User:MisterSinister/TOToM (3.5e Sourcebook)/SRP4/Wizard Spells by Level

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Wizard Spells[edit]


1st Level[edit]

   Abjur None
   Conj Grease: Creates a patch of slippery terrain, or coats something in grease.

   Div None
   Ench Twist Tongue: Cause a verbal component to fail.

   Evoc None
   Illus None
   Necro None
   Trans None
   Univ None

2nd Level[edit]

   Abjur None
   Conj None
   Div None
   Ench None
   Evoc Breath of the Dragon: Breath a line or cone of energy.

Colour Spray: A big cone of clashing colours.

   Illus None
   Necro None
   Trans None
   Univ None
   Abjur None
   Conj Aberrant Summons: Summon aberrations to aid you.

   Div None
   Ench None
   Evoc None
   Illus None
   Necro None
   Trans None
   Univ None

3rd Level[edit]

   Abjur None
   Conj None
   Div None
   Ench None
   Evoc Detonation: A big burst of energy that knocks people over and blinds or deafens them.

   Illus None
   Necro None
   Trans Shrink Item: It makes plushies out of things.

   Univ None

4th Level[edit]

   Abjur None
   Conj None
   Div None
   Ench None
   Evoc None
   Illus None
   Necro None
   Trans None
   Univ Fly: The spell that lets you fly.

5th Level[edit]

   Abjur None
   Conj Acid Fog: Creates a fog that also burns people with acid.

   Div None
   Ench None
   Evoc None
   Illus None
   Necro None
   Trans None
   Univ None

6th Level[edit]

7th Level[edit]

   Abjur None
   Conj None
   Div None
   Ench Irresistible Dance: The best dance ever.

   Evoc None
   Illus None
   Necro None
   Trans None
   Univ None

8th Level[edit]

9th Level[edit]