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Author: Azya (talk)
Date Created: 12 July 2014
Status: Just Begun
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Medieval India[edit]

Re-purposing this sandbox to the Indian campaign setting.

Player Info World Reference Running the Setting
Character Creation
Rules and advice for Creating Characters.
The many races of the Burning Sands.
The classes available to characters.
Character Options
All the ways to customize characters.
Gear and Equipment
All the miscellaneous stuff you'll ever need.
The mystical forces of India.
History, times, eras.
  • The History of the *Insert Name Here*
Rituals, hierarchies, legends, oral traditions.
Geography and Environment
Places and locations of interest.
Deities, Demigods, and Heroes
All the divinity in the multiverse.
Cosmology and the Planes
The layout of the cosmos.
NPCs, Minions, and Notables
All the people your players may see, talk to, or kill.
Dangers and Diseases
Painful and disgusting things to torture players.
The vile beasts, horrid creatures, and savage species.
Information on this campaign and suggestions.
Names, Naming, and Flavor
Just a little note on naming conventions and how they affect flavor.
Running a Campaign
Basics on how to run a game with this setting.
Adventures and Quests
Things to do.