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Author: DanielDraco (talk)
Date Created: 10-28-2012
Status: v0.0
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The Screwdriver Fallacy[edit]

Orange juice becomes alcoholic when combined with vodka, therefore orange juice is per se alcoholic.

(In)finite Regress -- a working outline for my own purposes[edit]

  • Thesis Statement: It is a mistake to evaluate material on the basis of how it mixes with differently-rated material
    • Why? The balance categories must be mutually exclusive
      • Why? The categories must be kept exclusive to be useful. Therefore, if one is utilizing the categories, one must not consider situations in which categories are mixed, because the categories are not useful in such situations.
        • Why does the usefulness of the categories require exclusivity?
        • Why must the categories be useful?
        • What happens when material falls within the blurry overlap between two categories? The more unclear a piece of material's placement is, the less useful the categories are. (Good example supporting ../)


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