User:Leziad/Archive/Formshifter (3.5e Class)
{{author |author_name=Leziad |date_created=28th January 2015 |adopter= |date_adopted= |status=Finished |editing= |balance=Very High }}<div class="blank"> [[Summary::A formshifter is a strange shapechanger who instead of transforming into wildly different form focus on changing her base form, growing new weapons and limbs.]] [[Minimum Level::1]] [[Class Ability::Other]] [[Class Ability Progression::Other]] {{3.5e Class Alignments | lg, ng, cg, ln, n, cn, le, ne, ce}} </div>
A formshifter is a special type of shapechanger, using their ability not only to change themselves in odd ways. While normal shapechanger will turn into fearsome creatures, formshifters prefer growing natural weapon, hardening their skin, changing their features and even growing new limbs. While the formshifter cannot easily alter into other things they are master at altering themselves.
Making a Formshifter[edit]
Abilities: As a rather unique case, formshifters do not depend on any given ability scores for their class abilities. The overwhelming majority will enjoy a large constitution for hit point and fortitude. A formshifter focused on spying will find great uses in charisma while one based around melee combat will enjoy great strength. Intelligence is always appreciable for the bonus skill points it grant while high wisdom is useful for will save and perception-based skill checks.
Races: Formshifters can be from any races, although races that dislike magic-users are not as likely to be formshifters.
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: As rogue.
Starting Age: Simple.
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the Formshifter.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A formshifter is proficient with all simple weapons but no form of armor or shield.
Biological Resistance (Ex): A formshifter receive a add her class level as a bonus on all saving throw against disease and poison. Additionally she abilities allow her to last one additional round per class before suffocating, she can last one day per class level without eating or drinking before suffering penalties and she need to sleep one less hour per day per class level (until she do not need to sleep anymore at 0).
Cosmetic Morph (Su): A 1st level formshifter can change her appearance at will as per the limits of disguise self except it is not an illusion (not pierced by abilities that pierce illusion) and it duration is instantaneous.
At 3rd level her abilities have significantly improved, your cosmetic morph ability now follow the limit of alter form in addition to disguise self (she do not gain other benefits of alter form such as the healing or the ability to change others, simply the limit of the transformation). Additionally whenever she use her cosmetic morph ability she may choose one of the ability below, she benefit from it for as long as she stay in her current form.
Beauty: You make yourself really attractive, non-hostile creatures of the opposite gender (and some of the same) that are attracted to your type are one step friendlier towards you than normal (to a maximum of Friendly). This is only an 'initial attitude' - if you take any actions that harm or offend them, their attitude will adjust appropriately.
Obvious: You make yourself extremely obvious, creatures take a +8 penalty to spot you.
Plain: You look extremely plain and normal, creatures take a -8 penalty to spot you in a crowd.
Terror: You make yourself look really scary, you gain a +4 bonus on intimidate checks. Creatures vulnerable to [fear] effects take a -2 moral penalty on attack and damage rolls against you.
Morphic Weapon (Su): A formshifter has the ability to morph natural weapons as a move action. She may only morph a single natural weapon a time and only has a limited number of natural weapon she may morph at any time (see the table above). If she attempt to morph a weapon while she is at her maximum number of natural weapon she may replace one of her morphed natural weapon with a new one. She may 'un'-morph any number of her natural weapon as a move action. She need to have the limbs necessary and available to use morphic weapon (she may not sprout an additional pair of claws without an additional pair or arms nor could she morph a bite attack if she lack a head) but otherwise she is may pick the same moprhic weapon multiple times. Unlike normal natural weapons, morphic weapons can be used as part of a full-attack granted by base attack bonus.
Her morphic weapon are morphed instantaneously and thus have no duration to speak of, additionally while the ability to morph these natural weapon is supernatural the weapons themselves are extraordinary.
The formshifter choose from the following list of natural weapons (the damage listed if for a medium formshifter):
- Claws: The formshifter gain 2 claws attacks dealing 1d4 slashing damage with 20/x2 critical. This count as a single morphic weapon.
- Bite: The formshifter gain 1 bite attack dealing 1d6 piercing or slashing damage with 20/x2 critical.
- Horns: The formshifter gain 1 gore attack dealing 1d8 piercing damage with 20/x2 critical.
- Slam: The formshifter gain 1 slam attacks dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage with 20/x2 critical.
- Whiptail: This natural weapon is essentially a whip. It benefit from any feat or ability dealing with whips. The formshifter need to have at least 3 class levels before she can morph this natural weapon.
- Talons: The formshifter gain 2 talon attacks dealing 1d4 slashing damage with 20/x2 critical. This count as a single morphic weapon. The formshifter need to have at least 3 class levels before she can morph this natural weapon.
- Demon Claws: The formshifter gain 2 claws attacks dealing 1d8 slashing damage with 19-20/x2 critical. This count as a single morphic weapon. The formshifter need to have at least 9 class levels before she can morph this natural weapon.
- Shark Bite: The formshifter gain 1 bite attack dealing 1d10 piercing or slashing damage with 20/x3 critical, each hit also deal 2 point of bleedout. The formshifter need to have at least 9 class levels before she can morph this natural weapon.
- Vicious Horns: The formshifter gain 1 gore attack dealing 1d10 piercing damage with 20/x4 critical, you gain the benefit of the impale feat while attacking with this gore attack. The formshifter need to have at least 9 class levels before she can morph this natural weapon.
- Massive Slam: The formshifter gain 1 slam attacks dealing 1d12 bludgeoning damage with 19-20/x2 critical. As a standard action you can make massively powerful attack, creatures you hit must make a reflex save (DC is strength-based) or fall prone and 2d10 points of additional damage for every size category you exceed them. The formshifter need to have at least 9 class levels before she can morph this natural weapon.
Shapechanger (Ex): A 1st level formshifter gain the shapechanger subtype.
Extend Limbs (Su): A 2nd level the formshifter has learned how to extend her limbs, this allow her to manipulate objects outside of her up to 20 feet outside of her reach. The distance she may do so double for each size category she is over medium and is halved for each size category she is under small. While she may manipulate objects (such as dragging a box or activating a level) she is unable to use this ability to attack or activate magic items.
Multiattack (Ex): At 2nd level the formshifter gain the multiattack feat as a bonus feat even if she do not meet the prerequisites. However she may only use it with natural weapons created by her morphic weapons.
Variable Adaptation (Su): A 2nd level the formshifter is capable of spontaneously adapt to her environment, growing gills underwater or a heatproof skin in a extremely hot environment. After staying 3 consecutive rounds in a particular environment she adapt to it as per adapt body. Despite being able to adapt to almost anything she still may still need to breath and thus might still suffocate in airless environment.
At 14th level she adapt to her environment instantaneous.
Rapid Recovery (Su): At 3rd level a formshifter gain one third of her class level (rounded down) in rapid healing.
At 6th level it become fast healing.
At 9th level it become pseudo-regeneration.
Variable Build (Su): A 3rd level formshifter gain both powerful build and slight build as her form shift whenever it would be advantageous.
Hard Skin (Ex): A 4th level formshifter's skin become extremely hard, capable of weathering almost any attack. She gain an armor bonus equal to 4 plus half her class level.
Morphic Reach (Ex): At 4th level and each 4 level thereafter the formshifter's natural reach increase by 5'.
Size Alteration (Su): At 5th level a formshifter gain the ability to radically increase or decrease her size. She may as a move action either increase or decrease her size by one size category, her magic items also scale with her but her nonmagic item do not (and thus either break or fall off). She may grow or shrink by on additional size category at 10th level and each 5 level thereafter (to a maximum of titanic/fine).
The bonus for growing in size are listed on the following table, for shrinking simply reverse the bonuses and penalties:
Old Size | New Size | Str | Dex | Con | Natural Armor | AC/Attack |
Fine | Diminutive | +2 | -2 | +2 | +1 | -4 |
Diminutive | Tiny | +2 | -2 | +2 | +1 | -2 |
Tiny | Small | +2 | -2 | +2 | +2 | -1 |
Small | Medium | +2 | -2 | +2 | +2 | -1 |
Medium | Large | +2 | -2 | +2 | +2 | -1 |
Large | Huge | +2 | -2 | +2 | +2 | -1 |
Huge | Gargantuan | +4 | -2 | +4 | +3 | -2 |
Gargantuan | Colossal | +8 | -2 | +8 | +5 | -4 |
Colossal | Titanic | +16 | -2 | +16 | +9 | -8 |
This ability is quite straining, the formshifter may only stay only use size alteration for a number of continuous round equal to her class level, upon which she return to her normal size immediately. Once she use size alteration she may not use it for 1 hour.
At 19th level the formshifter no longer has a limited time while using size alteration nor does she need to wait 1 hour between ability uses.
Morph Limbs (Ex): At 5th level the formshifter gain the ability to sprout additional limbs. This ability require amove action to use and use up one of her morphic weapon 'slot'. She may select a limbs from the list below:
- Arms: The formshifter sprout an additional pair of arms, she take a -4 penalty on attack rolls made with these arms.
- Legs: The formshifter sprout an additional pair of leg, increasing her base land speed by 10'.
- Fins: The formshifter morph part of limbs into fins, giving her a swim speed equal to her land speed.
- Wings: The formshifter sprout some wings, granting her a fly speed equal to twice her base land speed (average).
These limbs follow the same rules as morphic weapons.
Regrowth (Su): At 7th level can regrow as her limbs as a full-round action (as per regenerate). Her limbs regrow naturally after 1d4 rounds without additional efforts.
Redundant Vitals (Ex): At 8th level a formshifter is capable of forming additional vital organs and moving them around her body away from harm. She automatically stabilize from dying and is immune to bleeding damage, critical hits, stunning and death from massive damage. If she loses her head, she does not die. Her intelligence drops to 1 and she is blind and deaf and will soon suffocate, but she may continue fighting in such a state until her head regrow.
Second Life (Su): At 10th level a formshifter may grant herself 10 temporary hit point per class level as a 1 round action once per day, these temporary hit points last for 24 hours.
Biological Perfection (Ex): At 11th level a formshifter is more or less biologically perfect, she become immune to both diseases and poisons and even receive the true immunity feat for both. She also no longer need to breath, drink or eat and cease to age (losing any bonus or penalty accrued from aging).
Evershifting Form (Su): At 13th level a formshifter is capable of using any of her formshifter class feature which required a move action as a swift action instead. She may also spend a full-round action to make them usable as free actions until the end of her turn (essentially wasting her turn using a nigh unlimited amount of different transformation).
Immortal Regrowth (Su): At 18th level the formshifter is essentially immortal, she will regrow from her body 1 hour within death as long as a small piece of it remain. She return to life with 1 hit point per hit die and staggered for 1 hour. The only way to keep her down is to utterly destroy the body (such as disintegrating it or burning it to ashes).