularly disadvantageous version of reduce person, but with a reduced duration.

Bel's Ambush: Reduce a creature's initiative so you and your allies can go first.

Blossom of Razors: Your foe's organs cut them apart from the inside.

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Dry Ray: Water evaporates before your eyes, dessicating creatures and drying objects.

Elush's Leaden Investiture: Fills the targets' bodies with lead, making any kind of movement very difficult. ToP-compliant.

Elush's Limb Calcification: Begins to transform key muscles in the target's legs to stone, making movement difficult if not impossible.

Enchanted Shot: This spell grant an enhancement bonus to a single arrow or bolt, and the distance and seeking enhancement.

Enfluffen: You make things fluffier! Poof poof poof!

Flee: You run from the scene with your tail between your legs.

Gravity Sling: As magic missile, but deals higher bludgeoning damage and does not allows spell resistance.

Holt's Hemorrhaging Hematoma: You incite internal bleeding in a target, causing them to take damage and become more vulnerable to physical attack.

Inscribe: Writing implement writes on its own

Jelly Floor: This spell turns the floor into a thick layer of bouncy jelly.

Lockstep: Sets your base land speed to 30 ft. Useful if you would be slower otherwise.

Longtall: Long fighter is loooong. Extend a creature's body to attack creatures higher than you, grab high items off shelves, or form bridges.

Mastercrafting: Turn a non-masterwork item into a masterwork item.

Nealan's Erotic Touch: Touch a target to force them to, ahem, 'lose concentration'.

Nealan's Unbuckling: Instantly removes armour (or other clothing) from a target.

Phantom Dart: Fires a quasi-real projectile which can be redirected in subsequent rounds.

Pizizzap's Annoying Allergen: An annoying allergy that troubles a victim for a short period of time.

Polish: You cause a stone or metal surface to become extremely smooth and polished.

Position Drift: Every round, the target's position changes ever so slightly in one direction.

Quantum Lock: Lock an object in place, though it can be moved with sufficient strength.

Restructure, Lesser: As lesser vigor, but for unliving creatures and objects.

Rockfist: You encase your fist in rocks, allowing you to deal increased damage on a successful hit.

Tholan's Pointed Digits: Turn your fingers into darts and shoot them at the enemy.

Unstable Enlargement: As enlarge person but much faster to cast. And a lot less reliable.

Warforged Heart: Gain some of the traits of a living construct.

Weightless Object: Attended object becomes weightless.

Yau Wei's Engorged Grip: Make a creature's hands grow abnormally large. They can use larger weapons, but the hands are clumsy and take penalties.

Univ Alter Spell: You alter a spell with a metamagic effect.

Cautious Reposition: Cautiously reposition yourself out of (or into) a more dangerous position.

Encrypt/Decrypt: Encrypts or decrypts a volume of text

Terrain Arcana: Enhance the ground with a constant magical effect, which grants its benefit or penalty to anyone standing on that square.

Unlock Spell: You unprepare spells, making them empty spell slot which may be filled later.

2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Albedo Armor: Gain snow armor which reflects light and ablates fire.

Ashe's Spell Seizure: Ray that strips away spells.

Jelly Aura, Lesser: Covers target in jelly, halving bludgeoning damage.

Kinetic Forcefield: Take control of the kinetic power.

Noncompliance: Make yourself immune to compulsions for one round.

Sense No Evil: If exposed to a gaze attack, sonic effect, or pain effect and similar while under this spell you can briefly turn off that sense to save yourself.

Shimmering Forcefield: A spell which create an invisible barrier around the caster and protect her from harms.

Siege Travel: Turn a siege weapon into an unconventional form of transportation.

Static Projectile: Freeze a projectile (mundane or magical) in mid air, then redirect and release it.

Suppress Power Level: Hides your life signs, making some detection and targeting impossible.

Conj Ablative Jacket: Create a magical vest which grants a bit of temporary hit points.

Aetherion Orb: Blast of aetherion energy that targets a single creature

Bamf: Lets you teleport short distances once per round.

Biting Mist: A fog bank that slowly digests everything inside it.

Bouncy Jelly Boots: Target's feet are covered with jelly, providing a boost to movement and jumps.

Cone of Searing Wax: Fire a cone of searing wax to damage your opponents and immobilize them.

Covert Transposition: Two target creatures swap positions and assume each other's likenesses at the same time.

Create Wooden Door: Create a wooden door fit for a hallway, or up against a wall.

Cryospray: Release a constant stream of freezing cold which can ice over your opponents.

Dimension Pop: A low-level teleportation spell that is quick, but short-ranged and dangerous to use.

Dispater's Tower: Surround yourself with protective iron walls, even though it hampers your own ability to attack.

Faith's Reactive Nest: Creates a web, summons spider, traps others.

Force Bit: You create a "force bit" which can attack for you, or give defensive bonuses.

Ice Crystal Phalanx: You create a line of freezing cold which leaves sharp ice crystals in its wake.

Infernal Lash: Restrain and damage foes with diabolic chains.

Ink Splash: Coalesce a blob of ink and then shoot it as an arrow.

Instantaneous Portal: You create a short-lived portal for transportation.

Mad King's Concussive Orb: An undulating orb of force that explodes after a short time, stunning those within range. Can be cast from a higher slot to alter its power.

Mad King's Kinetic Orb: An orb of volatile force that explodes, flinging things away from it.

Mined Field: You conjure several explosive mines you hide in the ground.

Poison Needle: Conjure a poison dart to throw at your enemy.

Portal Party: You create portals around you that creatures can run through.

Rock Paper Scissors: Summon up a rock, paper, or scissors to attack your foe.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Monster: Summon an encounter of monsters.

Summon Motorcycle: Summon a warforged cycle to ride into the sunset.

Summon Spider II: Calls spider to fight.

Summon Spider Swarm: You summon a swarm of spiders, which attacks all other creatures within its area.

Summon Sweaty Strongmen: Summons a musclebound humanoid to carry stuff for you, and other small tasks.

Suppression Mist: Create a mist that suppresses mundane fire and grants fire resistance.

Swarm of Minions: Summon two minions per level, who act like a sort of swarm providing small but consistent damage.

Tesla Coil: Conjure a metal torus that shocks nearby creatures each round.

Div Analyze Object: A greater form of identify which works on non-magical objects and delivers a more detailed mundane information.

Asterfete's Scry Trace: Hijack a divination sensor to see who sent it.

Bend Fate: Sometimes you just need that little push. Increase or decrease a result by 1d4 for any d20 roll which affects or is initiated by you.

Bond of the Harden Crusader: Learn to model your martial techniques with magic.

Foretell Pain: Foretell the next most likely damage you will take within 1 round.

Heroics: You gain the benefit of a single feat.

Investigate Portal: Learn about a portal's operation and what's on the other side

Last Cast: Determine what spell was cast last from a spellcaster or item.

Magic Eye: Inscribe a magical eye on a surface and see through it with concentration.

Scan: Identifies creatures, and maybe their abilities as well.

Seeker Bee: Summon a ethereal honeybee that seeks out its target, then returns to you to rely instructions on how to get there.

Share Perception: See as someone else sees, colors by their perceptions

Spell's-Eye View: See from the perspective of your spells.

Tholan's Painful Transfer: Forcibly take information from a target.

Wandering Soul: Separate body and soul to send the second out exploring, with a great risk.

Ench Cain's Curse of Covetousness: Designate an object, which attracts creatures and causes them to fight over it.

Dream Hypnosis: You enter a creature's dream and attempt to alter their disposition.

Dyfen's Violent Flashback: You cause a creature to experience extremely realistic flashbacks, possibly wasting his or her action.

Ekbom's Egotistical Episode: Target becomes obsessed with themselves and prioritizes maintaining their own well-being above all else.

Headache: Give you target a pounding headache for a few rounds.

Imbed Suspicion: Cause a target to no longer treat their allies as allies.

Inflict Psychosis: Inflict one or more psychosis effects.

Last Word: deal damage and silence target.

Power Word The Game: You shout "The Game" at somebody, instantly making them believe they have lost whatever game they were playing.

Tarn's Violent Prophet: Let a divine spellcaster lose all control and just smite the infidels!

What's That?: Hey, did you just see that? Too late, made you look, you just provoked an AoO! Mwahahahaha!

Evoc Acid Sheath: Cover yourself in acid, resist acid damage, hurt attackers.

Bang Rounds: Create cherrybomb-like caltrops to either throw out immediately as explosives, or set as a trap.

Cone of Searing Wax: Fire a cone of searing wax to damage your opponents and immobilize them.

Continual Shade: A black continual flame which radiates darkness.

Dragon's Breath, NW: You breathe out a blast of energy.

Earthshaking Growl: Keeping your tail low and growling from deep in your throat, you make the ground rumble and shake, knocking people over.

Erupting Firebolt: You fire a bolt of flame which explodes and deals fire damage within a versatile area of effect.

Essence Rip: Tear away part of your target's Essence.

Eyebeams: With a steely glare, you fire laser beams from your eyes.

Fingertip Lightning: Fire a ray of electricity which may knock opponent prone.

Fire Path: Release a gout of flame that leaves burning puddles behind.

Flame Breath: You gain a limited breath weapon dealing moderate fire damage.

Focus Radiance: Focus nearby light onto a single point, damaging and possibly dazzling or blinding foes.

Frostbite: A simple spell used to lock enemies in Ice.

Gaban's Chaos Firelance: Gaban's Chaos Firelance is a channeled spell calling extreme heat and magical power into the form of a single fire spear.

Ice Barrage: You fire sharp chunks of ice at foes within close range, after impact they explode, dealing splash damage.

Ilyre's Conspicuous Combustion: A flashy version of combustion created by a pyromaniac sorcerer who wanted to make setting things on fire more interesting.

Ink Splash: Coalesce a blob of ink and then shoot it as an arrow.

Kiden's Combustive Torch: A powerful and utilitarian version of produce flame.

Mad King's Concussive Orb: An undulating orb of force that explodes after a short time, stunning those within range. Can be cast from a higher slot to alter its power.

Mad King's Kinetic Orb: An orb of volatile force that explodes, flinging things away from it.

Magic Option: An orbiting magical sphere that generates magic missiles when you attack.

Prismatic Edge: Enhance your weapon with prismatic power, each round brings new destruction!

Ramforce Blast: A ram-like blast of force which damages and knock back opponents

Reject Earth: You inject a great deal of kinetic energy into a surface, which immediately blasts anything on top of it into the sky!

Risky Rebounding Reaver: You shoot a sphere of force that can be reflected back at you, but you can also reflect it. Each rebound increases the stakes.

Self Bolt: You stick your tail straight in the air and bring down the lightning.

Shock Sting: Taze your opponents to stun them, or take them in nonlethally.

Spinning Slots: Create a random slot machine, whose various results produce many magical effects.

Telegraphed Firecracker: Shoot a slow moving ball of energy at someone that explodes, potentially blinding them briefly.

Tesla Coil: Conjure a metal torus that shocks nearby creatures each round.

Tremors: You cause earth to shoot up and hit people.

Witchslap: If a creature approaches you from afar, you slap them out of the way.

Illus Covert Transposition: Two target creatures swap positions and assume each other's likenesses at the same time.

Creeping Darkness: Muffle your presence, and phase out within the darkness.

Dire Wound: The affected target appears to be much worse off than they think, causing them to change their tactics.

Ekbom's Imaginary Insects: Target hallucinates insects all over their body and attacks themselves.

Expeditious Invisibility: Gain the benefits of invisibility and expeditious retreat, but at reduced duration.

Furtive Shadow: You infuse your shadow with a semblance of life, making it your temporary assistant.

Hypnotic Light: You create hypnotic lights, allowing you to enthrall your target.

Impossible Cover: When using this spell you can gain total cover from objects which otherwise are too small or thin.

Invisibility, Grimoire: A different kind of invisibility for High-level games.

Nealan's Disturbing Image: Creates a copy of the most disturbing image the target can imagine in front of them.

Phantasmal Mirror: A version of mirror image that is fast to cast, last only a short time and the images only exists in the head of the attackers.

Soundproof: You create a perfectly soundproof region, which blocks the transmission of noises from the interior to the exterior or vice-versa.

Still Invisibility: Become invisible forever, provided you never move.

Necro Bone Spurs: Generate painful bone spurs over your body. They hurt you, but they hurt the enemy more.

Borrowed Life: Temporarily raises one creature from the dead as a pseudo-zombie using the caster's own life force.

Congealing Consumption: Creatures within the area of effect become nauseated.

Dark Symmetry: Subject becomes unable to move, unless mimicking caster's movements when the caster desires.

Essence Rip: Tear away part of your target's Essence.

Fertilize: Heal swarms, flourish crops, contaminate areas, and cover objects in vines.

Form of Death: Target gains qualities of an undead creature.

Increase Susceptibility: You make your hapless victim more susceptible to diseases.

Lesser Animate Dead: As animate dead, but you don't have control...

Path of the Lost: Direct lost souls in a ranged attack that deals more damage to more insidious opponents.

Phantom Barrier: A barrier of ghostly energy grants you temporary hit points and damage reduction.

Pronounce Doom: Words and gaze kill one subject.

Soul Trap: Traps the targeted creature's essence into a soul gem when it dies.

Sterilize: Destroy weak creatures, including swarms, instantly.

Sudden Weakness: You cause a creature to take a large penalty to strength and possibly fall prone.

Tomb Tile Tessellation: Area becomes eligible to become a Tomb, and gain the effects of such a space.

Undead Tooth: You turn an undead you control into a single tooth, allowing you to conceal and carry them.

Vile Strike: Your next attack in the round deals vile damage.

Voluntary Coma: Alter your body to have reduced metabolic needs, or enter a state of false death.

Voodoo Doll: You stab a duplicate of the target with special needles, and the target suffers for it.

Wandering Soul: Separate body and soul to send the second out exploring, with a great risk.

Trans Animate Scarecrow: Infuse a spark of life in ragged scarecrows.

Arcane Key: Create a key that can automatically open an arcane lock for its holder.

Big Head Mode: The subject's head grows disproportionately large, granting sensory bonuses, but also encumbering them.

Blood Brothers: You take the target's blood and transform into a creature of his type and vice versa.

Bonfire's Rest: Magically infuse a bonfire or larger fires to increase rest's effectiveness.

Cloth Shape: Like wood shape but for cloth objects.

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Dense Weapon: Make a weapon very dense, increasing damage but making you unbalanced after attacks.

Elemental Augmentation: Enhance yourself so that when you cast an elemental spell, you gain additional bonuses in that round.

Elush's Eye-Blasting Explosion: Convert enemy's eyes to acid, explode outward.

Fire Breath, Lesser: Breathe a cone of fire for 1d4 damage/caster level

Float: Gain a hover speed (perfect) equal to your land speed.

Fluffy Bunny Beam: Turn your target (or a different target) into a fluffy bunny for a brief moment.

Furtive Shadow: You infuse your shadow with a semblance of life, making it your temporary assistant.

Galea's Reverse Merform: Turn a creature into a reverse mermaid.

Healing Humidifier: Convert a potion into a thin mist that provides its healing benefits over a large area over time.

Heavy Weapon: Make a weapon unusually heavy, which could be a boon or a bane.

Human Form: Target assumes appearance and form of a humanoid.

Lesser Baleful Polymorph: baleful polymorph's little sibling

Lesser Imbue Sentience: Imbue a non-living object with primative sentience for a short time.

Lesser Item Morph: Turn your opponents into inanimate objects.

Light Weapon: Make a weapon unusually light, which could be a boon or a bane.

Mark of Summoning: Places a mark on a creature or object that allows the caster to summon it to him with summoning magic.

Nealan's Erotic Gaze: Makes those that you stare at 'lose concentration' at a distance.

Ohm's Electrified Equipment: Electrify metal armor or weapon, either helping or hindering the wielder.

Phase Face: Look through a wall by pressing your face into it.

Pizizzap's Bothersome Allergen: A bothersome allergy that troubles a victim for a short period of time.

Power Word Shove: A non-enchantment power word, it shoves creatures and objects away.

Quick Crafting: When you cast this spell, any crafting you do goes three times as fast!

Ritual of Resizing: Resize an item, typically a weapon or armor, or refit an armor to your use.

Shape Cloud: Shape fogs and clouds, allowing you to make passages as needed.

Shylock's Revenge: With a touch you drain the fat from a creature, transferring it to yourself, simultaneously crippling an opponent and safeguarding yourself.

Siege Travel: Turn a siege weapon into an unconventional form of transportation.

Springed Arms: Make your arms become extendable springs to gain reach with your fists.

Static Projectile: Freeze a projectile (mundane or magical) in mid air, then redirect and release it.

Time Loop: You force a moment to repeat itself three times, picking the version of events that best suits your needs.

Totemic Power: A replacement of the Animal's X spells.

Triple Enchanted Shot: As enchanted shot, except the arrow split into three when fired.

Undead Tooth: You turn an undead you control into a single tooth, allowing you to conceal and carry them.

Univ Trailing Arcane Mark: This arcane mark leaves an easily traceable magical trail in its wake.

3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Arcane Bane: Ray weakens ability for creature to use magical abilities.

Ashe's Transformative Counterspell: You create a barrier that dispels magical effects.

Brief Dismissal: This functions as dismissal, but only for a short period of time.

Defiance: Harden your body against foes, or make them regret outnumbering you.

Directional Shielding: A six sided barrier appears around you, ablating damage and providing protection against flankers.

Empower Royal Kiss: Give aristocrat the ability to break an enchantment with a kiss

Explosive Runes, Variant: A remake of explosive runes, make it less cheesy and more usable in battle.

Greater Endure Elements: Endure elements now will protect you from any temperature extreme, and allows you to perform acts of physical endurance.

Hijack Spell: Steal one spell.

Planar Deportation: A minor version of Dismissal and Banishment.

Practice Field: Create sphere that allows creatures to deal nonlethal damage.

Prismatic Armor: Don a suit of prismatic armor, whose AC changes each round.

Protection from Radiation: Protect yourself against the harmful effects of excessive radiation and [Light] effects.

Spell Shield: Creates a magical barrier that protects against incoming spells.

Suppress Enchantment: As break enchantment except temporary.

Wei Yu's Oceanic Shield: An instantaneous shield that protect the caster from harm and is especially potent at warding off fire.

Conj Acid Rain: You conjure a cloud of acidic precipitation that melts down whatever is caught inside.

Aetherion Burst: Burst of aetherion deals damage in a 15-ft. cone

Belladone's Fiendish Defender: Summon a fiendish warrior, though they are contained to an area.

Binding Contract: Make a powerful magical contract between two creatures.

Bio: Target takes 1d6 damage/level (max 10d6), 2 Constitution damage.

Cone of Steam: Release a burst of superheated steam, leaving a cloud of mist in its wake.

Coward's Reprieve: Escape into extradimensional maze.

Dimension Shift: Close-range noncombat teleport

Ectoplasmic Strangulation: You create hand, claws and other appendages from ectoplasm and send them out to attack and harass your foes.

Flak Burst: You project a cone of high-speed metal projectiles, particularly effective against mirror images.

Gnawing Maggots: Causes ravenous maggots to sprout from the target's body, causing bloody lacerations.

Hollow Point Ray: A bullet of force pierces the target, then explodes outward in a wave of shrapnel.

Lesser Teleport: As teleport, but with greater failure chance, longer casting time, and increased components.

Mass Backstab: Backstab everyone at once, dealing your sneak attack damage!

Palanquin Procession: Create a procession of palanquins, including bearers.

Persistent Summon Monster: As the summon monster spells, but when your summons die they come right back!

Pogonip Bomb: Creature a small of pressurized cold energy that deals damage to one target, then detonates into a fog cloud.

Sasha's Switcheroo: You create portals around you that creatures can run through.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Elemental: Summon an elemental.

Summon Kamikaze Fiend: Summon a "kamikaze fiend" to act as a minion. As the name implies, they seem most effective when their self destructing on your opponents.

Summon Sharkgun: Summon a sharkgun, a gun that fires sharks! This is silly.

Summon Spider III: Calls spider to fight.

Vile Smoke: Black, burning smoke billows from the touched object or structure.

Wall of Paper: Form a wall of paper that blocks line of sight and line of effect, but is very easy to breach.

Div Dibonation: Lets you critical hit or sneak attack creatures normally immune to such.

Discern Ancestry: Determine if a creature has a specific ancestor.

Locate Portal: Find a portal within 1 mile/caster level

See Through Fog: See through fogs, smoke, and gases as if they weren't there.

Snowman Sentry: Make a snowman which will alert you when creatures come near, and let you see and hear through it.

Zone of OSHA-Compliance: Creates a bubble around you in which nothing can go wrong. Trust me.

Ench Babble: Curse a creature to never be understood again.

Binding Contract: Make a powerful magical contract between two creatures.

Bolster Spirit: Bravery and morale surges through you, carrying you towards victory in battle.

Data Mine: The more you knoooow.... the more this spell will hurt.

Dyfen's Mind Corrosion: You cause the mind a creature to quickly deteriorate based on the action they take.

Fallacy: Use logical fallacies to distract and aid in social checks.

Fight or Flight: Target has a fight or flight response and is panicked and/or enraged.

Hypnotism, Greater: A more powerful version of hypnotism.

Mage Drain:

Polymorphic Hypnotism: Make the target believe it has been the subject of baleful polymoprh.

Sibling Rivalry: Target grows jealous of allies and attacks them.

Terrify Into Submission: Frighten weak or weakened creature into trusting you

Truth Serum: A potion which forces the drinker to speak the truth.

Uncontrolled Mentality: Render yourself immune (and then resistant) to mind-affecting effects, but drive yourself mad in the process.

Evoc Arcane Mallet: This spell creates a hammer made of force, which can be used in melee or thrown.

Brown Note: It was only a matter of time before someone devised a spell to make people crap themselves.

Channeled Fireball: A channeled version of the fireball.

Chaos Beam Blossom: You spin around shooting lasers in all directions indiscriminately.

Cocoon of Quick Rest: By manipulating quantum energy you infuse the bed with accelaration that is released into the body of who sleeps in it, allowing a rapid and restful sleep.

Concussive Blast: Create a shockwave that knocks targets away.

Destructive Bark: You slam your tail downwards, smack the ground, and bark, destroying and deafening all in your path.

Devastation Inhalation: With a gigantic breath, you release an earth-shaking belch and a gout of acidic gas.

Dragon Roar: Roar with the might of a dragon, instilling fear in your weaker foes.

Essence Inhalation: Inhale a part of your target's Essence.

Essence Ward: A spell that wards the target from Essence damage.

Fang Attack: You shoot your fangs at people.

Firestar: A variant of fireball, it is stronger and concussive but is easily telegraphed.

Force Fence: You create a weaker miniature wall of force to act as a barrier.

Frostfire Spray: Release two cones of fire and cold damage. If you overlap them it becomes more difficult to resist.

Gale Force: Generate a large blast of wind shaped in various forms.

Holt's Extra Hands: You gain extra hands.

Holt's Forceful Hand: As Holt's interposing hand, except the hand can also pimp slap enemies.

Impale: Impale your enemies into the air, then watch them fall.

Incessant Momentum: When under the effects of this spell, its like you're ice skating on frictionless feet whenever you get going.

Jack-o'-lantern Bomb: A necromantic fireball that can seek it target and deal negative energy damage.

Jet Flame: This spell creates a jet of pressurized air and fire, sending opponents to the ground and you into the air.

Magic Chaser: A magic missile effect which scales poorly, but goes off every round autonomously.

Magic Hovermissile: Magic missile hovers, waiting to distract the target at a key moment.

Magic Missile Battery: Spam magic missile at the darkness!

Magic Volley: Summon a swarm of magic missiles, which protect you and you can release as an immediate action.

Mantis Shrimp Spear: Conjures a spear that attacks faster than the eye can follow, generates shockwaves underwater.

Pandemonic Scream: A cacophonic scream from the lower planes

Power Word Break: A non-enchantment power word that sunders unattended objects.

Restore Essence: Tear away part of your target's Essence.

Scorching Column: Generate columns of flame which can move on their own and take attacks of opportunity.

Shards of Winter: Shards of ice pierce an area

Swanlight: Manifests multiple lights which can be turned off and on for the duration.

Tomoe's Sucker Shock: A shcoking grasp which deal extra sneak attack damage and always result in a critical hit if your opponent is flat-footed.

True Darkness: Creatures true darkness in area

Verdant Bolt: Shoot arrows of light that harm, bind, and inconvenience a foe.

Vibralloy: Make the metal vibrate until it breaks like glass.

Volcanic Plume: A small eruption deals damage and knock affected creature prone, reaches into the air.

Wei Yu's Water Spears: Create and fire spears of highly pressurized water.

Wildfire: Burn a target with ever-spreading fire.

Zone of OSHA-Compliance: Creates a bubble around you in which nothing can go wrong. Trust me.

Illus Cold Intolerance: Affected creatures are convinced they are freezing to death, taking Dex damage and perhaps dying.

Curse of Cacophonous Chorus: You curse the target to be hounded by a terrible noise almost 24/7. They simply cannot concentrate.

Rien's Spontaneous Regression: This spell's target regresses to a more pleasant time, entering a euphoric, stupor-like state.

Shadow Jelly: You create an illusory mass of jelly to block progress.

Vera's Bewildering Conversation: Causes others to see/hear the caster saying different things.

Necro Animate Objects, Variant: A remake of the animate objects spell.

Belladone's Curse of Stolen Boons: You curse a creature so that the next beneficial spell that is cast upon them affects you instead.

Bone Spear: You fire a spear of bone, either in a line or against a single target.

Corpse Bomb: A nearby corpse or corpse creature explodes for 1d8 damage/caster level.

Curse of Acting Manually: Curse your opponent with incompetence, so that they cannot focus on seeing and walking or other multiple tasks at the same time.

Death Ray: A ray that deals negative energy damage, can be concentrated on, and prevent stabilization.

Ectoplasmic Strangulation: You create hand, claws and other appendages from ectoplasm and send them out to attack and harass your foes.

Erzebet's Soul-Flensing Ligature: Grabs target's soul, positive damage in area, daze.

Essence Inhalation: Inhale a part of your target's Essence.

Essence Ward: A spell that wards the target from Essence damage.

Grave's Chill: Call the coldness of the grave upon your enemies.

Jack-o'-lantern Bomb: A necromantic fireball that can seek it target and deal negative energy damage.

Puppet Dance: You gain control over a subjects physical movements.

Restore Essence: Tear away part of your target's Essence.

Tasha's Tomb Transport: Transports caster and others from one tomb to another.

Tonguebite: Prevent your foes from talking, lest they bite their tongue.

Vampiric Protection: A Vampire no longer has to worry about the sun as long as this spell is active.

Withering Glare: Briefly ages target.

Trans Accelerate Time: A more powerful version of haste, but limited to a single creature.

Acceleration Ring: You create a barrier which accelerates allies and projectiles passing through, and hampers opponents moving through it. With time, you can use it to launch yourself far distances.

Adipose Armor: Gain great defenses, but become heavily encumbered.

Alien Limb: The enemy grows a violent tentacle which immediately attempts to slaughter its unwilling host.

Animate Objects, Variant: A remake of the animate objects spell.

Anthropomorphize Animal: Make an animal more humanoid.

Arcane Grace: Armor interrupts your casting less.

Chill Object: Can chill cloth, wood, metal, stone, water, earth, air - and fire.

Cloudshape: Become a fog

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Density: Either enlarge and weaken an object, or shrink and harden.

Dull Weapon: This minimizes the damage on a weapon.

Ell's Erratic Lifespark: Give life to an object, which projects to move around randomly and without purpose.

Enchanted Volley: As enchanted shot, except that it can be used on full attack and be fired as a cone.

Enhance Potion: This spell raises a potion's caster level among other possibilities.

Enlarge Item: The target object grows four size categories larger than before.

Expanding Breath: Extend the range of your breath weapon, or shape it into a line or a cone.

Feather: Lightens the target's load.

Flameshape: I am the Human Torch!!

Frog Touch: Reshape weak or weakened creature into harmless animal

Fuse Weapons: Fuse two weapons together into a new transforming weapon.

Fustigate: Improve blunt weapons

Gnawing Maggots: Causes ravenous maggots to sprout from the target's body, causing bloody lacerations.

Graviton Implosion: Pull targets together to a single point.

Heat Object: Can heat cloth, wood, metal, stone, water, earth, air - and fire.

Icarus Wings: Grow a pair of wax wings to fly, but don't fly too close to the sun or...

Ice of the Frozen Cavern: Cover the ground immediately under the target with incredibly selectively slippery ice.

Infectious Affliction: When you are afflicted by a status effect, your body becomes a carrier capable of passing the effect off to another by touch.

Invert Motion: Reverse the direction creatures move in, causing them to move in unexpected ways.

Ionic Generator: Turn your body into an electric battery.

Jelly Legs: Target's legs become gelatinous, limiting its mobility.

Jerri's Random Self Polymorph: You decided to turn yourself into a random hodgepodge of things. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Levitate, Hostile: A offensive version of the levitate spell which can deal heavy damage but last a short time.

Lycanthropy: Target takes on the form of an animal or magical beast.

Merform: Turn into a mer-creature, able to swim and breath water but having a hampered time on land.

Night Slash: You turn invisible, then make an attack against many creatures

Overfluff: Cause a furry creature to grow excessive hair, to their detriment.

Rebirth from Stone: Gives new life to petrified creature

Refresh Magic: The antithesis of dispel magic; a spell that prolongs magical effects.

Restructure: As vigor, but for unliving creatures.

Restructure, Mass Lesser: As mass lesser vigor, but for unliving creatures.

Sawtooth Blade: Turn a normal weapon into a chainsaw weapon, or improve chainsaw weapons.

Scramble Time: Reroll initiative, maybe this time you will get lucky!

Solidify: Metal objects touched become nigh-indestructible and rustproof.

Spell Toggle: Attach a command word to an existing spell effect, allowing it to be toggled on or off.

Temper: You temper materials, making them unnaturally rugged.

Temper Weapon: This maximizes the damage on a weapon.

Train Link: Links multiple creatures or objects in a "train", moving at the speed and patterns of its lead.

Transfixion: Improve a piercing weapon

Traver's Tongue Serpent: Subject's tongue transforms into a snake.

Watershape: Turn into water, passing through cracks and being amorphous.

Wildfire: Burn a target with ever-spreading fire.

Univ None

4th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Airtight Architecture: Render a structure airtight and free from the hazards outside. Just don't open the door.

Alhazarde Lance: A bolt of energy which only harms extraplanar beings and outsiders. On a critical hit, it might dismiss them as well.

Antimagic Ward: Shields a creature from magic at the expense of denying its own magic.

Arcane Space Program: Launch yourself into orbit, traveling long distances rapidly.

Arcane Theft: Touch attack steals magical capabilities.

Destructive Disruption: Dispel magic doesn't make things explode. This does. Obviously the superior option.

Explosive Runes Cannon: You fire a cluster of explosive runes which either explode on a creature or are readied to be detonated.

Explosive Runes Field: A remake of explosive runes field, which makes it more in line with its replacement.

Galea's Energy Corona: Surround yourself in a damaging corona of magic.

Jelly Aura, Greater: Covers target in jelly, halving bludgeoning damage and providing DR 3/-.

Leidenfrost Shell: Cover yourself in a protective shell of water, warding off fire damage.

Life Lock: Seal off an area, and the only way out is defeating a creature whose life force is the key.

Maintenance: Your possessions become unwilling to leave your side.

Neutrality: Suppress effects based on alignment on the target.

Null Teleport Zone: A teleport variant with significantly less tactical utility.

Positive Endurance: Protect your target from the plane of positive energy

Retributive Discharge: You resist, absorb, and eventually release electrical damage onto your opponents.

Wei Yu's Protective Bubble: A versatile perimeter shield or a deadly trap, your choice.

Conj Blacksun Midnight Blade: You create a blade made of darklight, a powerful weapon dealing magical damage and especially damage to creatures weak to light.

Boulder Cannon: Fire a large high speed boulder that knocks everything in its way down.

Cat Pile: So many kittens! They're all so adorable! Crush your opponents under kittens, and make them fascinated.

Chill Horde: Summon several Small Ice elementals to freeze something or someone.

Cone of Rubble: Create a blast of rubble that stays behind as difficult terrain.

Create Corpse: Creates a fake corpse of a pre-existing creature, which can fool others who do not make the Disguise check.

Devil's Pact: You bargain with a powerful devil to bring a fallen companion back to life.

Field of Blades: You make it rain swords.

Flying Deathscythes: Surround yourself in spinning animated sickles which attack your enemy.

Ice Spike: You conjure up a super-sharp icicle to impale an enemy from below.

Life Arcana: Heal summoned creatures and extend their duration

Magic Assistant: You conjure a magic assistant made of fine sand, dust, and pure magic, and you have infused to it a small part of your knowledges.

Phantom Sword: Telekinetically launch a ghostly sword which damages all opponents in a line.

Rocks Fall: The DM's angry, rocks fall you die. This spell ensures the eventual death of those cursed with it.

Spitting Swarm: This spell has two functions. One lets you spit forth summoned swarms. The other curses a target to spill swarms from their mouth.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Spider IV: Calls spider to fight.

Swarm Thermoball: Conjure a swarm of bees (or dire bees), then watch them encapsulate a creature and burn them to death with their own bodies!

Temporary Teleport: Teleport, but it doesn't last and you are shunted back shortly after.

Time Jump: Use limited time travel forwards as a means of teleportation.

Wall of Crabs: Form a wall of crabs, providing a pinching danger to those passing by.

White Chains of Corpora: These ephemeral chains force those that it binds to take corporeal form.

Wild Teleport: It's teleport early, but with no control over your destination.

Div Detect Survivors: You hunt down those pesky little survivors that try to hide from you.

Fated Consequences: Predict doom to creatures who perform a particular action.

Maddening Visions: You assault the creature with a flurry of visions of horrible futures.

Ench Cat Pile: So many kittens! They're all so adorable! Crush your opponents under kittens, and make them fascinated.

Colors Trap: Conjures painted symbols of various colours that affect creatures in all sorts of different ways.

Create Thrall: Take over the minds of weaker individuals who are obviously possessed by your influence.

Dig Your Own Grave: You command the opponent to dig their own grave, and they do so. If permitted to complete the task, they shall soon die.

Emotional Switch: Cause a morale penalty to become a bonus, or vice versa.

Freeze Mind: Freeze a creature's thought processes, dazing them and then rendering them into a zombie-like mental fugue.

Insidious Suggestion: Like suggestion but much more subtle and insidious.

Jelly Thoughts: Target creature desires jelly to the exclusion of all else.

Misspell: Target's spells go awry in a humorous and rarely useful fashion.

Nerve Overload: You cause the nerve of all creature within a burst to become extremely sensitive.

Neutrality: Suppress effects based on alignment on the target.

Overwhelming Will: You announce your intent, resisting effects which would prevent your goal. On the next turn, your attack strikes with additional power and flash!

Power Word Immobilize: A power word spell that causes a creatures movement speeds to be reduced to 0 ft.

Schizophrenia: Target suffers conditions similar to schizophrenia.

Stifle: Lengthens the casting time of spells and special attacks of target creature to a full-round action.

Summon Stalkers: Summon a pack of creepy perverts, cannibals, sadists, and other undesirable characters to follow somebody around and make their life utter hell.

Taunt: Taunt creatures to attack you.

Evoc Arcane Space Program: Launch yourself into orbit, traveling long distances rapidly.

Cold Gem: Gem radiates progressively stronger waves of cold.

Cross Explosion: This spell causes an explosion which creates two lines, damaging foes and knocking them away and off their feet.


Dragon's Breath: You bequeath upon a target the breath of a dragon.

Erupting Firebolt, Greater: A stronger version of erupting firebolt.

Escape Pod: You generate an orb not unlike resilient sphere, which rockets you away to safety.

Flame Breath, Greater: You gain a powerful fire breath weapon for the spell's duration.

Flame Pillars: Cause multiple random pillars of fire to spring up around you.

Flamewind Spikes: You wave your tail in a spiral, then shoot out several beams of fire from the tip.

Ghostly Chant: Why wait for a spell with a long casting time to finish, when you can have magic finish casting itself?

Graviton Lance: Creates a line of gravity force that nearby creatures will fall after.

Greater Reject Earth: As reject earth, but a much larger area centered on you.

Huxley's Shooting Star: The caster creates a small shooting star, which deals impact damage and explodes. May be fired as a cluster shot.

Icicle Lance: Create a spear of ice which you can wield as a weapon, and snuff out [Fire] effects.

Incendiary Jelly: Jelly within the spell's area turns into gelatinous fire.

Lion's Roar: You feel the power of the lion invade you, and you release a devastating roar in front of you.

Magic Missile Sentry: Create a glowing sentry which fires magic missile spells in your stead.

Microwave Box: You entrap a creature in a cube and slowly cook them alive with microwave.

Minute Meteors: You launch small but explosive meteors from your hand.

Motskalla's Magic Trigger: Creates a contingent effect upon an object or location that triggers a specific spell when conditions are met.

Phoenix Flight: Create a bird of flame that flies through swathes of foes. Its gooey center is an explosion.

Phosphorus River: Release a line of fire which you can concentrate on for up to 5 rounds, and slowly turn in place.

Profanity: An all-purpose Word of X spell, opposing the selected alignment.

Rolling Fireball: Produce a burning wheel which runs over opponents and eventually explodes.

Solar Flare: A blinding flash of light erupts from your body.

Spicule Barrage: Generate flame spheres which attack, and then explode into columns of flame.

Stormclouds of Dark Omens: Alter the weather to be dark, gloomy, and ripe for storms.

Tazer Beam: Zap a creature with an electrical pulse that overloads their muscles, robbing them of the ability to do anything but feebly convulse for a short time.

Tomoe's Storm Blast: A ball of storm energy, which deals multiple types of damage.

Ur Lightning Bolt: A lightning bolt which can reflect off walls and shock water.

Wall of Thunderbolts: A wall of lightning that benefits allies and hurts enemies who pass through.

White Chains of Corpora: These ephemeral chains force those that it binds to take corporeal form.

Illus Concealing Sphere: Create a bubble where the events inside are unseen by those on the outside.

False Teleport: You teleport! Except that was a lie, you're actually just invisible.

Greater Invisibility, Grimoire: An improved version of the Grimoire Invisibility spell.

Greater Invisibility, Variant: A different kind of invisibility for High-level games.

Illusory Eyes: You can see, even if you have been blinded, by projecting a mental illusion of your surroundings.

Look Out Below!: Create a false bridge that is perfectly real and able to support weight — until you decide that it isn't.

Mobile Image:

Persistent Invisibility: As invisibility but the effect is re-applied each round. Not as strong as greater invisibility, but longer lasting.

Shadow Nemesis: Summon a copy of a creature, which immediately attempts to kill its original. However, the copy only has 1 hp.

Necro Bolt of Bones: You conjure a line of bone, which damages creatures and creates skeletons.

Borrowed Life, Greater: Temporarily raises one creature from the dead as a pseudo-vampire using the caster's own life force.

Curse of Qwop: You make the target unable to control their body right. They will need extreme dexterity just to walk right again.

Curse of Spell Allergy: Those affected go into sneezing and coughing fits when around magic.

Decaying Touch: With a single touch you cause decay and destruction.

Exsanguinate: You immediately rip the blood right out your targets.

Fear, Revision: scare people into flight, fight or freezing.

Minion of Death: Rise one or more undead minions.

Ray of Dark Sacrifice: Drain the life out of your friends to fuel your death lasers.

Second Coming: The target creature becomes an undead if they die while under the effect of this spell.

Skeleton Self: Summon your own skeleton to fight for you. Be careful not to let your body get hurt.

Soul Contract: Create a contract to claim someone's soul on death

Spectral Barrage: You fire a barrage of spectral energy, damaging multiple creatures.

Vampiric Bolt: A version of vampiric touch delivered at range.

Trans Baleful Polyray: A variant of the Baleful Polymorph spell.

Burden: Weighs the target down with a magical load.

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Curse of the Burned Hands: A curse that makes the hands of the cursed one hot if he touches metal.

Curse of the Silent: The target will lose hp and spells until it casts a spell.

Density Control: Increase or decrease the density and size of an object.

Disable Vehicle: Disable to use of one or more powered vehicles for the duration.

Enchant Item: Magically enchant weapons, shields or armor.

Enlarge Monster: Enlarge Person for everyone!

Galea's Shark's Swiftness: Allies in burst may move and attack instantly.

Gravitational Missile: You fire missiles of gravitational energy, which batters your foes.

Ishara's Inactivity Incantation: For every action the target of this spell takes, they must save or forgo an identical action on their next turn.

Ishara's Instant Infarction: You cause a blood clot in a target's arm, leg, or similar appendage.

Mark of the Shadowstalker: You may use teleportation spells to arrive the exact location of the marked creature or object.

Mimic Morph: Turn into an object and ambush your opponents as a deadly mimic! With this you can wait as long as you need too.

Monstrous Form: Target assumes the form of a monster.

Objectmorph: Polymorph into an object! Now you can be the gazebo of legend!

Phantom Guardian: You enlarge a miniature suit of armor into a battle ready guardian.

Ploishing: Ploishing: The act of falling out of the world. Use it to throw your enemies out of the battlefield, or transport yourself away.

Polymorph Other, Tome: Target is transformed into an alternate creature (revised polymorph).

Polymorph Self, Eiji: You are transformed into a creature of your choosing. The same as Tome Polymorph Self, but clarified.

Polymorph Self, Tome: You are transformed into a creature of your choosing.

Rapid Unplanned Disassembly: Break down a vehicle, with spectacular results if they're in motion.

Read In My Voice: Transform yourself into the written word, to be released later when read by another.

Reduce Monster: Reduce Person for everyone!

Restrain: Holds a creature or object in place.

Scramble Programs: Cause all affected bots to lose all programs.

Shatterblade: You break a blade to produce a shower of sharp edges to all creatures in the area.

Shrinking Curse: You curse a creature to shrink and shrink until they no longer exist.

Spellburke: Suppresses one or more of the target creature's spell-like or supernatural abilities for the duration of the spell.

Stasis Field: You alter the flow of time in an area, preventing creatures in it from moving.

Tholan's Attribute Theft: Switch one ability score with that of this spell's target.

Vampire Skin: You gain the benefits, and dangers, of vampire skin. Can be used as a buff or a curse.

Univ All in the Family: Spread a condition, buff, or debuff to all members of the same type closeby.

Create Anchor Sigil: Create or strengthen an anchor sigil more quickly than if you used the normal ritual

Pursue Warp: A spell that makes it extremely difficult to escape foes by warping, and potentially dangerous as well.

Sedah’s Counterspell of Superfluous Detail: A counterspell that adds erroneous rules and excessive detail to another’s spell – thus making the other’s spell unusable for a time. All who use the spell in the region are also affected.

Warp: A teleportation spell with a limited list of possible destinations (that can be added to) and an effect delay. Intended to replace teleport.

5th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Contract Seal: Touched creature immediately loses all contracts with called creatures.

Denial: You deny a creature use of its special abilities, or deny an object its intended function.

Falling Wall: Let those high walls fall down.

Spell Dampen: Gain spell dampening, reducing the effectiveness of magic on you.

Conj Aetherion Blast: Blast of aetherion detonates in a 20-ft.-radius spread

Assassin's Escape: When you attack, you teleport back to safety.

Bind Elemental: You condense elemental energy into a gem usable for crafting.

Bio, Mass: As bio, but 20d6 maximum damage and affects all creatures in a spread and it deals 4 Con damage.

Black Iron Stormdust Dragon's Body: Summon part of the Black Iron Stormdust Dragon's Body, later you will be able to summon him as a whole.

Blue Flare: You cause a conflagration of blue flame, damaging and staggering all caught inside.

Collect Crystal: Create auracrystal

Conjure Anvil: Summon an anvil, either for its traditional use or to drop upon the heads of your enemies.

Dopple Arms: You gain an extra pair of arms.

Drown: Create water inside the target's lungs.

Electromagnetic Cannon: You fire a slug of conjured iron like a magical railgun, dealing bludgeoning and electricity damage in a line.

Exploding Flaresprite: Summon a living mote of fire that chases down the enemy and explodes!

Fogbank: A fog cloud large enough to consume a small town.

Gravehorde: Curse an area to endlessly spawn an endless stream of undead which harass, entangle, and damage opponents.

Greater Bamf: Like bamf, but with greater range and flexibility.

Hellbat Swarm: You conjure a swarm of hellish necromantic bats.

Hyperjump: With a cry of joy or terror, you jump... and with a flash of light, you're gone, off in a semi-distant land.

Improved Dimension Door: Teleports you a short distance, and allows you to act immediately afterwards.

Iron Wheel: Summon a giant wheel which runs over your opponents again and again and again.

Mining Beam: Generate a continuous laser beam that not only bores through objects, but also gathers raw material components.

Pumpkin Explosion: Throw a ball of Halloween at your opponent. A round later, it explodes into Jack O' Lanterns.

Redirect Teleport: Redirect a teleporter somewhere else, possibly somewhere dangerous.

Revive Construct: As Raise Dead, but for Constructs

Rolling Boulder: Summon a giant boulder to roll over your foes!

Solar Window: Small star forms, pulling in those near and scorching them with its fires.

Spider Calling: You summon swarms of spiders.

Spontaneous Toaster: Summon a toaster! It doesn't seem like a powerful effect, until you realize you can do it under...

Suddenly Train: Suddenly, everyone is run over by a train. WHUMP!

Suffocating Darkness: Darkness thickens and suffocates.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Elemental: Summon an elemental.

Summon Horde: Summon an encounter with a CR equal to your caster level, with no individual creatures' CR exceeding one half your caster level.

Summon Self: You summon yourself, with all of the benefits and penalties of being a summoned creature.

Summon Spider V: Calls spider to fight.

Torture Room: Create an area filled with malevolent chains that torture those in it.

Vacuum Sphere: Create a void of atmosphere in an area, silencing those within, subjecting them to low pressure, and suffocating them if they attempt to breathe.

Vulcan Bomb: You strike the target with a stream of lava, who suffers different effects depending upon how close they are.

Wall of Clearslime: Summon a transparent wall of slime which blocks attacks and hampers movement.

Wall of Flesh: Create a wall of flesh, a literal meatshield.

Div Analyze Event: You enhance a crystal orb to record a 360 scene for you in full detail.

Analyze Teleportation: Learn details of where your foes teleported to, without going there yourself.

Belladone's Shared Fortune/Misfortune: If you have bad luck on your rolls, you can share it with others. Or share your good luck instead.

Curse of Misfortune: You force the target of this spell to reroll many dices and

Greater Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: An improved version of Clairaudience/Clairvoyance.

Inversion Scope: you find yourself able to hit at long range, but unable to focus at close range. For some a buff, and others a bane.

Locate Interdimensional Connections: Senses direction towards interdimensional connection(s) to another plane.

Ench Brainwash Wave: You send a wave of mental energy, which turns enemies into allies.

Call from Afar: Send a phantasmal figure to draw a target towards you.

Crush Will: You deliver a crushing monologue which affect your opponent based on how many hit points they have.

Curse of the Tortured Sleep:

Daze Dragons: Your magic can give even the most mighty monsters pause, if only for a moment.

Dyfen's Self Erasure: You erase yourself from the memories of others.

Mass Charm Person: As charm person, but more targets.

Mind Fog, Variant: A fog which eat away mental resistance.

Sensory Deprivation: You cause the target to lose its ability to perceive the world.

Suicidal Command: You force a creature to follow a suicidal command.

Evoc Bloodied Chains of Pyrrhos: Nefarious cursed energy chains tether you physically, mentally and spiritually to another creature, sharing all pain, afflictions and even death.

Blue Flare: You cause a conflagration of blue flame, damaging and staggering all caught inside.

Communication Transmission: Pull a Matrix and move through communication channels, both mundane phone lines and magical spell effects.

Electromagnetic Cannon: You fire a slug of conjured iron like a magical railgun, dealing bludgeoning and electricity damage in a line.

Eyesear: Deal fire damage to a target's eyes, staggering them and possibly blinding them.

Fire Sweeper: Create a wall of flame you can move around, running over creatures and damaging them.

Flaming Cannonball: Blast through walls and blow up everyone in the room

Holt's Grasping Hand: As Holt's forceful hand, except the hand can also initiate grapples.

Internal Explosive: Cause an internal explosion, which might spill out and consume those standing around them.

Lightning Snake: Fire a lightning bolt that continues to persist, leaping back and forth each round as you concentrate.

Magic Saturation: You fill the world with magic, and everybody can cast spells now.

Mining Beam: Generate a continuous laser beam that not only bores through objects, but also gathers raw material components.

Orb of Destruction: Release a slow moving orb of raw destructive energy. It can bore through walls over time.

Project Magic: Creates a disk of force which your spells can originate from

Respiratory Burst: Harness the power of oxygen to create an explosion that devastates minuscule creatures.

Triple Jump: You jump through space, leaving blasts of fire in your wake.

Ultimate Doom: You promise death to a number of creatures, and they have only 8 rounds to stop you.

Unending Flame Twister: A tornado of fire that gains power as it consumes.

Wind Wall, Balmz:

Illus Analyze Event: You enhance a crystal orb to record a 360 scene for you in full detail.

Dyfen's Oneiric Daemon: Create a horrible dream construct to torment a foe and deal very real wounds.

Mannequin Simulacrum: Creates a simulacrum from a doll or mannequin.

Phantasmal Assassin: Implant a Sentient Illusion in the target's mind to assault their sanity directly, or just gather some information.

Symbol of Fascination:

Waking Nightmare: Imagined horrors reduce the afflicted into a helpless state of despair.

Necro Absorb Undead: Absorb your undead minions into your body, empowering you, or dismiss it to summon your army back to your command. Also serves as a form of death throes.

Bloodied Chains of Pyrrhos: Nefarious cursed energy chains tether you physically, mentally and spiritually to another creature, sharing all pain, afflictions and even death.

Corporeal Fission: This spell causes the target's body to divide violently, dealing damage and debilitating the target.

Corpse Reanimation: A cheaper necromantic raise dead.

Cryostasis: Freeze a creature into a state of stasis. It can be used for utility, or offensively.

Curse Object: Curse an object (or a track of land). Those who touch said object are subject to bestow curse.

Curse of Misfortune: You force the target of this spell to reroll many dices and

Death Throes: Make a creature explode when it dies for 1d10 damage/level.

Dreadful Affliction: You inflict permanent massive ability penalties to all ability scores of the target.

Freeze Blood: Freezes the blood or other life components of a creature; death soon follows.

Gravehorde: Curse an area to endlessly spawn an endless stream of undead which harass, entangle, and damage opponents.

Heartstop: You stop the heart of a target, causing an assured death unless others intervene.

Hellbat Swarm: You conjure a swarm of hellish necromantic bats.

Lich's Touch: Permanently paralyze a creature, leaving them in a death-like coma.

Magic Jar Variant: A rebalanced Magic Jar spell.

Mannequin Simulacrum: Creates a simulacrum from a doll or mannequin.

Sasha's Skull Servant: The target creature's skeleton rips itself from its body. Delightful.

Skeletal Overgrowth: The target's skeleton grows and grows until their skin rips and they die.

Suffocating Darkness: Darkness thickens and suffocates.

Time Heal: An arcane healing spell, with a heavy cost.

Unending Flame Twister: A tornado of fire that gains power as it consumes.

Trans Animate Graft: Animated graft attacks its owner.

Awaken Mediocrity: Turn one target into an ordinary peasant.

Baleform Burst: This spell transforms several nearby targets into an animal of the caster's choosing for a short time.

Baleform Chain: Channel polymorph magic through a cascade of enemies!

Bear's Endurance, Greater: Subject gains a great boost to constitution.

Blacksun Arrow Blessing: You turn arrows into powerful magical arrows. Alternatively, you may bless a bow to only fire powerful magic arrows.

Blessing of the Nine: You turn someone into a devil-like creature.

Bloodless Decapitation: Pull someone's head off and they won't die, reattach later or put on some other body.

Bone Shape: Morph bone into any shape you desire, or use it to fuse a skeleton solid and paralyze your victim.

Cat's Grace, Greater: Subject gains a great boost to dexterity.

Communication Transmission: Pull a Matrix and move through communication channels, both mundane phone lines and magical spell effects.

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Decalification: Gives target instant and severe calcium deficiency.

Dehydrating Ray: A spell which dehydrate a creature into powder which can be hydrated to bring back the creature.

Devolve Person: You send a creature back through its evolutionary history until it becomes a blob of bacteria that dissolves into cellular components.

Eagle's Splendor, Greater: Subject gains a great boost to charisma.

Earthshape: Become a rock

Elush's Epiphyseal Erosion: Break apart target's bones, causes pain, stunning, damage.

Enforce Square-Cubed Law: Highly effective the larger the target is, this spell immobilizes and injures massive beasts.

Evince Lineage: Give someone a racial "half-" template.

Eyesear: Deal fire damage to a target's eyes, staggering them and possibly blinding them.

Fiend Form: Target gains form of a fiendish race, as well as some of their abilities.

Fire Breath: Breathe a cone of fire for 1d6 damage/caster level

Flying Swarmshape: For the duration, turn into a flying swarm.

Greater Gaseous Form: A faster gaseous form spell which can save you from death.

Hedgehog Curse: The target is covered in spines that let no one touch them, especially not allies.

Hero's Coma: Grant target creature the benefits of heroes' feast, but knock them out for one hour.

Imbue Sentience: Imbue a non-living object with intelligent weapon-like sentience.

Liefeld's Curse: You warp an opponents body in disturbing ways.

Metal Shape: Like wood shape but for metal objects.

Noclip: Pass through objects like a ghost, minus the incorporeal benefits.

Offensive Timewarp: The target is slowed for the spell's duration, and must make a save each round or be stunned for that round.

Petramorph: You damage a creature, possibly turning it to stone if enough damage is dealt.

Pizizzap's Epidemic Allergen: An epidemic allergy that troubles several victims for a period of time.

Possess Object: Possess objects and control them as animated objects.

Restructure, Greater: As greater vigor, but for unliving creatures.

Restructuring Circle: As Vigorous Circle, but for unliving creatures.

Rien's Rotting Touch: The target magically ages and rots away, sustaining penalties to physical ability scores and possibly even dying.

Skeletal Fusion: This spell causes the target skeleton to fuse.

Spatial Shuffle: Those affected by this spell move around randomly at the start of their turns.

T-Rex Shape: Turn into a T-Rex!

Temporal Hold: You stop a target in time, causing it freeze mid movement and it perception of time to halt.

Time Heal: An arcane healing spell, with a heavy cost.

Univ None

6th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Antimagic Field: A version of the spell without as many questionable cases.

Antimaneuver Field: Like antimagic field, for maneuvers.

Area Ward: You construct a mystical diagram that imposes a permanent spell effect on either an area or any creature which enters it.

Enspell Field: Developed as a counter against Dispel and Antimagic Fields, it floods an area or target with magical energy.

Wind Shield: Protect yourself with high-speed winds that can catch and return any direct assault.

Conj Black Chains of Durance: Chains of shadowstuff ensnare the target, preventing it from fleeing.

Call of the Reaper: Calling forth a Reaper, a mystical being beyond time, you bargain for a soul.

Curse of the Kender: You curse a creature to the most miserable experience of all time: living with a kender.

Dimension Pathway: Lesser teleportation circle, with the range of dimension door.

Fire Hayball: Create a ball of hay on fire that rolls over your enemies.

Frozen Blizzard: A whirling blizzard immobilizes targets over a wide area.

Heal Disease: You cure all afflictions hampering the diseases in the area.

Io's Tears: Ground spews acid and debris into the air, damaging and blinding creatures caught within the area.

Jelly Rain: Jelly falls from the sky, damaging foes and limiting movement.

Lesser Crown of Vermin: It's not quite crown of vermin, but its close. A swarm of bugs acts both as shield and a weapon!

Lightning Strikes Twice: Teleport anywhere in Long range, enemies near your beginning and end points take electricity damage.

Liliane's Stabbing Cloudkill: An improved cloudkill, which stab and drag people.

Magma Melt: Deal heavy fire damage to a single creature and entangle it.

Planar Train: Summons a planar train, allowing you to choo-choo across the multiverse in the safety of an iron carriage.

Poison Storm: Poison rains out of the sky with acid rain and scours the land clean of life.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Spider VI: Calls spider to fight.

Wall of Magnets: Create a curtain of tightly bound magnetic cubes, and which has a tendency to trap metal objects on its surface.

Witch's Broom: Create a flying broom for easy transportation.

Zone of Restructuring: Small zone repairs unliving creatures.

Div Dangerous Divination: An arcane divination which is dangerous for the user.

Final Destination: You weave the probabilities of fate to bring death to your enemy

Ench Bolster Spirit, Greater: Yet more bravery and morale surges through you, carrying faster you towards victory in battle.

Dyfen's Mind Extraction: You extract memories out of your victim.

Fatal Geas: Target must complete geas or die, but is under no other compulsion.

Greater Crushing Despair: A stronger version of crushing despair, which completely crush the heart of those afflicted.

Insidious Domination: A slower acting, but much subtler Domination.

Power Word Command: This power word employs a geas, giving the target an overriding command they must follow.

Proximity to Cat: An illusory kitty overwhelms enemies in range with cuteness.

Sasha's Separate Psyche: You enter a fugue state that replaces your normal personality and allows you to swap your spells.

Sins of the Father: Bind a creature and their entire bloodline to your cause and inject a sense of urgency into their lives.

Ur Charm Person: A powerful charm person which is derivative of the 1st ed version.

Evoc Arcane Sentry: Creates a floating magical sentry that attacks your enemies with elemental power.

Bolt of Indra: Conjures an intense bolt of black lightning that staggers and cripples its targets, arcing to nearby creatures.

Creeping Chills: You curse your foe with a slow-killing cold that spreads throughout their body.

Earth Power: Make the ground erupt with power — it's like flame strike, except that it comes from below. (Useful against foes on the ground, not so much against foes in the air.)

Graviton Zero: Creates a bubble of zero-gravity.

Great Flaming Sphere: An improved flaming sphere with several options.

Greater Fireball: What fireball always wanted to be.

Hurricane Disc: Create a spinning disc of sharp wind, controlling it with your mind and gestures.

Ishara's Fiery Ring: You make a ring of fire around yourself, protecting you from fire damage and dishing it out the foes.

Sasha's Sunny Day: Hinder or destroy enemies with harsh light.

Selective Wall of Force: As wall of force, but it selectively allows things to pass (or not pass) through.

Shout of Typhon: Bull rush and stun a mass of creatures in a 60 foot cone, with various options in strength.

Unlucky Backlash: You cause the bad karma of others to manifest as destructive pulses of energy. Extra effective if they fumble against you.

Violent Discharge: A powerful flow of electricity is forced out of your body before crashing into a nearby enemy with the power of thunder.

Void Sphere: You engulf a single target in a damaging sphere of darkness and negative energy.

Wall of Plasma: A more powerful wall of fire, it glows with the light of the sun.

Wei Yu's Spirit Water Spears: The upgraded version of one of Wei Yu's most famous spell. This spell create several spears made of highly pressured water and spiritual energy.

Illus Hunger of the Deep: Curse a target so that they may never approach a body of water, lest that which lurks within devour them whole.

Limited Phantasmal Entelechy: The power of one's belief makes it real.

Proximity to Cat: An illusory kitty overwhelms enemies in range with cuteness.

Twilight Prison: You trap a creature in a prison of shadowstuff that appears as real as anything to its captive.

Unearthly Howl: You howl, and wolves come from the plane of shadow

Necro Blood Storm: Fills an area with a horrible downpour of dark red, necromantic blood.

Consumptive Field: You radiate an aura that kills wounded people and harvests their souls.

Contagion, Greater: Like contagion, but more spells to choose from.

Create Undead, GT Variant:

Curse of the Dust Body: The body of the target vanishes of fine dust as the time past.

Dead King's Dance: Perform a magical song and dance that mindless undead join along with.

Fatal Geas: Target must complete geas or die, but is under no other compulsion.

Haunting Death Curse: If you die with this spell active, you will return as a ghost, giving you a chance to avenge your death.

Mass Blindness: Blinds multiple creatures.

Void Sphere: You engulf a single target in a damaging sphere of darkness and negative energy.

Trans Animate Jelly: Target jelly gains semblance of life and mobility.

Antibite: You imbue your fangs with disintegrative power.

Arms of the Tyrant Lizard: Not quite what you were expecting, this dual use spell either acts as a curse, or a strange blessing. Wither enemy arms and bolter the strength of your own!

Avasculate: You purge the enemy's blood vessels from their body, causing them to become violent, hostile tentacles.

Belladone's Death Curse of Snakes: A bolt of killing green light reduces the target to snakes.

Candy Beam: A version of disintegrate which turn the target into delicious candy.

Clockstopper: Stop time as long as you focus on it. Your options are limited, but it lets you gather your surroundings, and durations continue to run.

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Curse of Aeons: You accelerate a creature's passage through time, causing its body to rapidly age and decay.

Diamond Body: You turn your body into raw diamonds.

Dragon Form: The target assumes the form of a huge dragon.

Elush's Elemental Extraction: Drain water from target, create water elemental.

Emulate Ouroboros: You polymorph a target creature into a vaguely serpentine form of its original self, which then begins to consume itself.

Engraving of Planar Touchstone: You enchant a mundane item with the power of a Planar Touchstone.

Enlarge Housecat: Transmute a simple housecat into a huge one.

Fabrication Machine: Make a machine which fabricates for you.

Fire Hayball: Create a ball of hay on fire that rolls over your enemies.

Force Mortality: Force the rigors of age on ageless creatures, possibly killing them through entropy.

Greater Refresh Magic: The antithesis of greater dispel magic; a spell that prolongs magical effects.

Haste, Greater:

Hellish Fumes: You create a cloud of gas from Hell itself.

Jellification: Water in target's body turns to jelly.

Jelly Form: You become a creature of jelly, resembling a living ooze.

Lightning Speed: Grant you the speed of the lightning, burst your limits.

Slope Terrain: Raise part of the ground into a great slope.

Spectral Vanish: Turn invisible and incorporeal for 1 round as an immediate action.

Steal Wings: You steal the wings of another creature for yourself.

Transform into Light: Touch a creature or object and transform part... or all... of its mass into light.

Transmute Water to Acid: You turn water into acid, whether it is outside people or inside them.

Veles Whirl: A spell that draws upon the power of Veles, Slavic god of earth and water, to blend the two elements together and form a whirlpool anywhere... yes, you can make a whirlpool of dirt, rock, or trees with this spell, among other things.

Univ Countdown: You mark your words, all your opponents will be dead within 1 minute, so help you...

Greater Warp: A teleportation spell with a limited list of possible destinations (that can be added to), an effect delay, and unlimited range. Intended to replace greater teleport.

7th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Curse Transfer: You extract a curse from a creature and cast it on another creature

Portal Barrier: Create an invisible bubble which none can teleport or plane shift through.

Rithaniel's Mystic Debar: You create a barrier that allows magic to neither enter nor leave it.

Sasha's Dispelling Screen: You create a barrier that dispels magical effects.

Seize Magic: Dispel spell effects on a target creature and keep one for yourself.

Shenanigans: Evade rules, law and control! Free from all spells that attempt to limit or find you.

Warding Shell: Create a bubble which magic can neither enter nor leave, by breaking line of effect.

Conj Astral Assistance: Protect an area, so that if it is ever invaded you can summon yourself to protect it without threat of death.

Chicken Scratch: By uttering the ancient chant, you unleash the wrath of a terrible being upon your enemy... "Cock a doodle DAMN YOU!"

Contract of the Completed Fate: Bind a magical contract with a creature you want.

Drillbee Infestation: Summon a swarm of drill-tipped bees which bore into the bodies of those they injure and cause internal problems.

Fracturing Teleport: You cast a creature through space, but fail to take the usual precautions required to ensure it survives the trip.

Glacial Juggernaut: You create a giant block of semi-sentient ice that moves as you do.

Howl of the Shadow Wilds: Summon a pack of shadow wolves into the mind of your targets.

Jelly Bath: The targeted creature is enveloped in a thick sheet of jelly, reducing its movement and Dexterity score by half.

Jewel/Gem Creation: create jewels/gems for material components

Lithos Shield: Summon an animated wall of stone which blocks line of sight in one direction.

Maggot Storm: You conjure a storm of ravenous maggots that lacerate the flesh of creatures in a large area.

Mass Drown: Create water inside the target's lungs.

Overbite: You create a portal that swallows the target whole.

Rave Pit: Summons a rave party mosh pit, rendering your opponents unable to escape. If they even want to.

Stromberg's Frozen Court: You summon a fortress of ice which protects you and offers other benefits.

Suddenly Doomtrain: Suddenly, everyone is run over by a train. WHUMP!

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Elemental: Summon an elemental.

Summon Illithid: Summon a modified illithid to fight for you.

Summon Instant Fortress: Summon a Instant Fortress.

Summon Opponent: You summon your target to do your bidding.

Summon Spider VII: Calls spider to fight.

Div Incarnate Agent: Imbue a shard of your mind in another, slowly influencing them towards your benefit.

Minimal Effort: The creature is destined for failure, rolling natural 1s on all it seeks to do.

Ench Complete Hypnotism: Gain control of the target's every sense.

Contract of the Completed Fate: Bind a magical contract with a creature you want.

Dementia: Target creature's wisdom is reduced to 1.

Incarnate Agent: Imbue a shard of your mind in another, slowly influencing them towards your benefit.

Insanity Variant: A variant of the insanity spell that deals with out-of-combat issues.

Transfixing Object: Enchant an object which transfixes attention on all who pass by it.

Wall of Ironize: The targeted object cannot be sold or used as crafting ingredients.

Evoc Arcane Aura: You encase yourself in raw arcane power to injure foes that you grapple.

Atomic Blaster: You mix evocation and transmutation to create a sphere of nuclear fire, dealing high-amounts of fire damage as well as subjecting your target to heavy radiation.

Contagious Fireball: Those hit by this fireball become explosive, and can detonate into other fireballs as well.

Contingency Other: You set up a spell to be cast as though cast by the target when some trigger occurs.

Desaturated Spray: A spray of beams bursts forth, ranging in value from white to black, but having no saturation. Each value has a different effect on targets.

Dynashock: You summon a titanic bolt of lightning to strike down your foes, especially effective against larger targets.

Erupting Firebolt, Dire: A much stronger version of erupting firebolt.

Flame Breath, Primeval: You gain an incredibly powerful fire breath weapon for the spell's duration.

Flood Pump: Surround a target in watery orbs which spray high pressure blasts of water and push the target where you want to go.

Greater Cone of Cold: A greater version of the cone of cold spell, so cold it capable of freezing the veins of your enemies.

Holt's Clenched Fist: As Holt's grasping hand, except the hand can also launch people a long way.

Ishara's Fiery Transfiguration: You turn yourself into a being made of fire.

Lightning Tentacles: Lightning bolts extend the caster's reach and allow him or her to manipulate at a distance.

Prismatic Sword: Focus the power of prismatic spray into a blade of light, and strike down your foes!

Rain of Fireballs: Throw out a ton of fireballs at one time. However, their damage doesn't stack, so its wisest to spread it out as far as possible.

Rave Pit: Summons a rave party mosh pit, rendering your opponents unable to escape. If they even want to.

Shards of Winter, Greater: Shards of ice pierce an area

Skeletonize: In an instant, burn a target to the bones.

Stasis Energy Field: Creates a field of electricity that damages and paralyzes.

Static Charge: You imbue an object with a strong static charge, frying whoever tries to open it.

Trispell Trigger: Apply a contingent effect to another creature, which will cast up to three different spells upon them.

Ultrabeam: A massive beam of energy that extends for a very long distance. It is super effective against objects and fortifications.

Veles Missile: A supreme variant of magic missile that draws upon the power of Veles, Slavic deity of magic.

Wei Yu's Water Spear Barrage: You fire a high number of water spears, piercing all opposition!

Illus Chaos Spinner: Entrap targets in spinning warped space, causing them to be forcefully moved, sickened, nauseated, or confused.

Complete Hypnotism: Gain control of the target's every sense.

Howl of the Shadow Wilds: Summon a pack of shadow wolves into the mind of your targets.

Improved Phantasmal Killer: You destroy your target utterly with a hallucination.

Necro Blood Jorum: Remove your blood from your body, rendering yourself immune to several effects. Keep the location of your blood safe, or you may die.

Bonesplinter: Weakens a creature's skeleton so that the next hit it takes will be fatal.

Bonetitan Frame: Encase yourself in bone power armor and crush your opponents with melee might.

Choking Death: With a curl of your tail, you cause your victim to gasp for air, their lungs and stomach being crushed to a pulp.

Control Undead, GT Variant: Controlling undead is not, not, NOT LAME!

Deathball: This is a powerful blast of negative energy that animates the creatures that die as the result of this spell

Detonation of Blood: You raise the blood pressure of a creature, turning them into an explosive bomb.

Drillbee Infestation: Summon a swarm of drill-tipped bees which bore into the bodies of those they injure and cause internal problems.

Finger of Death, Variant: A variant of finger of death, which deals damage and can raise the target as a zombie under the caster's control.

Power Word Regenerate: A non-enchantment power word buff, it grants fast healing based on how much hp remains.

Remove Limb: Disarm the target, literally. The removed limbs leave a bloodless sealed wound, and they can be re-attached if the limb is found.

Sasha's Skeleton Crew: Lots of creatures around you just seem compelled to jump out of their skin.

Spiritual Channeling: Absorb the spirits of your ancestors and benefit from their experience.

Trans Asura: You transform your likeness into the six-armed, three headed form of a fierce god.

Atomic Blaster: You mix evocation and transmutation to create a sphere of nuclear fire, dealing high-amounts of fire damage as well as subjecting your target to heavy radiation.

Awaken Construct, Variant: You grant the target construct intelligence and its own free will.

Blinking Mirror Image: Combination of blink and mirror image.

Crawl Away Head: This spell causes the target's head to detach and grow limbs.

Crystal Shape: Shape glass and precious stones.

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Improved Telekinesis: As telekinesis, but you can maintain concentration as a swift action and it doesn't end with a violent thrust.

Ionic Drain of Motion: Create a synergy with electricity effect you have.

Ipsophagia: You inhabit the body of a recently dead sapient creature, and become them.

Iron Body: You or someone you touch turns into Colossus from X-Men.

Item Morph: Transform a creature into an object of value.

Maggot Storm: You conjure a storm of ravenous maggots that lacerate the flesh of creatures in a large area.

Mass Overland Flight: Overland flight for all!

Mass Polymorph, Tome: Multiple targets are transformed into alternate creatures.

Negative Mass: You shift a portion of matter to negative mass, causing it to defy gravity and fly up. You can also use it to re-open closed portals.

Norton's Bone-Freezing Explosion: Ray of energy freezes bones, bursts outwards, stuns, slows, damages.

Phase Stasis: Lock the current state of a material in its current phase, regardless of pressure or temperature.

Puppet: The target creature is transformed into a puppet under the caster's control.

Remove Limb: Disarm the target, literally. The removed limbs leave a bloodless sealed wound, and they can be re-attached if the limb is found.

Swamp of the Underworld: Turns dirt and rock into a rank bog that suctions everybody under.

Sword of Light: A blade of positive energy that heals living targets and harms undead ones

Transmute Metal to Jelly: All metal objects within the area are changed to jelly.

Transmute Rock to Lava: You turn stone to lava.

Transmute Stone to Delicacy: Convert cold, unforgiving stone into delicious delicious food.

Univ None

8th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Anti-Technology Field: This spell create a field which cause technological equipment to fail.

Awakened Seal: Seals away the target’s power permanently with a cursed seal.

Greater Duelward: You can counterspell as an immediate action, and gain a +7 bonus to Spellcraft checks for counterspelling.

Greater Globe of Invulnerability: A higher-level globe of invulnerability that deflects higher-level spells

Hijacking Dispel: Dispel, steal spells.

Iron Body, Variant: A version of Iron Body which don't make you wonder why you even cast it.

Spell Corrosion: As Greater Dispel Magic, with additional acid damage.

Conj Astral Invader: Summon yourself into the area of your target so you may assassinate him, without the threat of death of yourself.

Backup Construct: Clone for constructs.

Blizzard: You bring about a giant blizzard.

Brand of Sacrifice: Use a powerful necromancy spell to slay a creature and summon a fiend under you control.

Dynamic User Navbox: Create an interdimensional railway traversed by a magical box.

Golden Chains of Kronos: These golden chains lock the creature or object that they bind in temporal stasis.

Guillotine: Because there's no kill like overkill.

Hellmouth: Creates a portal to hell that can be used as a conduit for more powerful summons.

Hyperbite: A giant mouth appears and devours your opponent.

Microcosmic Singularity: You create a singularity that drags nearby creatures and damages then collapses violently when the caster ceases concentration.

Molten Steel Stream: You fire a line of molten steel at a target, causing burning and intense damage.

Monsoon: Create a giant storm of wind and rain that creates high water levels and makes fighting above water almost impossible.


Planar Rip: Open up a planar rip to another plane, sucking in everything around it.

Portal Recall: Cause a portal to invert itself and begin to suck in all creatures which had recently traversed it within the last 24 hours.

Pure Incendiary Cloud: The incendiary cloud spell that deserves an 8th level slot. It burns, blinds, and chars objects to ash.

Pyroclasm: Creates a swiftly expanding wake of consuming flame.

Recreation: Bring back known construct based on prior knowledge.

Rising Giant Robot: The target gains the giant robot template for the duration.

Suddenly Phantom Train: Suddenly everybody is run over by the train of the dead, and it carries away their souls to the afterlife.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Dragon: You summon an ill-tempered adult red dragon.

Summon Spider VIII: Calls spider to fight.

Svarog's Sword: A variant of black blade of disaster that draws upon the power of Svarog, Slavic deity of fire and the forge.

Toxic: Deadly toxins persistantly waste away at the enemy's body.

Div Awaken Warrior Spirit: Awaken a creature's fighting abilities, granting several beneficial buffs.

Maddening Visions, Mass: This spell works like maddening visions, except that it effects multiple targets.

Moment of Prescience, NW: At any time, you may expend the effect of moment of prescience to gain an insight bonus equal to your caster level equal to a single d20 roll.

Seed of Influence: Curse a creature to be helpless against your enchantments.

Ench Death by Sleep: The target falls asleep, only to die by nightmares.

Forgiveness: It looks like flaying all his family members alive wasn't so bad after all.

Imbue Will: You imbue a magic item with your own will, turning it into an intelligent object who seeks to do your task.

Oath of Blood: The most powerful of all geas spells, you may bind a creature to a particular task to the end of their life and beyond.

Oblivion: You cause the target to lose it ability to perceive the world and cease thinking.

Schadenfreude: You enjoy the sufferings of others so much, it has a positive effect on you.

Schizophrenia, Mass: Multiple targets suffer conditions similar to schizophrenia.

Seed of Influence: Curse a creature to be helpless against your enchantments.

Smite Ruler and Transfer Loyalty of Populace: One ruler is struck by lightning and if slain, much of the populace becomes loyal to someone else

Evoc Apocalypse: Channels dark power to damage and inflict incredible feelings of futility.

Ball Lightning: You create a massive ball of electricity that damages foes it crosses.

Crushing Sphere: A horrifying version of resilient sphere.

Delilah's Dispersal Current: A massive blast of electricity that cannot be contained by a single target, either spreading to others or causing debilitating side effects.

Desolate, Greater: Enchant a weapon to do increased damage to creatures without any allies.

Diode of Force: As wall of force, but only one way.

Eclipse: Create a zone of darkness around yourself.

Energy Weapon: Create and wield a weapon made of the raw essence of any of the five energy types.

Graviton Crash: Creates a well of intense gravity that is strong enough to literally crush people to the ground.

Gravity Collapsar: The target becomes a gravity well which sucks in any loose objects or creatures.

Greater Magic Saturation: You fill the world with magic, and everybody can cast spells now.

Gutwrench: You take the most important part of the opponent’s body and rip it out.

Hellfire Void: You make a ball of flames that sap magical energy from those within to sustain itself.

Illuminating Blast: Light-force wave similar to Delayed Fireball

Indra's Arrow: Imbues an arrow drawn with divine black lightning.

Merton: You release a powerful unnatural heat, but have no control over it as it scorches a vast amount of land!

Molten Steel Stream: You fire a line of molten steel at a target, causing burning and intense damage.

Perun Bolt: A superior version of flame strike which draws upon the power of Perun, the Slavic deity of thunder/lightning and fire.

Scream: A terrible scream escapes your lips, damaging all caught along its path.

Ur Polar Ray: Polar ray, but with the power of an 8th level spell.

Void Ray: You fire a destructive beam of negative energy that can cleave through multiple targets.

Illus Rien's False Reality: Create an illusion that changes the entire landscape and everything in it.

Scintillating Pattern, Grog toad Variant: Individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights.

Necro Brand of Sacrifice: Use a powerful necromancy spell to slay a creature and summon a fiend under you control.

Consumptive Field, Greater: As consumptive field, but works even out of turn.

Crippling Blow: Reduce a target to 1 hp with extreme vile damage.

Eye Scream: Pop goes the eyeball!

Ray of Darkest Desires: A ray which greatly amplify evil and negative emotions.

Skull Cough: Did... did he just cough up his own skull? How is that even possible?

Steal Life: Literally consume someone's life away, possibly getting younger.

Suddenly Phantom Train: Suddenly everybody is run over by the train of the dead, and it carries away their souls to the afterlife.

Tabiris's Instant Epidemic: You really know how to share.

Void Ray: You fire a destructive beam of negative energy that can cleave through multiple targets.

Zombie Apocalypse: You ever watch zombie movies as a kid? You know how this goes.

Trans Art of the Gigantes: You cause the target of the spell to grow one size category per five caster levels.

Art of the Lilliputian: You cause the target of the spell to shrink one size category per five caster levels.

Blood Melt: Transform your opponent's blood into acid, killing them and leaving a caustic pool in its wake.

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Elush's Explosive Exsanguination: Explode creatures with blood to kill them, scare others.

Energy Subjugation: Globe surrounds and travels with you, absorbing energy damage to be released later.

Entmoot: Create an army of treants.

Gemcraft: You transform creatures or objects into gemstones.

Golden Chains of Kronos: These golden chains lock the creature or object that they bind in temporal stasis.

Greater Imbue Sentience: Imbue a non-living object with intelligent weapon-like sentience or create a permenant intelligent item.

Greater Telekinesis: Even more telekinesis than before. Now you can lift actual weight.

Imbue Will: You imbue a magic item with your own will, turning it into an intelligent object who seeks to do your task.

Iron Body, Variant: A version of Iron Body which don't make you wonder why you even cast it.

Jelly Bones: Target's bones are transformed into jelly, reducing its Dexterity score to 0.

Lesser Time Stop: Time stop, but comes with a drawback of rendering yourself slow and vulnerable afterward.

Microcosmic Singularity: You create a singularity that drags nearby creatures and damages then collapses violently when the caster ceases concentration.

Ontology Deinertializer: Everything your target has created will be unmade upon their demise

Power Word Stasis: A non-enchantment power word that freezes the target in time.

Reticulating Splines: Terraform the land around you into a shape more fitting for your desires.

Schism of the Helix: Kill living creatures of a particular type.

Skin to Bees: Transform a creature's skin into bees. This is as deadly as you think.

Spawn Eye Tyrants: Create two beholders out of your own eyes.

Syl's Greater Fabricate: Target gains the ability to immediately use fabricate several times within the next 24 hours.

Temporal Stasis: Permanently stop a creature from acting.

The Day The Earth Stood Still: Everyone within a huge radius is forbidden to act for the duration, and cannot be interacted with from the outside.

Turn Back the Pendulum: You literally turn back time.

Univ None

9th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Cloister: Keep out most magical travel and ward creatures except those of a designated type.

Imprisonment: You banish a creature to the phantom zone.

Mantle: You absorb all damage dealt to you or close allies and deal it back to the enemy.

Rithaniel's Revert: Banishes a creature to the place they were born.

Conj Aethernova: Nova of generated aetherion detonates in a 40-ft.-radius spread and deals massive damage.

Area Teleport: Teleport an entire ship, castle, or town.

Astral Protector: Protect an area, so that if it is ever invaded, you can summon yourself to protect it without threat of death.

Destructive Teleport: You teleport and cause incredible destruction upon arrival.

Force Disturbance: You call forth countless souls and slay them, frying the minds of psionic and incarnum users.

Genesis: Create a demiplane

Jelly Katamari: Conjures a katamari of uncountable poisonous jellies that suffocate and burn creatures caught inside.

Lord Eiji's Sky Castle: This awesome spell allows you to create your own castle or—if you prefer—steal someone else’s. Oh, and it flies.

Nightmare Steel Cage: This prison doesn't need bars, but it has them anyway.

Rithaniel's Extraplanar Homestead: Creates an entirely customizable plane of existance.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Spider IX: Calls spider to fight.

Tarrasque Ex Machina: Summon tarrasque into the sky; falls and deals damage, then goes on a rampage.

Tome of the Legendary Land: Send an entire landscape into its own dimension, and then transport between here and there via the medium of books.

Under the Ice: You drop an entire glacier on the opposition. Painful dying ensues.

Div Arcane Psionics: Convert spell slots into psionic powers.

Cursed One: The target is struck with a terrible streak of bad luck that will never end.

Eye of the Gods: You see everything in a huge area around you.

Final Destination, Mass: Mass version of Final Destination

Foresight: You become significantly more aware of your surroundings.

Sleeper Agent: Imbue a shard of your mind in another, slowly influencing them and allowing you to assume direct control.

Ench Bind Thrall: You bind a creature to yourself, altering its will so that it willingly serves as if dominated until the end of its days.

Compelling Script: Affected writing is obeyed by all who read it.

Power Pun Bad: You unleash a vile, terrible, hope crushing pun that shatter the will and soul of your enemy.

Power Word Mindbreak: The first phrase of the anti-thought equation, it is phrases so stupid, so illogical, and so mentally disturbed that your mind is shattered, brain cells commiting suicide as an act of mercy.

Sleeper Agent: Imbue a shard of your mind in another, slowly influencing them and allowing you to assume direct control.

Spelling Sabotage: Target's spells go awry in a humorous and rarely useful fashion. Only those with godlike intelligence will have even a faint hope of casting their spells properly.

Winds of Memory: Massively affect the memories or thoughts of a creature.

Evoc Apocalypse From The Sky: Call down destruction on a wide radius.

Aurora Assault: Conjure the aurora borealis to shock foes into submission.

Axe of Perun: An electrical supreme variant of ice axe that draws upon the power of Perun, leader of the Slavic pantheon and deity of thunder and lightning.

Chidori: With a simple touch of your hand, you overload your target with electrical energy.

Comet Flight: You turn into a freaking comet of spellfire.

Deathxtreme!: You summon an armageddon of flaming skulls to crash down unto your enemies.

Demonic Megiddo: Nuke your surroundings with raw darkness.

Destructive Teleport: You teleport and cause incredible destruction upon arrival.

Detonating Grasp: A grasping hand that injures those it grabs, it has high mobility and ultimately explodes at the end.

Fimbulvetr: You summon air so cold it freezes targets solid.

Finger of Destruction: A powerful evocation spell which can level a castle, but leave the caster drained.

Holt's Crushing Hand: As Holt's clenched fist, except the hand crushes its victims to death.

Infinite Geyser: Blast targets with a high-pressure geyser which does not lose momentum, and will eventually reach outer space.

Magic Missile Maelstrom: Magic Missile just took a level in badass.

Meteor: Uses gravity magic to call a vast meteor down from space.

Meteor Span: This spell rains down meteors spanning over a large area, and lets you call down powerful chunks aimed at particular creatures each round.

Meteor Strike: You drop a meteor from the sky. Self-explanatory, really.

Meteoric Mortar: You call upon multiple meteor from spaces, striking at your foes.

Molten Tornado: Create a swirling tornado of molten lava torn from the earth.

Nine Acre Fire: A circular wall of flame expands a great distance, turning all within its path to ash.

Omnicide Beam: A spell designed to exterminate a large number of creatures.

Orbital Laser: Focus and launch a beam of focused light to the surface, drilling a hole and vaporizing everything in its path.

Prismatic Doom: Similar to prismatic spray, this spell fills an entire area with deadly magic.

Sans' Karmic Bone Barrage: Dunk on mass murderers by assaulting them with a furious barrage of bones dealing damage over time.

Singularity: Creates a singularity field that deals massive damage and draws everything in range into its negative space.

Solar Catapult: Throw your enemies into the sun. The trip takes a while.

Spell Void: Deadmagic Sphere which engulfs target.

Superexplosion: Whoa, like... what if we took Fireball... and then like, made it explode like, whoa...

Supernova: Pulls a star fragment into space and burns everything around it.

True Daylight: Call forth true daylight

Wall of Fireballs: You create a wall of fireballs, which explodes on contact.

Wall of Quark Soup: The most powerful wall of fire, it glows with the light of creation itself.

Illus Demise Unseen: Destroy a creature and transform it into a controlled ghoul.

Phantasmagorical Image: Persistent image that causes insanity to non-believers.

Project Image, Greater: As project image but with infinite range and greater duration.

Symbol of Fascination, Greater:

Necro An Eternal Curse Upon Thee: Dying curses are feared for good reason; this spell is an exceptionally powerful and permanent one.

Create Synthetic Soul: Creates a Synthetic Soul for use within a base creature.

Create Ultimate Undead: Make basically any undead creature. Then allow it access to its own portion undead followers.

Deathxtreme!: You summon an armageddon of flaming skulls to crash down unto your enemies.

Demise Unseen: Destroy a creature and transform it into a controlled ghoul.

Devour Soul: You literally eat your opponent's soul.

Evil Within: Why animate skeletons from the dead, when you can harvest them from the still living...

Grip of Death: Cast multiple finger of death spells, turned those slain by it into zombies under your control.

Masque of the Red Death: They'll pay dearly for not inviting you to the ball...

Memento Mori: The ultimate magic devised by mortals gives the eternal, the immortal and the divine a taste of true mortality, at the cost of one's own mortal coil.

Preserved Clone: A more powerful clone spell, which solve several of it weaknesses.

Project Apparition: You project a ghostly simulacrum of yourself, which act in your stead.

Rain of Viscera: Deal ongoing damage to all creatures within a large area, and nauseate them.

Shadows of the Mage-Lords: Call up shadows, deal negative levels in area.

Trans Avasculate, Greater: You purge the enemy's blood vessels from their body even more violently, potentially killing them and causing the blood vessels to attempt to kill their former hosts.

Bestow Sentience: Target animate object, golem, or similar creature gains sentience.

Charge of Darkness: Charge at your enemy cross-country, encountering them harder than a Rhino.

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Data Form: Turn into a incorporeal form of yourself made of pure information. You cannot die from hit point damage while in this state.

Disintegrating Burst: Area suffers effects of disintegration

E=mc^2: A more powerful version of telekinesis that can also make things go boom via the power of relativity.

Eternity of Torture: You condemn one foe to their own personal hell.

Fire Breath, Greater: Breathe a cone of fire for 1d8 damage/caster level and leave a cloud of fire

Form Philosopher's Stone: You convert irrelevant people into wonderful wonderful power.

Frozen Stillness: Parylize a group of enemies

Galaxy Stop: A powerful chronological effect which locks your opponents in extremely slow time.

Gorgon's Glare: Targets within cone become petrified, succumbing at once or slowly over several rounds.

Greater Mage's Lucubration: Recall a previously used spell

Ice 9: Create a dangerous water polymorph which freezes water at room temperature, killing creatures and freezing entire bodies of water.

Jellify: Target creature is transformed into jelly.

Meltdown: Everything around you becomes acid.

Reject: Returns a subject to a recent state, leaving them as if the intervening time had not occurred.

Rod's Boon: A competence-boosting spell that draws upon the power of Rod, Slavic deity of creation.

Soul Booster: Gain boosts to skill checks based on essentia! It's Rod's boon for non-Slavs!

Sow the Seeds: Bind yourself to nearby plant life, allowing you to divvy up your combined life forces as you see fit.

Telekinetic Flight: You gain the ability to fly at incredible speed with only mental effort.

Tome of the Legendary Land: Send an entire landscape into its own dimension, and then transport between here and there via the medium of books.

Wave of Negation: Very slow moving wave of death and destruction.

White Incantation: Fog petrifies or kills.

Univ Grant WIshes: Grants unreliable wishes.

Karmic Annihilation: Slays target creature or object and annihilates all karmic ties with it.

Norton's Copied Casting: You copy any spell or spell-like ability that you have witnessed since your last turn.

Outlast the Ages: Using this spell, one can effectively live forever, never aging, enduring the ages.

Outlast the Ages, variant: Using this spell, one can effectively live forever, never aging, enduring the ages.

Warp Circle: A duration based teleportation spell with a limited list of possible destinations (that can be added to), an effect delay, and unlimited range that can also be used as a trap. Intended to replace teleport circle.

{{3.5e Class Spells by Level |class=Sorcerer/Wizard |abbrv=Sor/Wiz |level=<1 through 3>}}

1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Dampen Impact: Gain DR 10/magic and reduce impact damage by 10 per caster level.

Disappointing Runes: Minor rune goes off with a plip of daunting disappointment.

Extraplanar Disruption: Disrupt an extraplanar creature's connection to reality, reducing attack and defense and making it easier to banish them.

Fireproofing: Coat an object in a thin magical patina that protects it from fire damage.

Firering: Invoke a ring of flames around the target, both to protect and deal damage

Focus Shield: Generate a barrier which raises your AC and ablates incoming damage, but must be actively maintained.

Love Ward: A favorite of adventurers, bards, and sorcerers in magic college. This spell protect you against the negative side effects of lovemaking.

Mage Armor, Swift: Grant a +4 armor bonus to AC. Protection against incorporeal attacks.

Mantissa's Ostrich Flight: Places caster in extremely secure hiding place. Does not provide egress from hiding place.

Protection from Alignment, Variant: A remake of protection from alignment.

Retort: Gain a barrier which damages those who strike you in combat.

Suppress Influence: Suppress the influence and sign or one or more vestige, however doing so prevent the binder from using the vestige's powers.

Withstand Energy: Grant resistance to one element based on caster level.

Withstand Energy Variant: In an instant, protect yourself from energy damage.

Conj Acid Bomb: This spell creates a sphere of acid that flies towards the target.

Ancestral Weapon: You create a weapon wielded by your ancestors and imbued with their strength.

Biogel Mimic: Create a biogel mimic, a harmless creature that duplicates organic flesh to the point of being an effective simulacrum for it.

Boiling Sphere: You conjure a hovering, superheated, steaming, boiling sphere of water that occupies a 5 foot square.

Call Minion: Call a humanoid with 1 HD or less to perform a task for you.

Cone of Melted Butter: Exactly what it says on the the tin.

Conjure Tools: Summon a masterwork tool for your purposes.

Dimensional Transference: The target's weapons go through portals to make attacking more or less efficient, depending on your desires.

Dust Bomb: Throw a ball of dust and grit which obscures vision and reveals invisible beings.

Ell's Handy Homunculus: You bring a handy homunculus to life.

Galea's Drenching Orb: Throw a ball of water that puts out fires.

Helpful Lick: You lick someone's face and they feel better.

Ink Blot: Splash enemies with sticky ink and reveal their position.

Jelly Orb: An orb of magical jelly flies from your hand to its target.

Kiden's Harassing Spirit: Summon a spirit to annoy and possibly kill people if you invest enough into it.

Lesser Bamf: Short-range limited teleportation once per round.

Magic Harassment: Harass your foe with a spell that make him weaker and slower.

Parachute: Create a parachute to slow your fall. Longer lasting than feather fall, but only for one person and with a few downsides.

Pocket Conjuration: Conjure a single ordinary object or animal at the drop of a hat.

Poison Breath: Exhale a cone of quickly-dissipating poisonous gas.

Possessed Hand: Cause a creature's hand to be possessed and work against their self interest.

Purchase Components: Calls material components to your hand.

Ray of Rope: Get over here! Lasso the enemy in and drag them closer!

Reattach: Reattaches a severed limb.

Rickshaw: Creates a rickshaw including handler

Ride the Nightmare: Caster teleports randomly while asleep.

Solar Paneling: Attach a sunlight absorbing panel to an object or creature, giving it power, sustenance, or able to charge a focus component.

Sticky Hands: You find your hands glued to your weapon, everything you touch won't wash off!

Sting Dart: Fire a poison stinger that injures and leaves painful sore welts.

Summon Bot: Summon a Bot to fight for you. Cast it in a higher level spell slot for a stronger effect.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Elemental: Summon an elemental.

Summon Spider I: Calls spider to fight.

Unicorn's Hand: A caster who prepares this spell is never without a helping hand.

Welz's Poison Spray: Spray a toxic mist a short distance that deals damage.

Div Asterfete's Return Scrying: One scrying sensor that appears in the area also becomes a window back to its source.

Atmospheric Visualizer: You can visualize the sky as if it was clear and at any time.

Bond of the Obnoxious Commander: A spirit of an ancient legend of war guides your martial maneuvers.

Detect Heat: You detect heat sources visually.

Detect Laws: Determine the rules in the nearest settlement.

Detect Parentage: Disc determines if subjects are parent and child.

Detect Power Level: You sense the presence of life force in an area.

Discern Portal Destination: Find the destination of a portal

Ell's Great Effort: You gain a bonus to a future roll.

Focus Target: Aid your allies with accuracy. Like True Strike, but with a chance to fail.

Identify Symbol: Gain 5 + your caster level as a bonus on checks to identify symbols for what they are.

Magic Probe: Enhances a focus into a magical probe, allowing you to gauge temperature, pressure, lighting conditions, and basic knowledge from the viewpoint of the probe.

Object Insight: Gain some insight on the nature of objects and the lore surrounding them.

Pathfinder: Obtain a vision of the correct path to take, shortening overland movement times, improving tracking, and teleporting with greater accuracy.

Predict Stability: Predict the stability of your plane of existence

Sense Emotions: You sense the emotions of those around you.

Sky Eye: Project a sensor above your head up to 20 ft/level high, to gain a superior vantage point when viewing.

Sreip's Haste Vision: You can move your eyes and process their input incredibly fast, enhancing your vision and protecting you from certain effects.

True Dodge: The counterpart to true strike, this makes it easy to dodge one single attack.

Ench Fanservice: You provide some fanservice. This is rather distracting.

Half Shot: Far Shot? No, try half shot, and cut those ranges in two!

Ishara's Enticing Directive: Tell one creature to give you object, creature approaches, gives over.

Possessed Hand: Cause a creature's hand to be possessed and work against their self interest.

Power Word Pain Variant: Take damage over time, based on your remaining hp.

Punish Violence: If the afflicted target attacks, they take non-lethal damage.

Regal Presence: Your knowledge of nobility gives you a commanding presence none can ignore.

Talk Like a Pirate: Avast, mateys! When yer crew be babblin' landlubber nonsense, use this spell to bring 'em back to the talk of the salty seas.

Evoc Ashe's Mind Lance: Deal damage, interrupt spell.

Chaos Blaze: A highly random fire spell that can hurt a lot or barely do anything, who knows.

Cone of Cold, Lesser: The little brother of cone of cold, a reliable spell for low-level casters.

Cone of Melted Butter: Exactly what it says on the the tin.

Desolate, Lesser:

Devilish Spew: You breath a cone of fire and brimstone all over the place.

Fire Potency: You create a strong link between yourself and the elemental plane of fire.

Fireball, GT Variant: With muttered words, the spot you point at bursts into flames.

Firering: Invoke a ring of flames around the target, both to protect and deal damage

Flower's Flame: Throw a small explosive with just enough time for the target to choose how to react.

Gaban's Scorching Embers: You project a cone of extremely hot embers, dealing fire damage and leaving dangerous terrain behind.

Gazer Laser: Your eyes shoot lasers uncontrollably. Is this awesome?

Gust Bellow: Project a 15 ft cone of wind in front of you, a sort of long lasting but short range gust of wind.

Holt's Interposing Hand: You create a massive hand of force that grants cover to a creature of your choosing.

Ink Blot: Splash enemies with sticky ink and reveal their position.

Leaping Lightning: A bolt of lightning jumps from creature to creature.

Light Laser: Shoot a beam of light, deal damage and possibly blind.

Lightning Bolt, GT Variant: With muttered words, the spot you point at bursts into flames.

Lightning Spear: 40' line deals 4d4 electricity damage, +1d4 per two levels over first (max 8d4).

Orb of Light: Mobile ball of light provides illumination.

Power Word Ignition: A non-enchantment power word that lights objects on fire.

Quickwind Shield: Protect yourself from projectile attacks as an immediate action with a brief small-scale wind wall.

Ray of Winter: You project a ray of cold that deal damage and potentiality slow down opponents.

Sasha's Searing Light: Channel light to your hand to create a damage dealing ray.

Searing Hand: You deliver a relatively powerful burning touch, possibly causing it target to catch in flame.

Soundblast: Soundblast deals 1d6 points of sonic damage, +1 per caster level and possibly deafen a target.

Sparklers: Shoot fireworks that make a bright flash and loud noise.

Spew Acid: 20' cone deals 4d4 acid damage, +1d4 per two levels over first (max 8d4).

Stun Volt: A stunning shock deals damage and may stagger your opponent.

Surfing Disc: Create a floating disk you can surf upon.

Terry's Sonic Beatdown: A mediocre sonic spell that shine when metamagic is applied to it.

Thorns of Relentless Darkness: Attack with dark thorns, and take advantage of the surrounding shadows to increase the power of your attacks.

Welz's Booming Blade: Your weapon carries latent sonic energy, ready to burst at a moment's notice.

Illus Atmospheric Visualizer: You can visualize the sky as if it was clear and at any time.

Bot Interface: Conjure a phantom console which you can use to interact with the Bot subtype.

Color Spray: A re-balanced version of color spray.

Color Spray, Eiji: Another re-balanced version of color spray.

Gossamer Thread: Create a thread that binds a target. To them, it is strongest steel.

Kiden's Curse of Calling: A curse which cause illusory hallucination.

Mantissa's Superquintessential Archdweomer: Gives targets strong impression of being under some unknown effect.

Naked Invisibility: As the invisibility spell, but only affects your body.

Phantom Dart: Fires a quasi-real projectile which can be redirected in subsequent rounds.

Secret Sickness: Hide your illness and symptoms under an illusion, but you remain infected.

Shadow Bolt: Fires beams of shadow in mimicry that hurt above its strength, if you can believe it.

Necro Astral Fugue: Travel to the astral in your sleep, allowing you to continue activities such as crafting while resting.

Corpse Puppet: Briefly make a skeleton or zombie under your control. Cheaper than animate dead, but only for a short time.

Death's Door: Touched creature can survive at up to –20 hit points.

Drain Energy: Absorb health from a target, and transfer fatigue and exhaustion.

Dust to Dust: Destroys corpse.

Erzebet's Skull Bomb: Throws a skull, explodes for damage, slow.

Frighten: Subjects within cone flee for 5 rounds.

Kiden's Curse of Calling: A curse which cause illusory hallucination.

Leather Seed: Let a tree grow to create leather or let it consume the insides of a dead creature, leaving only its skin.

Paranoia Haunt: Cause a creature to be treated as being flanked, and render them more susceptible to further fear effects.

Phantom Palm: Make an incorporeal touch attack, and age your opponent briefly.

Sobering Skeletal Stillness: Creature with skeletal structure is unable to move.

Tasha's Tomb Tainting: Area loses special type, and may be considered desecrated.

Welz's Bone Chill: A bolt of necrotic energy disrupts a creatures ability to heal.

Welz's Bursting Sinew: Cause a body's skeleton to explode into shrapnel.

Welz's Toll of the Dead: The sound of death harms, and harms those closer to death the most.

Trans Aarnott's Epidemic: The target comes down with a disease of your choice, which with some coaxing can be accelerated rapidly.

Alter Gravity: Increase or decrease gravity on a target.

Baleful Reduce Person: A particularly disadvantageous version of reduce person, but with a reduced duration.

Bel's Ambush: Reduce a creature's initiative so you and your allies can go first.

Blossom of Razors: Your foe's organs cut them apart from the inside.

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Dry Ray: Water evaporates before your eyes, dessicating creatures and drying objects.

Elush's Leaden Investiture: Fills the targets' bodies with lead, making any kind of movement very difficult. ToP-compliant.

Elush's Limb Calcification: Begins to transform key muscles in the target's legs to stone, making movement difficult if not impossible.

Enchanted Shot: This spell grant an enhancement bonus to a single arrow or bolt, and the distance and seeking enhancement.

Enfluffen: You make things fluffier! Poof poof poof!

Flee: You run from the scene with your tail between your legs.

Gravity Sling: As magic missile, but deals higher bludgeoning damage and does not allows spell resistance.

Holt's Hemorrhaging Hematoma: You incite internal bleeding in a target, causing them to take damage and become more vulnerable to physical attack.

Inscribe: Writing implement writes on its own

Jelly Floor: This spell turns the floor into a thick layer of bouncy jelly.

Lockstep: Sets your base land speed to 30 ft. Useful if you would be slower otherwise.

Longtall: Long fighter is loooong. Extend a creature's body to attack creatures higher than you, grab high items off shelves, or form bridges.

Mastercrafting: Turn a non-masterwork item into a masterwork item.

Nealan's Erotic Touch: Touch a target to force them to, ahem, 'lose concentration'.

Nealan's Unbuckling: Instantly removes armour (or other clothing) from a target.

Phantom Dart: Fires a quasi-real projectile which can be redirected in subsequent rounds.

Pizizzap's Annoying Allergen: An annoying allergy that troubles a victim for a short period of time.

Polish: You cause a stone or metal surface to become extremely smooth and polished.

Position Drift: Every round, the target's position changes ever so slightly in one direction.

Quantum Lock: Lock an object in place, though it can be moved with sufficient strength.

Restructure, Lesser: As lesser vigor, but for unliving creatures and objects.

Rockfist: You encase your fist in rocks, allowing you to deal increased damage on a successful hit.

Tholan's Pointed Digits: Turn your fingers into darts and shoot them at the enemy.

Unstable Enlargement: As enlarge person but much faster to cast. And a lot less reliable.

Warforged Heart: Gain some of the traits of a living construct.

Weightless Object: Attended object becomes weightless.

Yau Wei's Engorged Grip: Make a creature's hands grow abnormally large. They can use larger weapons, but the hands are clumsy and take penalties.

Univ Alter Spell: You alter a spell with a metamagic effect.

Cautious Reposition: Cautiously reposition yourself out of (or into) a more dangerous position.

Encrypt/Decrypt: Encrypts or decrypts a volume of text

Terrain Arcana: Enhance the ground with a constant magical effect, which grants its benefit or penalty to anyone standing on that square.

Unlock Spell: You unprepare spells, making them empty spell slot which may be filled later.

2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Albedo Armor: Gain snow armor which reflects light and ablates fire.

Ashe's Spell Seizure: Ray that strips away spells.

Focus Spell: Increase DC of next spell cast.

Jelly Aura, Lesser: Covers target in jelly, halving bludgeoning damage.

Kinetic Forcefield: Take control of the kinetic power.

Noncompliance: Make yourself immune to compulsions for one round.

Sense No Evil: If exposed to a gaze attack, sonic effect, or pain effect and similar while under this spell you can briefly turn off that sense to save yourself.

Shimmering Forcefield: A spell which create an invisible barrier around the caster and protect her from harms.

Siege Travel: Turn a siege weapon into an unconventional form of transportation.

Static Projectile: Freeze a projectile (mundane or magical) in mid air, then redirect and release it.

Suppress Power Level: Hides your life signs, making some detection and targeting impossible.

Conj Ablative Jacket: Create a magical vest which grants a bit of temporary hit points.

Aetherion Orb: Blast of aetherion energy that targets a single creature

Bamf: Lets you teleport short distances once per round.

Biting Mist: A fog bank that slowly digests everything inside it.

Bouncy Jelly Boots: Target's feet are covered with jelly, providing a boost to movement and jumps.

Cone of Searing Wax: Fire a cone of searing wax to damage your opponents and immobilize them.

Covert Transposition: Two target creatures swap positions and assume each other's likenesses at the same time.

Create Wooden Door: Create a wooden door fit for a hallway, or up against a wall.

Cryospray: Release a constant stream of freezing cold which can ice over your opponents.

Dimension Pop: A low-level teleportation spell that is quick, but short-ranged and dangerous to use.

Dispater's Tower: Surround yourself with protective iron walls, even though it hampers your own ability to attack.

Faith's Reactive Nest: Creates a web, summons spider, traps others.

Force Bit: You create a "force bit" which can attack for you, or give defensive bonuses.

Ice Crystal Phalanx: You create a line of freezing cold which leaves sharp ice crystals in its wake.

Infernal Lash: Restrain and damage foes with diabolic chains.

Ink Splash: Coalesce a blob of ink and then shoot it as an arrow.

Instantaneous Portal: You create a short-lived portal for transportation.

Mad King's Concussive Orb: An undulating orb of force that explodes after a short time, stunning those within range. Can be cast from a higher slot to alter its power.

Mad King's Kinetic Orb: An orb of volatile force that explodes, flinging things away from it.

Mined Field: You conjure several explosive mines you hide in the ground.

Poison Needle: Conjure a poison dart to throw at your enemy.

Portal Party: You create portals around you that creatures can run through.

Rock Paper Scissors: Summon up a rock, paper, or scissors to attack your foe.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Monster: Summon an encounter of monsters.

Summon Motorcycle: Summon a warforged cycle to ride into the sunset.

Summon Spider II: Calls spider to fight.

Summon Spider Swarm: You summon a swarm of spiders, which attacks all other creatures within its area.

Summon Sweaty Strongmen: Summons a musclebound humanoid to carry stuff for you, and other small tasks.

Suppression Mist: Create a mist that suppresses mundane fire and grants fire resistance.

Swarm of Minions: Summon two minions per level, who act like a sort of swarm providing small but consistent damage.

Tesla Coil: Conjure a metal torus that shocks nearby creatures each round.

Div Analyze Object: A greater form of identify which works on non-magical objects and delivers a more detailed mundane information.

Asterfete's Scry Trace: Hijack a divination sensor to see who sent it.

Bend Fate: Sometimes you just need that little push. Increase or decrease a result by 1d4 for any d20 roll which affects or is initiated by you.

Bond of the Harden Crusader: Learn to model your martial techniques with magic.

Foretell Pain: Foretell the next most likely damage you will take within 1 round.

Heroics: You gain the benefit of a single feat.

Investigate Portal: Learn about a portal's operation and what's on the other side

Last Cast: Determine what spell was cast last from a spellcaster or item.

Magic Eye: Inscribe a magical eye on a surface and see through it with concentration.

Scan: Identifies creatures, and maybe their abilities as well.

Seeker Bee: Summon a ethereal honeybee that seeks out its target, then returns to you to rely instructions on how to get there.

Share Perception: See as someone else sees, colors by their perceptions

Spell's-Eye View: See from the perspective of your spells.

Tholan's Painful Transfer: Forcibly take information from a target.

Wandering Soul: Separate body and soul to send the second out exploring, with a great risk.

Ench Cain's Curse of Covetousness: Designate an object, which attracts creatures and causes them to fight over it.

Dream Hypnosis: You enter a creature's dream and attempt to alter their disposition.

Dyfen's Violent Flashback: You cause a creature to experience extremely realistic flashbacks, possibly wasting his or her action.

Ekbom's Egotistical Episode: Target becomes obsessed with themselves and prioritizes maintaining their own well-being above all else.

Headache: Give you target a pounding headache for a few rounds.

Imbed Suspicion: Cause a target to no longer treat their allies as allies.

Inflict Psychosis: Inflict one or more psychosis effects.

Last Word: deal damage and silence target.

Power Word The Game: You shout "The Game" at somebody, instantly making them believe they have lost whatever game they were playing.

Tarn's Violent Prophet: Let a divine spellcaster lose all control and just smite the infidels!

What's That?: Hey, did you just see that? Too late, made you look, you just provoked an AoO! Mwahahahaha!

Evoc Acid Sheath: Cover yourself in acid, resist acid damage, hurt attackers.

Bang Rounds: Create cherrybomb-like caltrops to either throw out immediately as explosives, or set as a trap.

Cone of Searing Wax: Fire a cone of searing wax to damage your opponents and immobilize them.

Continual Shade: A black continual flame which radiates darkness.

Dragon's Breath, NW: You breathe out a blast of energy.

Earthshaking Growl: Keeping your tail low and growling from deep in your throat, you make the ground rumble and shake, knocking people over.

Erupting Firebolt: You fire a bolt of flame which explodes and deals fire damage within a versatile area of effect.

Essence Rip: Tear away part of your target's Essence.

Eyebeams: With a steely glare, you fire laser beams from your eyes.

Fingertip Lightning: Fire a ray of electricity which may knock opponent prone.

Fire Path: Release a gout of flame that leaves burning puddles behind.

Flame Breath: You gain a limited breath weapon dealing moderate fire damage.

Focus Radiance: Focus nearby light onto a single point, damaging and possibly dazzling or blinding foes.

Frostbite: A simple spell used to lock enemies in Ice.

Gaban's Chaos Firelance: Gaban's Chaos Firelance is a channeled spell calling extreme heat and magical power into the form of a single fire spear.

Ice Barrage: You fire sharp chunks of ice at foes within close range, after impact they explode, dealing splash damage.

Ilyre's Conspicuous Combustion: A flashy version of combustion created by a pyromaniac sorcerer who wanted to make setting things on fire more interesting.

Ink Splash: Coalesce a blob of ink and then shoot it as an arrow.

Kiden's Combustive Torch: A powerful and utilitarian version of produce flame.

Mad King's Concussive Orb: An undulating orb of force that explodes after a short time, stunning those within range. Can be cast from a higher slot to alter its power.

Mad King's Kinetic Orb: An orb of volatile force that explodes, flinging things away from it.

Magic Option: An orbiting magical sphere that generates magic missiles when you attack.

Prismatic Edge: Enhance your weapon with prismatic power, each round brings new destruction!

Ramforce Blast: A ram-like blast of force which damages and knock back opponents

Reject Earth: You inject a great deal of kinetic energy into a surface, which immediately blasts anything on top of it into the sky!

Risky Rebounding Reaver: You shoot a sphere of force that can be reflected back at you, but you can also reflect it. Each rebound increases the stakes.

Self Bolt: You stick your tail straight in the air and bring down the lightning.

Shock Sting: Taze your opponents to stun them, or take them in nonlethally.

Spinning Slots: Create a random slot machine, whose various results produce many magical effects.

Telegraphed Firecracker: Shoot a slow moving ball of energy at someone that explodes, potentially blinding them briefly.

Tesla Coil: Conjure a metal torus that shocks nearby creatures each round.

Tremors: You cause earth to shoot up and hit people.

Witchslap: If a creature approaches you from afar, you slap them out of the way.

Illus Covert Transposition: Two target creatures swap positions and assume each other's likenesses at the same time.

Creeping Darkness: Muffle your presence, and phase out within the darkness.

Dire Wound: The affected target appears to be much worse off than they think, causing them to change their tactics.

Ekbom's Imaginary Insects: Target hallucinates insects all over their body and attacks themselves.

Expeditious Invisibility: Gain the benefits of invisibility and expeditious retreat, but at reduced duration.

Furtive Shadow: You infuse your shadow with a semblance of life, making it your temporary assistant.

Hypnotic Light: You create hypnotic lights, allowing you to enthrall your target.

Impossible Cover: When using this spell you can gain total cover from objects which otherwise are too small or thin.

Invisibility, Grimoire: A different kind of invisibility for High-level games.

Nealan's Disturbing Image: Creates a copy of the most disturbing image the target can imagine in front of them.

Phantasmal Mirror: A version of mirror image that is fast to cast, last only a short time and the images only exists in the head of the attackers.

Soundproof: You create a perfectly soundproof region, which blocks the transmission of noises from the interior to the exterior or vice-versa.

Still Invisibility: Become invisible forever, provided you never move.

Necro Bone Spurs: Generate painful bone spurs over your body. They hurt you, but they hurt the enemy more.

Borrowed Life: Temporarily raises one creature from the dead as a pseudo-zombie using the caster's own life force.

Congealing Consumption: Creatures within the area of effect become nauseated.

Dark Symmetry: Subject becomes unable to move, unless mimicking caster's movements when the caster desires.

Essence Rip: Tear away part of your target's Essence.

Fertilize: Heal swarms, flourish crops, contaminate areas, and cover objects in vines.

Form of Death: Target gains qualities of an undead creature.

Increase Susceptibility: You make your hapless victim more susceptible to diseases.

Lesser Animate Dead: As animate dead, but you don't have control...

Path of the Lost: Direct lost souls in a ranged attack that deals more damage to more insidious opponents.

Phantom Barrier: A barrier of ghostly energy grants you temporary hit points and damage reduction.

Pronounce Doom: Words and gaze kill one subject.

Soul Trap: Traps the targeted creature's essence into a soul gem when it dies.

Sterilize: Destroy weak creatures, including swarms, instantly.

Sudden Weakness: You cause a creature to take a large penalty to strength and possibly fall prone.

Tomb Tile Tessellation: Area becomes eligible to become a Tomb, and gain the effects of such a space.

Undead Tooth: You turn an undead you control into a single tooth, allowing you to conceal and carry them.

Vile Strike: Your next attack in the round deals vile damage.

Voluntary Coma: Alter your body to have reduced metabolic needs, or enter a state of false death.

Voodoo Doll: You stab a duplicate of the target with special needles, and the target suffers for it.

Wandering Soul: Separate body and soul to send the second out exploring, with a great risk.

Trans Animate Scarecrow: Infuse a spark of life in ragged scarecrows.

Arcane Key: Create a key that can automatically open an arcane lock for its holder.

Big Head Mode: The subject's head grows disproportionately large, granting sensory bonuses, but also encumbering them.

Blood Brothers: You take the target's blood and transform into a creature of his type and vice versa.

Bonfire's Rest: Magically infuse a bonfire or larger fires to increase rest's effectiveness.

Cloth Shape: Like wood shape but for cloth objects.

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Dense Weapon: Make a weapon very dense, increasing damage but making you unbalanced after attacks.

Elemental Augmentation: Enhance yourself so that when you cast an elemental spell, you gain additional bonuses in that round.

Elush's Eye-Blasting Explosion: Convert enemy's eyes to acid, explode outward.

Fire Breath, Lesser: Breathe a cone of fire for 1d4 damage/caster level

Float: Gain a hover speed (perfect) equal to your land speed.

Fluffy Bunny Beam: Turn your target (or a different target) into a fluffy bunny for a brief moment.

Furtive Shadow: You infuse your shadow with a semblance of life, making it your temporary assistant.

Galea's Reverse Merform: Turn a creature into a reverse mermaid.

Healing Humidifier: Convert a potion into a thin mist that provides its healing benefits over a large area over time.

Heavy Weapon: Make a weapon unusually heavy, which could be a boon or a bane.

Human Form: Target assumes appearance and form of a humanoid.

Lesser Baleful Polymorph: baleful polymorph's little sibling

Lesser Imbue Sentience: Imbue a non-living object with primative sentience for a short time.

Lesser Item Morph: Turn your opponents into inanimate objects.

Light Weapon: Make a weapon unusually light, which could be a boon or a bane.

Mark of Summoning: Places a mark on a creature or object that allows the caster to summon it to him with summoning magic.

Nealan's Erotic Gaze: Makes those that you stare at 'lose concentration' at a distance.

Ohm's Electrified Equipment: Electrify metal armor or weapon, either helping or hindering the wielder.

Phase Face: Look through a wall by pressing your face into it.

Pizizzap's Bothersome Allergen: A bothersome allergy that troubles a victim for a short period of time.

Power Word Shove: A non-enchantment power word, it shoves creatures and objects away.

Quick Crafting: When you cast this spell, any crafting you do goes three times as fast!

Ritual of Resizing: Resize an item, typically a weapon or armor, or refit an armor to your use.

Shape Cloud: Shape fogs and clouds, allowing you to make passages as needed.

Shylock's Revenge: With a touch you drain the fat from a creature, transferring it to yourself, simultaneously crippling an opponent and safeguarding yourself.

Siege Travel: Turn a siege weapon into an unconventional form of transportation.

Springed Arms: Make your arms become extendable springs to gain reach with your fists.

Static Projectile: Freeze a projectile (mundane or magical) in mid air, then redirect and release it.

Time Loop: You force a moment to repeat itself three times, picking the version of events that best suits your needs.

Totemic Power: A replacement of the Animal's X spells.

Triple Enchanted Shot: As enchanted shot, except the arrow split into three when fired.

Undead Tooth: You turn an undead you control into a single tooth, allowing you to conceal and carry them.

Univ Trailing Arcane Mark: This arcane mark leaves an easily traceable magical trail in its wake.

3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Abjur Arcane Bane: Ray weakens ability for creature to use magical abilities.

Ashe's Transformative Counterspell: You create a barrier that dispels magical effects.

Brief Dismissal: This functions as dismissal, but only for a short period of time.

Defiance: Harden your body against foes, or make them regret outnumbering you.

Directional Shielding: A six sided barrier appears around you, ablating damage and providing protection against flankers.

Empower Royal Kiss: Give aristocrat the ability to break an enchantment with a kiss

Explosive Runes, Variant: A remake of explosive runes, make it less cheesy and more usable in battle.

Greater Endure Elements: Endure elements now will protect you from any temperature extreme, and allows you to perform acts of physical endurance.

Hijack Spell: Steal one spell.

Planar Deportation: A minor version of Dismissal and Banishment.

Practice Field: Create sphere that allows creatures to deal nonlethal damage.

Prismatic Armor: Don a suit of prismatic armor, whose AC changes each round.

Protection from Radiation: Protect yourself against the harmful effects of excessive radiation and [Light] effects.

Spell Shield: Creates a magical barrier that protects against incoming spells.

Suppress Enchantment: As break enchantment except temporary.

Wei Yu's Oceanic Shield: An instantaneous shield that protect the caster from harm and is especially potent at warding off fire.

Conj Acid Rain: You conjure a cloud of acidic precipitation that melts down whatever is caught inside.

Aetherion Burst: Burst of aetherion deals damage in a 15-ft. cone

Belladone's Fiendish Defender: Summon a fiendish warrior, though they are contained to an area.

Binding Contract: Make a powerful magical contract between two creatures.

Bio: Target takes 1d6 damage/level (max 10d6), 2 Constitution damage.

Cone of Steam: Release a burst of superheated steam, leaving a cloud of mist in its wake.

Coward's Reprieve: Escape into extradimensional maze.

Dimension Shift: Close-range noncombat teleport

Ectoplasmic Strangulation: You create hand, claws and other appendages from ectoplasm and send them out to attack and harass your foes.

Flak Burst: You project a cone of high-speed metal projectiles, particularly effective against mirror images.

Gnawing Maggots: Causes ravenous maggots to sprout from the target's body, causing bloody lacerations.

Hollow Point Ray: A bullet of force pierces the target, then explodes outward in a wave of shrapnel.

Lesser Teleport: As teleport, but with greater failure chance, longer casting time, and increased components.

Mass Backstab: Backstab everyone at once, dealing your sneak attack damage!

Palanquin Procession: Create a procession of palanquins, including bearers.

Persistent Summon Monster: As the summon monster spells, but when your summons die they come right back!

Pogonip Bomb: Creature a small of pressurized cold energy that deals damage to one target, then detonates into a fog cloud.

Sasha's Switcheroo: You create portals around you that creatures can run through.

Summon Construct: Summon a construct.

Summon Elemental: Summon an elemental.

Summon Kamikaze Fiend: Summon a "kamikaze fiend" to act as a minion. As the name implies, they seem most effective when their self destructing on your opponents.

Summon Sharkgun: Summon a sharkgun, a gun that fires sharks! This is silly.

Summon Spider III: Calls spider to fight.

Vile Smoke: Black, burning smoke billows from the touched object or structure.

Wall of Paper: Form a wall of paper that blocks line of sight and line of effect, but is very easy to breach.

Div Dibonation: Lets you critical hit or sneak attack creatures normally immune to such.

Discern Ancestry: Determine if a creature has a specific ancestor.

Locate Portal: Find a portal within 1 mile/caster level

See Through Fog: See through fogs, smoke, and gases as if they weren't there.

Snowman Sentry: Make a snowman which will alert you when creatures come near, and let you see and hear through it.

Zone of OSHA-Compliance: Creates a bubble around you in which nothing can go wrong. Trust me.

Ench Babble: Curse a creature to never be understood again.

Binding Contract: Make a powerful magical contract between two creatures.

Bolster Spirit: Bravery and morale surges through you, carrying you towards victory in battle.

Data Mine: The more you knoooow.... the more this spell will hurt.

Dyfen's Mind Corrosion: You cause the mind a creature to quickly deteriorate based on the action they take.

Fallacy: Use logical fallacies to distract and aid in social checks.

Fight or Flight: Target has a fight or flight response and is panicked and/or enraged.

Hypnotism, Greater: A more powerful version of hypnotism.

Mage Drain:

Polymorphic Hypnotism: Make the target believe it has been the subject of baleful polymoprh.

Sibling Rivalry: Target grows jealous of allies and attacks them.

Terrify Into Submission: Frighten weak or weakened creature into trusting you

Truth Serum: A potion which forces the drinker to speak the truth.

Uncontrolled Mentality: Render yourself immune (and then resistant) to mind-affecting effects, but drive yourself mad in the process.

Evoc Arcane Mallet: This spell creates a hammer made of force, which can be used in melee or thrown.

Brown Note: It was only a matter of time before someone devised a spell to make people crap themselves.

Channeled Fireball: A channeled version of the fireball.

Chaos Beam Blossom: You spin around shooting lasers in all directions indiscriminately.

Cocoon of Quick Rest: By manipulating quantum energy you infuse the bed with accelaration that is released into the body of who sleeps in it, allowing a rapid and restful sleep.

Concussive Blast: Create a shockwave that knocks targets away.

Destructive Bark: You slam your tail downwards, smack the ground, and bark, destroying and deafening all in your path.

Devastation Inhalation: With a gigantic breath, you release an earth-shaking belch and a gout of acidic gas.

Dragon Roar: Roar with the might of a dragon, instilling fear in your weaker foes.

Essence Inhalation: Inhale a part of your target's Essence.

Essence Ward: A spell that wards the target from Essence damage.

Fang Attack: You shoot your fangs at people.

Firestar: A variant of fireball, it is stronger and concussive but is easily telegraphed.

Force Fence: You create a weaker miniature wall of force to act as a barrier.

Frostfire Spray: Release two cones of fire and cold damage. If you overlap them it becomes more difficult to resist.

Gale Force: Generate a large blast of wind shaped in various forms.

Holt's Extra Hands: You gain extra hands.

Holt's Forceful Hand: As Holt's interposing hand, except the hand can also pimp slap enemies.

Impale: Impale your enemies into the air, then watch them fall.

Incessant Momentum: When under the effects of this spell, its like you're ice skating on frictionless feet whenever you get going.

Jack-o'-lantern Bomb: A necromantic fireball that can seek it target and deal negative energy damage.

Jet Flame: This spell creates a jet of pressurized air and fire, sending opponents to the ground and you into the air.

Magic Chaser: A magic missile effect which scales poorly, but goes off every round autonomously.

Magic Hovermissile: Magic missile hovers, waiting to distract the target at a key moment.

Magic Missile Battery: Spam magic missile at the darkness!

Magic Volley: Summon a swarm of magic missiles, which protect you and you can release as an immediate action.

Mantis Shrimp Spear: Conjures a spear that attacks faster than the eye can follow, generates shockwaves underwater.

Pandemonic Scream: A cacophonic scream from the lower planes

Power Word Break: A non-enchantment power word that sunders unattended objects.

Restore Essence: Tear away part of your target's Essence.

Scorching Column: Generate columns of flame which can move on their own and take attacks of opportunity.

Shards of Winter: Shards of ice pierce an area

Swanlight: Manifests multiple lights which can be turned off and on for the duration.

Tomoe's Sucker Shock: A shcoking grasp which deal extra sneak attack damage and always result in a critical hit if your opponent is flat-footed.

True Darkness: Creatures true darkness in area

Verdant Bolt: Shoot arrows of light that harm, bind, and inconvenience a foe.

Vibralloy: Make the metal vibrate until it breaks like glass.

Volcanic Plume: A small eruption deals damage and knock affected creature prone, reaches into the air.

Wei Yu's Water Spears: Create and fire spears of highly pressurized water.

Wildfire: Burn a target with ever-spreading fire.

Zone of OSHA-Compliance: Creates a bubble around you in which nothing can go wrong. Trust me.

Illus Cold Intolerance: Affected creatures are convinced they are freezing to death, taking Dex damage and perhaps dying.

Curse of Cacophonous Chorus: You curse the target to be hounded by a terrible noise almost 24/7. They simply cannot concentrate.

Rien's Spontaneous Regression: This spell's target regresses to a more pleasant time, entering a euphoric, stupor-like state.

Shadow Jelly: You create an illusory mass of jelly to block progress.

Vera's Bewildering Conversation: Causes others to see/hear the caster saying different things.

Necro Animate Objects, Variant: A remake of the animate objects spell.

Belladone's Curse of Stolen Boons: You curse a creature so that the next beneficial spell that is cast upon them affects you instead.

Bone Spear: You fire a spear of bone, either in a line or against a single target.

Corpse Bomb: A nearby corpse or corpse creature explodes for 1d8 damage/caster level.

Curse of Acting Manually: Curse your opponent with incompetence, so that they cannot focus on seeing and walking or other multiple tasks at the same time.

Death Ray: A ray that deals negative energy damage, can be concentrated on, and prevent stabilization.

Ectoplasmic Strangulation: You create hand, claws and other appendages from ectoplasm and send them out to attack and harass your foes.

Erzebet's Soul-Flensing Ligature: Grabs target's soul, positive damage in area, daze.

Essence Inhalation: Inhale a part of your target's Essence.

Essence Ward: A spell that wards the target from Essence damage.

Grave's Chill: Call the coldness of the grave upon your enemies.

Jack-o'-lantern Bomb: A necromantic fireball that can seek it target and deal negative energy damage.

Puppet Dance: You gain control over a subjects physical movements.

Restore Essence: Tear away part of your target's Essence.

Tasha's Tomb Transport: Transports caster and others from one tomb to another.

Tonguebite: Prevent your foes from talking, lest they bite their tongue.

Vampiric Protection: A Vampire no longer has to worry about the sun as long as this spell is active.

Withering Glare: Briefly ages target.

Trans Accelerate Time: A more powerful version of haste, but limited to a single creature.

Acceleration Ring: You create a barrier which accelerates allies and projectiles passing through, and hampers opponents moving through it. With time, you can use it to launch yourself far distances.

Adipose Armor: Gain great defenses, but become heavily encumbered.

Alien Limb: The enemy grows a violent tentacle which immediately attempts to slaughter its unwilling host.

Animate Objects, Variant: A remake of the animate objects spell.

Anthropomorphize Animal: Make an animal more humanoid.

Arcane Grace: Armor interrupts your casting less.

Chill Object: Can chill cloth, wood, metal, stone, water, earth, air - and fire.

Cloudshape: Become a fog

Cure Wounds - Zhen Variant:

Density: Either enlarge and weaken an object, or shrink and harden.

Dull Weapon: This minimizes the damage on a weapon.

Ell's Erratic Lifespark: Give life to an object, which projects to move around randomly and without purpose.

Enchanted Volley: As enchanted shot, except that it can be used on full attack and be fired as a cone.

Enhance Potion: This spell raises a potion's caster level among other possibilities.

Enlarge Item: The target object grows four size categories larger than before.

Expanding Breath: Extend the range of your breath weapon, or shape it into a line or a cone.

Feather: Lightens the target's load.

Flameshape: I am the Human Torch!!

Frog Touch: Reshape weak or weakened creature into harmless animal

Fuse Weapons: Fuse two weapons together into a new transforming weapon.

Fustigate: Improve blunt weapons

Gnawing Maggots: Causes ravenous maggots to sprout from the target's body, causing bloody lacerations.

Graviton Implosion: Pull targets together to a single point.

Heat Object: Can heat cloth, wood, metal, stone, water, earth, air - and fire.

Icarus Wings: Grow a pair of wax wings to fly, but don't fly too close to the sun or...

Ice of the Frozen Cavern: Cover the ground immediately under the target with incredibly selectively slippery ice.

Infectious Affliction: When you are afflicted by a status effect, your body becomes a carrier capable of passing the effect off to another by touch.

Invert Motion: Reverse the direction creatures move in, causing them to move in unexpected ways.

Ionic Generator: Turn your body into an electric battery.

Jelly Legs: Target's legs become gelatinous, limiting its mobility.

Jerri's Random Self Polymorph: You decided to turn yourself into a random hodgepodge of things. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Levitate, Hostile: A offensive version of the levitate spell which can deal heavy damage but last a short time.

Lycanthropy: Target takes on the form of an animal or magical beast.

Merform: Turn into a mer-creature, able to swim and breath water but having a hampered time on land.

Night Slash: You turn invisible, then make an attack against many creatures

Overfluff: Cause a furry creature to grow excessive hair, to their detriment.

Pearl Shape: You alter the shape of an object made of pearl.

Rebirth from Stone: Gives new life to petrified creature

Refresh Magic: The antithesis of dispel magic; a spell that prolongs magical effects.

Restructure: As vigor, but for unliving creatures.

Restructure, Mass Lesser: As mass lesser vigor, but for unliving creatures.

Sawtooth Blade: Turn a normal weapon into a chainsaw weapon, or improve chainsaw weapons.

Scramble Time: Reroll initiative, maybe this time you will get lucky!

Solidify: Metal objects touched become nigh-indestructible and rustproof.

Spell Toggle: Attach a command word to an existing spell effect, allowing it to be toggled on or off.

Temper: You temper materials, making them unnaturally rugged.

Temper Weapon: This maximizes the damage on a weapon.

Train Link: Links multiple creatures or objects in a "train", moving at the speed and patterns of its lead.

Transfixion: Improve a piercing weapon

Traver's Tongue Serpent: Subject's tongue transforms into a snake.

Watershape: Turn into water, passing through cracks and being amorphous.

Wildfire: Burn a target with ever-spreading fire.

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